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Everything posted by crb

  1. O Just for being such a douchbag fuckstick I think I will donate some money on your behalf to a republican candidate and a military charity. Unfortunately I don't know your name so I will have to use your username. Anybody have a recommendation on which candidate I should contribute to on fucksticks behalf? I think I will use the wounded warrier foundation for the military charity.
  2. Not new here, I guess I didn't realize how strong it ran. He can't keep the stupidity out of a thread like this, that pisses me OFF!
  3. My wife and I usually leave a couple waitresses $100 bill tips around Christmas. We make it a point to leave the tip as we are leaving. My grandma was a waitress for many years and I know how hard of a job it can be. Really I think its more of a remembrance for my grandmother than anything, we lived with her when I was little. Yes I grew up financially poor, but in a loving home so I wasn't poor. I haven't thought this year to give the $100 tips, because I'm not celebrating Christmas. I think after seeing this article I will have to keep the tradition this year.
  4. You are an ASShole! Can't you leave your political bullshit out of a positive thread? Are you that dedicated to showing your liberal ASS?
  5. Welfare is great before long we shall all be on welfare! Maybe we will call the system socialism. I can't wait until the day doctors and lawyers make the same salary as burger flippers. Where is my Obama money?
  6. Which of the 18 enumerated powers will give the federal government the power to do this? I believe the 10th amendment gives the power to the individual states. The accident they are referring to was in Missouri, which has a law against texting while driving for persons under 21 years old. The guy in the pickup truck that initiated the accident was 19 years old so he was already violating state law. I doubt that a federal law would have stopped him. I don't believe the fatalities are his fault either, the 2 school bus drivers were not paying attention or following too close, either way he didn't cause the girl to die. The bus driver is at fault for the girl's death and possibly his. This law would be difficult to enforce, and should only be levied at the state level.
  7. I laugh everytime I hear somebody talking about precious metals, I have been hording precious metals for a while now brass, lead, and copper screw gold and silver! What would I do it? Honestly it just depends, if the scneario is long term, I will head to my grand parents in laws they have a farm and a large house. It will suck to try and move all the firearms, ammo, and stuff.
  8. Just thought I would post up pics of my modest GHB(Get Home Bag). This is the bag I keep on the semi just in case. As long as we don't have an EMP attack that knocks vehicles out, I highly doubt I will need this bag, except the duct tape, we hit a deer and used the duct tape one night to keep the hood together, which is probably why there are 2 rolls in the bag now. Camping Pots and rope Tarp (shelter, army survival guide, and water filtration bottle Mountain house meals Dry bags, duct tape, filtration bottle, and an extra water bottle Compass, water tabs, and vitamin c(people say it makes the water taste better after treating it. Bug Spray, candles, and matches 2 knives, dust mask, knife sharpener, magnesium fire stick, reflective dealies The bag is no where near as complete as it should be. I need to add some binoculars, cotton balls with petroleum jelly wrapped in aluminum foil, zippo, zippo fuel, and zippo flints, bear spray, just to name a few things that I plan to add. I think I would need to put that stuff in a separate bag at this point this bag is full. I have tools, bottled water, weather appropriate clothes, sleeping bag, zip ties, bungee cords, maps, personal hygiene products and much more on the truck at all times that I would take with me in a EMP SHTF. This bag is also not meant for long term survival its goal is to get me home. I wish I could carry a firearm, but it is against company policy.
  9. Not necessarily! I was pulled over once while carrying and living in Indiana, I informed him even though not required. Honestly he seemed to appreciate knowing that I was armed and simply asked where it was. He knew I had a permit when he ran the plate I'm guessing though. As the officer was running my license 2 college cops pulled behind him blocking the main drag with guns drawn. The trooper told them multiple times that he had it under control. The moron campus cops were just waving their guns around and I still have no idea why the blocked the main drag when I purposefully pulled onto a side street as to not block traffic and for the officer's safety.
  10. I love my dewalt 18v set. I had a craftsman set before and it just didn't have the power, torque, or battery life.
  11. Banks, car dealerships, insurance agencies all usually have notaries.
  12. I was questioning whether or not its the infamous ringo. Maybe its ringos BF. :dunno:
  13. Anything is possible huh! You won't catch me doing a wheelie on purpose on a motorcycle! I did accidents stand my brute force up one day, that was a rush once all four wheels were back on the ground. Hell I jumped it one day screwing around that scared the Hell out of the wife, I might have hit the sort pile a little fast. Lol
  14. ^^^ what he said. This is way more redneck in my opinion.
  15. I'm not into wheeling so I won't try it. Put a fat chick on the back of the blast it will definitely wheelie. The blasts we used in class wouldnt he out of their own way, that's what I'm going off.
  16. Nice, it didn't take you long to get it cleaned up and setup. Hopefully you have better luck with it than the wif3 did, she had some cannibal fish that were supposed to be schooling fish. Good luck with the new tank, looks good.
  17. I have s better chance doing a REAL wheelie on my sportster! Blasts have NO BALLS, actually I think they might have a vagina!
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