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Everything posted by crb

  1. I send the "F" off and then filter their emails to spam folder.
  2. I guess I have to reach Washington DC (NCIS). I will have my dad(ex military/ truck driver), a female friend from college who at least can shoot, and Adam (bowdog). We will be traveling in a mid 2000's four door sedan, and we will have an assault rifle (GTA Chinatown) it says Russian so I assume its an AK47. The first zombie I have to eliminate is my wife. I would say I've got a 95% chance or better.
  3. I would be in depending on price for 12 gauge especially 00 buck, 556/223, 45 acp, 38/357.
  4. I wouldn't talk to a lawyer until he sues or of he tries. I would tell him the car was sold as is, and let that be that. I wouldn't block his number if he harasses you press charges.
  5. I would probably go with a lever action 30-30, 44 magnum, or maybe the Rossi(?) Judge rifle. I definitely wouldn't take a 22 if you are worried about bears. Just my 2 cents.
  6. Yea the 50 gal fish tank is not lite at all, I hate moving it. The nice part is the tank has just about everything to get started unless you want it for salt water fish, the wife had fresh water fish.
  7. Fish Tank Still Availble $100 would like it gone soon.
  8. Hillbilly ingenuity! Not my pic, but I found it on a trucking forum and thought I would share.
  9. Thanks bowdog for being flexible on meeting and purchasing the hitch carrier, and thanks beegreenstrings thanks for purchasing the air compressor. Fish tank, stand, etc still availble delivery within a reasonable distance can be arranged make me an offer.
  10. Yes, but the wife confiscated it for her to carry. I've been looking for a backup. My usual carry now is w Sig 229 in 40 cal. My deal had an lcr I'm 38 sp, but it didn't feel right in my hand.
  11. I was considering it as a BUG not as a primary. The 27 is probably too thick for pocket carry. I may have to pick up a pocket 9.
  12. Lowes offers a 10% discount for vets on veterans day. I believe the vets children, spouse, and maybe even grand children receive the discount.
  13. Is the 27 too big for ankle carry in your opinion?
  14. You can't shoot cast reload in a glock if I remember correctly, but other than that you should be good. I find some ammo more accurate than others but I've had few problems out of any ammo other than there is a brand or two of 22 I stay away from. Also some ammo.is drier than other for instance wolf or brown bear ate very dirty in my opinion.
  15. My first was an xd9 service model. I have since switched to 40 and I'm considering a glock 27 even though I'm not a glock fan as its smaller than the xd subcompact. I need to see a few other sub compact 40 or 45's. I'm looking for a BUG still. I'm not a fan of safeties on my carry gun especially ones you flip up. I say feel a bunch to narrow your search and then rent or borrow the models.
  16. I've got two pound/rescue dogs and also two cats from the shelter they have been great animals. I have another two semi temporary outside dogs that moved in with my SIL and nephew. I'm starting to think I have a zoo. Kudos for looking to adopt!
  17. crb

    Gorell windows

    Honestly most issues you run into with newer replacement windows is improper installation. I would be more concerned with the installer and proper installation than the brand. Window brands are very regional at times. I sold windows in SW Indiana so I can't help too much with more local brands. Make sure they are properly insulated, flashed, and sealed and you should be fine.
  18. Healthcare is different than health insurance now isn't it! There are days you may use your health insurance, but EVERYDAY you NEED food, water, shelter. Without proper food, water, or shelter you need more health care. Would you agree that if all people had proper food, water, and shelter? I'm pretty sure your son wouldn't have been born if you wife didn't have food to eat, water to drink, and shelter to protect her from the elements. Correct? Did your son not receive nutrition through the ambilical (spelling?) Cord? So I would say he needed food, water, and shelter first! Why aren't you concerned with providing children 3 square meals a day, shelter, water, juice, etc before giving them a "free" education? So its okay for everybody but hospitals to make a profit? Do people go bankrupt over shelter (house, utilities, maintenance)? How much do you spend on groceries s week? What if you could spend that on healthcare? How much is your mortgage? Utilities? If it was s "human right" you would have that money for other stuff. Or would you? What is the tax rate in the UK? Cost of living in the UK?
  19. Long before you NEED healthcare, you need water, food, and shelter. I guess we should receive free bottled water, fruits and vegetables, and shelter because its a basic human right. Why do those evil water companies, farmers, grocery stores, trucking companies, food manufacturer's, utility companies, roofers, window installer, contractors, clothing manufacturets, etc get to make a profit. Without water you die in days. Without food you die in a little over a week, and without the proper shelter you can die in days. I lived most of my childhood without health insurance so I would rate it a much lesser human right. Maybe entertainment and alcohol should be human rights also since they help your sanity while dealing with life.
  20. crb

    Gorell windows

    Aren't new windows a human right?
  21. Maybe you should go to waffle house for some breakfast, its sure to come out scattered and splattered after a little waffle house.
  22. crb

    Gorell windows

    I really like pella windows, but I've installed several brands including anderson, jeld-win, and others. I like the construction and ease of installation of the pella but if your not installing them go with any of the major brands. I've never heard of gorell windows, and I've worked at two different places that I ordered windows as part of my job, but we didn't carry all the brands. What type of windows do you plan to install aluminium clad, vinyl, other?
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