Excellent post I totally agree. Too many people put luxuries before needs! My sister and her bf for instance complained because they couldn't afford health insurance, yet they could afford two Iphones, cable, high speed internet, xbox 360, Wii, and ps3, preordered every game they wanted, oh and ate out every meal. Hmmm I wonder why you can't afford health insurance or to get your license. People have few needs food, water, shelter, weather appropriate clothing. If people gave priority to their needs and didn't blow their paychecks on luxuries they wouldn't all be in this situation. And too many people can live comfortably on government assistance. One thing I have thought would help is to put the recipients to work as bus monitors, playground monitors, janitors, landscapers, painters, etc anything really to make them show up 30+ hrs a week even if it is to sit in an auditorium in a chair for 30+ hrs with no tv, cell phone, magazine, nothing see if they want to mooch off system if they have to show up like us working class folks. I don't think thus would fix the system either so just eliminate all entitlements!