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Everything posted by crb

  1. Things that make you go hmmmmm....
  2. Guy off of the smith and wesson forum.
  3. Working on pics, I am having to update my photoshop since I took them in RAW format. Pics will be up soon.
  4. I'm just North of Salem, OH. About 40 miles
  5. Wife picked up a new to her Remington 870 12 gauge today so we are selling her old shotgun. Smith and Wesson Model 916A 12 Gauge Proof Tested 12 GA 3 Inch Chamber Cylinder Bore Holds 7+1 of 2 3/4" shells Ex Police Riot gun Allen nylon shell holder that goes over the stock included ($10 Value) Asking $125 OBO Working on getting pics loaded.
  6. I gotta pass I'm looking for a 12 gauge for the wife, but by the time I buy an 18" barrel I'm gonna be in too deep. GLWS
  7. Holy shit my phone screwed that up bad! I changed roms and I'm not used to this new keypad.
  8. Barrels cam be swapped for a shorter one right? I have no clue on the benellis?
  9. I don't care to ride in heavy wind 20+ ish as I'm still a newb rider. I like my head facing forward. I don't ride in the rain on purpose either.
  10. crb

    Page 1

    Looks like somebody needs a lesson in math.
  11. What's the current cash price?
  12. Mised the flash supressor. Special wslmart model.
  13. crb

    Gun Virgin

    I would invite you to the range, but I'm a little too far.
  14. It's not the tactical model. http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-express-tactical.aspx My guess is you have this model : http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-express-tactical-grey.aspx
  15. I believe its tactical because it had the synthetic stock instead of wood and shorter barrel I'm guessing. It's just a remington express 870
  16. It may be a special model only availble to walmart. What does the box say?
  17. crb

    Gun Virgin

    I get it , but a newbie doesn't understand that especially one who hads never been around guns like I was. I thouht it was a trigger lock so it couldn't fire WRONG! I wasnt even allowed to have toy guns when I was a kid.
  18. crb

    Gun Virgin

    Wasn't my finger and the wall was a safer direction than my foot it was a trigger lock that pulled the trigger. Assume every gun is loaded! Check, check, check, and recheck that its unloaded and mag is dropped before allowing anything to pull the trigger. The #1 rule In gun safety is to treat every gun as if its loaded!!!!! I'm very maticulous about checking even guns at a dealer that just checked it, I recheck it everytime.
  19. crb

    Gun Virgin

    I would go over a little more than that. None of that caused the hole in my wall.
  20. I wouldn't touch one for over $350
  21. crb

    Gun Virgin

    +1 on gun safety class or find somone here to take you shooting and teach you the basics. I wish I would have taken a safety course when I got started it would have kept me from putting a 22lr sized hole through my wall. I learned a lot about gun safety that day.
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