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Everything posted by crb

  1. Yep a regular barrel will serve you well. I wasn't sure what type of league they were doing just throwing it out there.
  2. Shipped to the dealer! You can have an upper shipped directly to you as long as it isnt an NFA, but not a lower. The lower must go through FFL.
  3. I just recently bought a heavy barrel used colt target model for $895 no scope I am very happy with it. For the most part AR's are AR's. There are quite a few things you can do to increase performance and accuracy. I don't claim to be an expert ive not heard bad reviews of DPMS I have a bushmaster 16" AR also the 16" with the standard barrel doesn't compare to the colt with the heavy barrel. Just depends on what kind of shooting you plan on doing if you want a CQ gun get a short regular barrel, if you want to do long range go heavy longer barrel. Just my 2 cents. The only brand I have heard some bad reviews is the cheaper S&W.
  4. Its not OSHA that does the inspection it is DOT unless it is a major accident then the NTSB will also investigate, although they rarely get involved. For a driver to be held responsible or charged with murder/manslaughter you would have to prove they didn't perform the pretrip or they had prior knowledge the tire would fail or they could be charged, but it would be hard to convict them lets put it that way. A company very well could be sued and just like any other company. I mean Mcdonalds got sued cause the lady burned herself on hot coffee. Either way it is highly unlikely the driver would be charged, now if he cheated his log book and shouldn't have been there then yes that is possible, but that is a whole new story.
  5. I don't like any of the cookie cutter builders! When I build a house I will find a contractor and use them and steer clear of the corner cutting cookie cutters.
  6. Congress didn't have to approve the actions and I wish they wouldn't have because its a war we cant win! Last time I checked congress was advised by the same people and Pelosi has admitted being in the room! The actions in Libya are NATO uh huh. So if it was a NATO action with Bush it would have been okay right? Who is the biggest contributor financially to NATO? and to your point calling Obama the "anointed one" I don't care if you think it weakens my argument! Continuing sending american planes or troops to Libya after the 90 is unconstitutional! The reason I call him the "anointed one" is because in some people blind following of the man they can see no wrong. I never was a Bush fan and believe if we were to go to Iraq we should have went in and got the job done and got out. although it was not a war that can be won, because it is a religious war. Although the "anointed one" has continued the war, so what does that say about the "anointed one"? Just keep blindly follow the "anointed one!"
  7. $60 shipped? What type of battery does it take?
  8. Good possibility that's what happened. I had to call my safety department because it tore up some plastic when it blew. The safety guy just kept asking me if my courier (wife) was okay. Have you talked to her, is she okay....? He asked if I needed a wrecker because if figured we were off the road. He was amazed that we weren't laid over. I had to have him talk to my wife because he was so concerned. I will tell you when the steer blows the truck goes quickly, it will put you in the other lane. I was lucky I was slowing for my exit in a mile truck dipped and didn't feel right so I goosed the throttle to regain control. It didn't even disturb my wife who was in the bunk.
  9. I had s trailer tire blow and it made me jump in the drivers seat sounded like a 12 gauge shotgun and it was 50 ft behind me. I've never understood why cars and motorcycles sit by our tires. Both new and recap tires can easily blow especially when its hot. The new recap compounds are much better than the old ones. Just wait till you see a super single blow that's a huge chunk of rubber. I had a steer tire blow in Texas come off the rim and was in median 50 ft in front of me and 15 from the side of my truck. I was on the rum for about 150 ft. You don't want to be beside a truck if it blows a steer for sure.
  10. Maybe I will have to check USA carry out I am a member of it I believe, but never really participated. I frequent lots of firearm based forums, mainly for the classifieds honestly, never know what you will find. I also use firearm, vehicle, career specific forums for research and some will not let you use the search function if you are not a member so I have joined and hardly if ever post. I am a member of a Harley forum and have never posted there. I joined because after I got my bike it was running rough and I was trying to find out why it ended up being so simple it was the gas vapor because it was sitting in the garage. I unscrewed the gas cap and re screwed it and it ran normal. **You may now flame Harley for their gas caps****
  11. As far as gay marriage I believe that is a state's rights issue I don't see where the Federal Government has any say so. The Iraq war I agree needs to end along with the others, this President not only continued the current wars, but started another UNCONSTITUTIONAL war in Libya. And for all those good democrats that screamed Bush's UNCONSTITUTIONAL war he had congressional approval where the "anointed one" does not. I trend libertarian other than on the military I believe we need a strong military and they should secure the borders. The conservatives really loose me on the issue of abortion. Is it a life or isn't it if you are going to charge a person with two counts of murder because they kill a pregnant woman then you have to charge the mother and doctor just the same. All I know is this country is going in the Wrong direction, and no I am not saying it is 100% the "anointed one's" fault by any stretch, but he sure as hell hasn't helped and BOWING to other foreign leaders is EMBARRASSING!
  12. Every group has a couple bad apples that make them look bad. Look at how I was treated here when I stated my opinion about the "anointed one"! I was attacked just like you were there so this site is not immune to the personal attacks and name calling. I am in between on the idea of Constitutional Carry. I like the training requirement, although I think most people would seek proper training. I came from Indiana where all you have to do is pass a background check to get a permit no training required. I did not seek in person training, but I did a lot of research, and online training, I also didn't carry a firearm until I was proficient with it at the range. Of course I am not the norm so people will carry without ever firing a firearm. I can see both sides of the argument personally. Also look at how Harley riders get treated here. I have many many problems with OFCC the religion topic is just the top of the iceberg.
  13. It's getting as bad as OFCC. I tend not to agree with everything, but overall they are an excellent resource for the current law. I've had lots of questions since Ohio's firearm are so screwry.
  14. crb

    Modern Warfare 3

    I get into game lobbies quickly and don't have issues. I really miss rainbow six.
  15. crb

    Modern Warfare 3

    I got rid of MW2 pretty quick i hated all the BS I play black ops even though there is plenty of BS there too I do like playing homefront not near the BS I hope they make a new Rainbow six My xbox tag is tazman13183
  16. I don't blame the ones coming here legally. Do a little research into how many illegals are raping, stealing, murdering its horendous! We have a process for them to come here legally!
  17. And how will they pay for it for you? Who is supposed to pay for it for you? Where does the government obtain money? The government can't give you something free unless they take something from someone else. I love the democrats are against the rich and believe the rich should pay more in taxes. I would like someone to clarify who the rich are because the anoited one says millionares, but then wants to raise taxes on people making $250,000 last time I checked that isn't a million dollars of course he doesn't know how many states there are either! "Person B does not exist to serve person A unless A pays B. If A does not pay B, and govt forces B to serve A, B is a slave to A" quote from andrew wilkow So why should person A be enslaved to person b?
  18. You don't know me at all so you can't say that I will. For one thing there are plenty of jobs here just as there are plenty of jobs down in Mexico! They come here to make more and send it all down there or then go down to Mexico and not have to work. While they are here working off the books they collect welfare and drain our government programs especially the school system. Wonder why property taxes are so high. They don't even have the courtesy to speak our language! All they have to do is come here legally and I don't have an issue with them. It isn't that hard to come here legally. I think we need to go to the fair tax system so at least they pay some tax here even while they are here illegally. If I were to go to Canada to get a job I would follow the proper procedure, which by the way once again it isn't that hard to do it LEGALLY!!!
  19. She isn't friends with terrorists so she can't be a Democrat! I don't think she is hot I think its time for a woman. I guess since you don't want her as President you are SEXIST! I can play the same game as the America hating Liberal Marxist democrats!
  20. I would be more happy if they spent less than they took in that would be a good start anyway which is a goal of business.
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