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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    S&W 38 special

    I think he is an :asshat: :asshat:
  2. crb

    S&W 38 special

    Y lie and say sold? Just say withdrawn and don't be a doushe bag. Also next time you should research the item and get a price before saying ahhhhhh $200 an 15 people jump on it. You could even ask here before putting it up for sale.
  3. crb

    Freaking out!

    When it was 55 all the trucks got jammed up abd once you got in the passing lane you couldn't get back over for a while usually. My truck can do 68 so I usually don't gave any issues getting past people. The thing that aggravated me is slow vehicles that home up the left and middle lane especially in cbus. If people want to go the same speed do it in the same lane don't hold up all the lanes. I see this all the time on 71 north of 70. I hate driving in cbus or Cincinnati, is rather drive in NY city alnost and if there is rain or snow forget it everybody in cbus and Cincinnati act like it never snows it rains.
  4. crb

    Freaking out!

    It's actually way safer for traffic to all be going the same speed, of course that doesn't happen most semi are speed limited to 65 max anymore and cars fly by at 80 plus. Unless I'm going a distance I stay off the interstate in my cage or bike.
  5. crb

    Freaking out!

    I'M NOT DEFENDING THE ASSHAT, but how much is more than enough in your opinion?
  6. That's not saying much for attorney's then. The police force is the largest organized crime ring and thats a direct quote from a cop.
  7. My whole house is wired every window and door, motion, fire, temp, water backup, system cost me about $1800 installed if I remember right monitoring is like $206 a year and I own the system. Oh and yes definetly wire the garage!
  8. I think there are lots of doushe bags in politics and all of them go to Washington with one thing in mind and that's to get re elected. I consider myself more of a libertarian than republican or conservative although I believe in a strong military unlike most libertarians. I disagree with what most all of the politicians do and have done, but Mr. Obama in my opinion is destroying America. I want the government to get back to the original powers. I believe in a very limited federal government. I am a big 2nd amendment supporter, but I did not support the NRA in their endeavour to pass 50 state reciprocity for ccw/CHL permits. I don't want the government in every aspect of my life. I think the federal government is way too bloated. I think departments like the federal department of education should be cut I see no warrant for it in the Constition. I'm for less taxes on all taxpayers and if we cut the bloated government we could cut taxes. I'm for the fair or flat tax system so I'm not taxed on money I don't spend. I'm for states rights so if Ohio wants to allow gay marriage or legalize marijuana so be it if the voters in Ohio want it. I don't just blame Obama either I believe harry Reid, Polusi, and others are too socialist, Marxist, lynonist(spelling?), etc. *** disclainer my thoughts and opinions are exactly that my opinions they are not necessarily based on fact but may be. *****
  9. crb

    S&W 38 special

    Do i hear $210? Abbvffb gbhjnb hfdcg $210 $210 van I get $210 ...
  10. Nope I like to hear and I ride for peace and quiet relaxation. I don't get that much noise in my helmet. I really hope its nice this weekend so I can ride its been over a month it either rains or I'm helping babysit.
  11. ill be playing in the snow and ice on the four wheeler or rzr.
  12. crb

    Making Chili

    Yep what he said I don't know why, but its better day 2.
  13. crb

    S&W 38 special

    That's it I need the smiley with the popcorn. Ah ha I figured it out
  14. I had Goodyear silent armours on my silverado when they first came out not a bad overall tire, but they weren't cheap I got good mileage out of them and put Dayton tires that my mechanic recommended on and I liked them better honestly. The daytons had better steering response. I was getting 15 to19 with my silverado when I had the bed cover once it came off it was 15 to 17 of course truck had s few more miles on it at that point. If I ran the interstate at 67 mph when I had the cover I got 22 mpg average with premium gas. Put a k&n air filter on the suburban I got 1+ mpg better with it. I had a 5.3 in my 04. Most guys get crappy mpg with the 6.0 . I kept my truck maintened also which helps. The dodge I have now with the hemi doesn't get as good in town 11-13 but highway does well because it shuts down cylinders. Happy towing I've always liked the suburbans. If a k&n for an 04 5.3 silverado will work for you I have the spare from my old truck its yours if want it and pay to ship assuming its still in my garage.
  15. Agreed. If they change your interest rate and threatening legal action doesn't work, a lawyer may be necessary. Changing your rate can cost you big bucks especially over 20-30 years.
  16. How can your interest rate change assuming its a fixed rate loan just because your loan gets sold. Our previous home loan was sold I believe with no change. I had a car loan sold like 3 times the last finance company tried to change the way I paid which was biweekly and i refused because I had a contract and it was written into the contract. If they try to change the contract get a lawyer.
  17. Just zoom past me on the left please. NEVER EVER PASS ON THE RIGHT!
  18. o·pin·ion Noun 1. A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
  19. Baseless opinions? My opinions are my opinions I don't claim them as fact like you do Justin. Im sorry I don't spew the liberal, democrat, republican, libertarian, etc talking points like you. I can think for myself unlike you. I would like to apologize Justin I just got new information and I would like to retract the sexist statement a hermaphrodite apparently can't sexist. You can put my city I don't care. Just keep spewing the liberal talking points. Msnbc is serving you well.
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