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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    fs kahr MK9 mag

    Hope it does I have no use for it. I bought it for the wife and I think it might have been shot with twice maybe before she traded thr mk9 off.
  2. I don't have video yet, will be see how well the dash cam captured it. Not sure what type of motorcycle it was, but it appeared to be a sport bike or dual sport bike towing a stand up jet ski cruising in the left lane down the interstate. I was flabber gasted. I
  3. crb

    fs kahr MK9 mag

    I have a Kahr MK9 6 round mag like new. $20 to your door
  4. I agreed with you until this statement. I dont think changing the sights, grips, polishing feed ramp, etc could harm you I'm a case. I would not put skull mag plates on or stuff like that. Bad idea in my opinion: I do not believe these could harm.you in court honestly.
  5. Contests! Can you make sandwhiches while flying.
  6. And your decision is just as stupid as theirs!
  7. Shoot either shoot often. And for defense ammo use hollow points or frangibiles, full metal jacets will use go through and through.
  8. You missed my point I would recommend a minimum of a 4 week course, and then going to a company that trains you as a solo. There are a couple good deals on training. I would steer clear of the contracts with companies. My cousin got stick with a $13,000 bill because he didn't stay a year, his wife got stuck with another $13,000 bill.
  9. Medication isn't always necessary, talking to a shrink may help.
  10. I would NEVER recommenda two week program . I've had my cdl since I was 19, and taught myself to pass the test. Oh and if you have a CDL and no schooling swift will put you right in the truck with a trainer no school required. If he decides to look into getting his cdl I would be happy to pass along my knowledge. Drive a truck isn't easy on the hone life.
  11. I have a degree so does my wife. The point us unless your something that's hiring its useless. For what he ie looking at it might benefit him. To go for a generic degree is a waste of time and money. Your still in school so you think its great. A lot of the computer kind dried up or don't pay that much anymore sure there ate some but nitike before.
  12. Jupiter would come into this thread with your bad info and nonsense. Cdl is am option but be prepared to be gone for weeks for the first year. There are some bereft hometime options. I would take out a loan for $7k to do. Oh and I didn't. I make excellent money driving a truck but its not for everyone.
  13. Taking classes a little ay a time might not be bad the price of school is outrageous! Just because they want a degree doesn't mean they won't hire you. Trust me. I've newb offered Jove without the "required degree". I wouldn't take put student loans to take classes as toy will be very depressed when the bill comes due. Once again trust me. Even your dream job won't help if you miss 4+ years of your kids life and wake up $80k+ more in debt. Trust me!
  14. Schooling isn't necessarily the answer either as there are many college educated people with big studentoan payments working for little over minimum wage. College is over rated today. Have you considered finding some time for yourself? Take up a hobby, spend some time near nature. I was in a slump too which is when I bought my bike. Don't get my wrong I make excellent money I wad just depressed.
  15. Maybe its tome for a career change, counceling, and well that's all I got. Suicide is never the answer think about your kids. I do feel your pain I'm sick of working my ads off just to see the recipient class swipe theory government card, and them pay cwdh for the tobacoo and alcohol. They them climb I'm their newer car than mine and drive off pumping the jams with their $5,000 sound system and $4,000+ tires and rims. If you think a divorce is coming I recommend marriage counseling, not enough couples fight through the tough times in todays world. If you and I quit how will the recipients eat and get all their "free stuff"
  16. crb

    screw my boss

    I thought you already have benefits from the high paying job. Also you want so much for your family yet you smoke and chew? Hell you'll get another raise if you quit. I'm not sure how anyone chooses to smoke with the price of cigs.
  17. crb

    screw my boss

    So if you didn't use mouth wash how did you get the taste of kiss out of your mouth. With that extra quarter maybe you can afford to stop at the DG-mart and get something to get the taste of sweaty balls out of your mouth. Congrats on the raise, might also look into knew pads ad your gonna tear the Hell out of your knees. Never been in your situation but I'm sure your just taking a load for your family.
  18. crb

    screw my boss

    Did you at least use mouth wash before kissing your wife?
  19. crb

    Ammo Deals.

    Yep! If anybody from NEO wants anything from aimsurplus pm me as I will down there to pick up some 762x54r on May 4.
  20. I wondered why we have two threads from the same OP with what appear to be duplicate posts. Cause I didn't post in this thread until my previous post.
  21. Is casper moving stuff around? This is like deja be man!
  22. casper how much to temporarily or even permanently ban him? Set your price I'm sure we can take up a collection. Or exarch would you mind threatening a forum member? Please? Just pretends he is your boss.
  23. crb

    screw my boss

    How the hell did you make it in the military with your attitude? Did you cuss out your superior officers?
  24. And its forever etched in stone because he can't change the title even if he edited his posts. Oops.
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