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Everything posted by crb

  1. Justin is blindly following the communist in chief, he will never see the light there is no helping him. I don't even try. I do hear myself talk when I talk, technically I am typing here so I don't think hearing myself applies. Oh and Justin you are a sexist! Bad: I didn't say it was a huge part of the price of gas, although I do think if we open the oil reserves it would help, but even 30-40 cents per gallon would help many Americans.
  2. Government does have something to do with the price of gas. They could cut the gas tax to boost the economy. We are losing republican candidates pretty quickly. I don't know why the republicans want to play like democrats. I hate to say it maybe its time for a third party. My fear with a third party is that it could split the votes and the Marxist America hater could get re-elected of course he might anyway he has acorn registering the Dallas cowboys in Colorado and the smurfs somewhere else. It would be nice if we could get some average bob, Joe, Jim, harry, etc to run and get rid of these lawyer types.
  3. Picked up some MRE's for the truck just in case, sighted in new to me AR15, bought a case of .22lr and a bunch of .17hmr. I need to get to the range with my new to me Sig 229 that I plan on carrying. I have a bonfire ready to lite to roast some zombies.
  4. crb


    How does that work for four/two wheelers on the NY thru way. If I have doubles on I have to go through a manned lane it still takes easy pass, but the have to put six axles in. My pass is set for 5 axles. If you are pulling say a car trailer or utility trailer do you have to take the manned lane on the new York thru way? Pass does not work in texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, or florida those states have their own units.
  5. crb


    You have to have asafe word.
  6. Yea but it might make it too tempting lol.
  7. Now that i think about it maybe I have too much life insurance.
  8. If you murder me pls make it look like am accident my wife will be rich.
  9. I had to shave my junk afterwards damn crabs! I tell you it was tight when I started I hope its not too loose for you. Tbutera2112 don't encourage me lol.
  10. That's a good quote from Meet the Fockers although I think its "a s s hole" the kid kinda drew it more.
  11. Your ignorance of your own screen name is beginning to bug me. Kerosene is supposed to get rid of crabs, I don't know from personal experience, but that's an old truckers advice.
  12. Scorpion are predatory athropod animals. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorpion
  13. I wouldn't have contacted then in the first place if it wasn't you I would have contacted your bank. Twice with one bank I had money taken out of my account when somebody else withdrew money out of the atm. That was a fight to get fixed the first time because I had to convince them to pull thr atm camera video. After the second time I found a new bank. This could be a bank error although I doubt it.
  14. And they do small transactions so you don't catch it. There are too many scams and too much fraud. Some if the fraudsteres are really good at what they do.
  15. Sounds like a scam, but that's just me.
  16. If the dude is smart the shipping address will be a box at a UPS store or similar place. Have you turned the info over to the bank they have fraud departments. Do you have identity theft insurance? I prefer zander insurance. You would be amazed how much info people can get off the internet about you. I proved this to a friend one day. She thought she was totally secure. I pulled her all her personal info in minutes. Public records are grand. Internet has gotten a little better since I did this in 02
  17. crb

    Making Chili

    Hell I like chili with or without beans, but either way it needs to be meaty. I've had corn in my chili I swear Arizona puts corn in everything. Some places serve chili over pasta. My moms family put macaroni in chili. I can't see putting green means in chili. I love making chili I cook mine in the slow cooker all day, but its still better the next day reheated. I don't know how some people like my mother in law can call their chili chili when you make it in 30 mins or less. I think I'm going to experiment more with hotter chili this fall.
  18. My username is my initials I use the same name on nearly every forum I am a member of or a variation such as Crb2 or crbii. I'm the II (2nd).
  19. Shit I'm double screwed I ride a Harley and own 2 1911,s
  20. Ruger now offers a hicap 10/22 mag. I took my 10/22 to my dealer because I was having issues and it was the mags. My rifle was ftf, double feeding, and fte and it was the mags.
  21. ****sold lock it down*********
  22. I personally want one of these, but it will take some saving. I need to get into reloading first, because I think that would be blast to shoot.
  23. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 (50 U.S.C. 1541-1548)[1] is a federal law intended to check the power of the President in committing the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress. The resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution; this provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces." The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. Copied from Wikipedia Technically its the war powers act which isn't part of the constition, I was going with the same line the libtards use when talking about Bush. This is the part that confuses me! President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces Were we attacked by Libya? If not why did we send armed forces in and drop bombs on them?
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