Most likely because the neck option was ordered that way and possibly mismatched by whoever placed the order, did you buy it used? If used, someone else may have bolted on the dual scale. A lot of the dinky's I've seen were typically shortscale necks at 22 fret, but options galore on most of these so dinky 24's aren't uncommon. Seems like a nice 6'r but what year is it? By the looks of the neck joint and the pickup models, I'm guessing it to be at least 6-7 years old or more. Still well worth the price, and backplates can be bought for $15-$20 so I wouldn't let this go for less than $250. Case included? I know a guy looking for an electric, and I'd buy this if I needed another......let ya know if he's biting Edit - you saying Dinky body had me thinking this was a Dinky. Performers are 90's guits arent they? Sorry for the flurry of questions, I'm an Ibanez guy and not as versed in Jackson