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Everything posted by crb

  1. Be careful they start multiplying after the first one. I started with one and add two within a couple months.
  2. crb


    What I meant was who cares about OFCC I don't give a shit about their forum!
  3. It sat loaded for a long time and wasn't shot. We probably haven't shot it a year and a half or so. She might be tempermental due to lack of attention. Is try polishing the feedramp and oil the inside a touch and then take her to the range to see if she loosens up.
  4. The government is letting or about to let Mexican truck cross the border and drive all over the us.
  5. It is an early pre recall lcp, but has had recall updates.
  6. crb


    Wow I think a hydraulic jack would have been the cheaper way to go to rotate the front tires, but this works too. Hope the rider is okay. I know I would have had to change my undies.
  7. I really like the color I wanted my brute force in lime green, but the lime green one was sold. GLWS
  8. Poor taste in my opinion. I like the comment about columbine and the NRA talking about it being good for gun sales. Do they think the NRA sells guns? I'm sure there were better comments, but I stopped reading after that one all these people talk is garbage they can't even act civilly.
  9. Excellent post I totally agree. Too many people put luxuries before needs! My sister and her bf for instance complained because they couldn't afford health insurance, yet they could afford two Iphones, cable, high speed internet, xbox 360, Wii, and ps3, preordered every game they wanted, oh and ate out every meal. Hmmm I wonder why you can't afford health insurance or to get your license. People have few needs food, water, shelter, weather appropriate clothing. If people gave priority to their needs and didn't blow their paychecks on luxuries they wouldn't all be in this situation. And too many people can live comfortably on government assistance. One thing I have thought would help is to put the recipients to work as bus monitors, playground monitors, janitors, landscapers, painters, etc anything really to make them show up 30+ hrs a week even if it is to sit in an auditorium in a chair for 30+ hrs with no tv, cell phone, magazine, nothing see if they want to mooch off system if they have to show up like us working class folks. I don't think thus would fix the system either so just eliminate all entitlements!
  10. Heck I've been drug tested at almost every job I've had since 19 years old.
  11. If you rarely tow at max capacity you may be okay, but tow too frequently and you risk damage to the transmission and brakes. I definetly wouldn't tow 1,000 lbs in mountainous terrain.
  12. I wouldn't pull the small uhaul with a 4 cylinder accord especially if its an automatic too much wear and tear a 6 cylinder yes but not the 4.
  13. Eliminate federal taxation for welfare! And the eliminate it at the state level!
  14. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT requires me to pee in a cup to drive a truck. I bold the federal this time so you can see FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Now if it is an invasion of a welfare recipient's privacy then the FMCSA requiring me and other CDL holders to drug test is an invasion. Be warned there are unintended consequences! While on this topic the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT requiring me to pass a physical is an invasion of my privacy. To not allow an insulin dependent diabetic or epileptic to drive a truck or bus is discrimination then too right? Drug testing and background checking school teachers and bus drivers is an invasion of their privacy right?
  15. I totally agree abolish it, but too many people won't agree and politicians want the recipient's vote. I think we should eliminate all entitlements people need to grow up and stop depending the government.
  16. excellentpoi.t this law doesn't go far enough especially since the federal government has no authority to tax me for welfare. We should force them on birth control or at least not allow them to collect for any children more than they originally sign to for, drug, alcohol, and tobacco test the recipient, their children, and the live in bf/baby's daddy and if any come up positive they get zero federal money for one year. Or we could eliminate the federal welfare spending. Now Justin if you want you good little liberal you can explain to me where the federal government has the power to tax for welfare and NO the general welfare clause doesn't give them the power. The general welfare if laid out in the 18 enumerated powers, now the states can tax for a welfare program.
  17. Wife dropped hers due to loose gravel luckily she was under 5mph and she hit the kill switch she had a few of bruises, but was fine.
  18. Huh I don't know how that manual got in that box. Na I'm good, but thanks for asking.
  19. I never shot hornady in it I had winchester rangers they fed fine everytime. I wonder if its due to the flex tip on those hornadays. Have you put any rounds through it yet?
  20. crb

    Freaking out!

    Or if they have a dashcam, or fingerprints from the nut lodged in the windshield. Two wrongs don't make a right, but three left's will. You also run the risk of severely pissing off a roadrager and they run your ass plum over of course then you won't have to worry about that those you leave behind will. It's best not to piss of a person more that is already enraged as people are CRAZY. Car or truck vs motorcycle in a collision motorcycle loses every time.
  21. crb

    Freaking out!

    Na don't warn him let him be surprised when he is bunked up with bubba.
  22. Craigslist is usually full of ads for wood delivered.
  23. crb

    Freaking out!

    Better make sure you hit the right windshield otherwise your gonna pisssomebody else off. I think it would be easier to punch it and get out of there.
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