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Everything posted by crb

  1. Maybe he should have done that before bashing them here. Maybe I go about things differently. I wouldn't run my mouth about being done wrong about a business here before I gave them a chance do hear about it and potentially do something.
  2. crb

    screw my boss

    The point is you don't talk to your boss like that. Maybe you should respect the gsg t that he can tell potential employeers how you talked to him. in this economy you shouldn't burn any bridges!
  3. crb

    screw my boss

    I'm gonna run out of rep.
  4. crb

    SCCY industries 9mm

    Got ya I think I will skip it. I was thinking about it for a glove box gun. If I want something I have to worry about going bang I will buy a hipoint.
  5. So the short version is the OP didn't inspect a used bike and is PO'd because it needs an air filter and something else on a used bike. WAAAA! WAAAAA! so instead of calling them to see if they will help you out, you decided it would be better to bad mouth a sure sponsor without giving them a chance. Not that they really owe you anything in my book! I suppose you had to change the oil too. Basically I think your a acting like a douchebag! Better IP?
  6. +1 Exarch do you stunt, race mustangs, flap your arms while riding?
  7. Cia has been in the drug business for years, decades even. Not clicking the links as they are s waste of time.
  8. crb

    SCCY industries 9mm

    I was interested for $239.95 but they're sold out now. I've never heard of them either.
  9. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F1SCCGCPX2CB&name=SCCY+Ind.+CPX2+9mm+Handgun&groupid=3 Anybody know anything about these? Price seems good as long as they aren't junk.
  10. No he's Muslim duh! He's in the kill all infidels that refuse to convert religion.
  11. crb

    screw my boss

    All parents think their kids are smart. Hell I bet your parents thought you were smart at 2 and look at you now. Oh and your wife has a secret to tell you. I don't want to spoil the surprise though!
  12. crb

    screw my boss

    I'm confused now! You spend 2-3 hrs playing hop pop with your kids EVERY morning, yet your kid rushed you out the door ? Which is it? Does your kid rush you out the door so your gone before his REAL dad shows up? You spend an awful lot of time making unreadable posts, bitching, trolling, and outfit.g your foot in your mouth. Do your days have more hours in them than mine?
  13. crb

    screw my boss

    Maybe they would like to spend time with their father, money isn't everything. Neither is stuff! (In a Verne Troyer voice). Look at me I can triple too! Get in my belly! (Puts punitive to lips and gives off evil laugh)
  14. crb

    screw my boss

    If your main job pays so well why do you need a 2nd job? and if we believe you that it pays so well , maybe you should spend within your means. Sounds like toy got a problem either way.
  15. Wrong! It's their choice, its their business if they want to run it that way so be it its legal. Just like you can choose to do business elsewhere. Businesses in Ohio are allowed to post anti gun signs, while I don't like it that doesn't stupid. It's their choice, and I have the choice to spend my money elsewhere. I do try to educate said businesses. If its stupid them its also stupid for you not to do business with them based on your principals. Double edge sword. Oh and life is a bitch get ov er it!
  16. Black, white, brown, purple all bleed the same, we are all homosapians end of story. Not sure if the little green people who stick probes up hilbilly's ass' bleed the same color though. Anyone been ads probed by a marshian willing to confirm what color they bleed?
  17. So how about them Ohio state (whatever sport is going on at the moment)? The weather sure is weird this year.
  18. True just hide in the bunker!
  19. Exactly what I feared would happen.
  20. Na just wanted you to get the tingling feeling running up your leg just like Chris Matthews when he hears Obama speak! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no9fpKVXxCc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  21. You will have to do a search through some of "ringo"'s posts. By the way are you dat guy?
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