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Everything posted by crb

  1. McDonalds is still in business? I stay away from that place unless I am constipated, because they are the cure to constipation!
  2. I have both received and been denied jobs due to confidence, when I went to work for Lowe's I flat out asked the store manager in the interview, how much a store manager made. He just smiled, and explained it would take about 2 years with the company to go through all the training. I was hired I was denied several jobs for similar questions. I was told not even apply at one place because I was over qualified. They wanted someone to specifically do things in their order, they didn't want you to be capable of thought. The only NYC well actually Long Island, NY cop I have dealt with was very polite, intelligent speaking, and professional.
  3. I'm not sure, but I think he is trying to tell us it is in his possession and no longer for sale.
  4. Nope I am not checking out the video or the link, I prefer to be kept in the dark and fed bull!
  5. I get it. I usually don't jump out and buy the newest so I don't worry about waiting list. I did go on the waiting list at my dealer for the TCP I just got, but he knew they were coming in, when, and how many. Really I was only on the list so I could lock in on the sale price. The thing I like about dealing with my small dealer is if he is less likely to screw me around because he knows how much I spend in there.
  6. +1 If I was 3 feet from the target I would probably draw my knife and not my gun. Just Saying.
  7. crb

    My new guns!

    Do you know for a fact? Just Curious? Becuase if he is here as a plant to prop up woodbury, that is funny. I guess it also show how much influence OR.
  8. crb

    My new guns!

    I agree, I'd bet he works there or is friends with the owner. Something smells fishy! If he is just here to prop up woodbury, he is dumb. Whose opinion are we going to listen to his or longtime members with proof of their shenanigans.
  9. crb

    My new guns!

    Congrats on working for woodbury!
  10. Dale would and has offered. Unfortunately Keltec does not deal direct with the dealers they ship everything to the distributor and they determine who gets what. So bigger dealers get taken care of first and Dale would be last in line so it will be a considerable wait for him to get one. I didn't take the distributor playing favorites into consideration.
  11. I am not a good shot in MW3, but can hold my own in Black Ops. LOL
  12. I'm thinking 8mmDale should order a bunch in, I bet he would sell them quickly. I prefer to buy firearms off smaller dealers. My dealer is always cheaper than the bigger stores on firearms. What is the big deal with the KSG? I just don't find it interesting. Am I missing the boat? $800 is a lot for a shotgun.
  13. My Springfield EMP and Range officer 1911's have been accurate and reliable right out of the box, just like the three different XD's I've owned. The taurus PT1911 I had wasn't as accurate out of the box. I think Kimber's are way over priced and rated, although I have not shot one. The scenario you list though I would choose the XD 1st primarily due to capacity.
  14. crb

    HDMI cable

    Yea I ordered a bunch of computer cables from amazon, because the brick and mortar stores were 2-3 times more expensive.
  15. Oh no the world is ENDING, I forgot the Mayan's predicted it. Dec 21, 2012 we are one day closer. Where the hell is my tinfoil? J/k hApPy NeW yEaR!
  16. LOL Piece of shit 1911?
  17. I dearly love the glocks fancy stock sights, plastic sights rock! Casper if I needed another pistol I would jump on this.
  18. http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/bot4.htm http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/bot1.htm I keep an AR, 2-12 gauge shotguns, XDM 40, and a 1911 upstairs for HD. I would grab the AR if I had to go outside primarily or a SHTF, the Remington 870 and XDM are my primary Home Invasion defense weapons.
  19. Got two of them upstairs too different situations call for different tools
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYvAxLX6OzE&feature=youtube_gdata_player I wouldn't have the balls to post up a video of me shooting myself.
  21. My favorite is still the DEA agent, anytime I need a laugh I watch it.
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