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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. Helmutt

    Gap bed thread

    Not sure the new access pass fee is negotiable. $13.95 up to 2 people, then it's an additional $3.95 per person/per lodging the way I understood it. Appears it's just a one time fee per stay though.
  2. You guys using your phones as a gps have any issues with signal drop in the Smokies? I know last year we didn't have much cel signal around the valleys at some points, so I've been leary about using my phone to nav with. I'm not a very techy guy, but I'm working on it
  3. This is how I've managed to make wrong turns at all but one of the Epic rides. Have to watch my tripometer as turn markers. This last Epic ride, I failed to reset my trip until we were about 6 miles into the ride, making every turn of the ride a fucking math problem. Wife was helping me pinpoint turns as she swept, but was out of Sena range between stops unless I checked up to pile the group again. I'll invest in a "proper" gps ( bluetooths to my Sena AND accepts route programming ) sometime soon, especially now that I have a mount and waterproof pouch.
  4. Herein, lies the gray area of this law ( or so it seems to me ). So it matters not where the magazine is ( other than apart from the gun ), or if it's locked up....but if the magazine is loaded and in the same vehicle - it's still considered concealed?
  5. Gotcha, and here I assumed by carrying you simply meant transporting. I guess there's a lot of poor wording/comprehension going on here lol
  6. http://www.ohioccw.org/wiki/Obligation_to_Inform_Police_Officers
  7. Proof there are still good folk on this rock. What awesome luck
  8. AWESOME news, and a well deserved award Travis. Wife and I will be packing up to head to the Gap on the 8th, but CONGRATULATIONS
  9. This analogy is truly on point. There are certain times of day during the week that the Dragon portion of 129 is relatively clear, and the few riders we'd caught were fairly well behaved. Believe it was a Thursday, early afternoon. Friday on the other hand, was pretty packed in and asshattery galore. Last year was our maiden voyage down there, but the general concensus proved itself the first couple days.
  10. NOW who wants a sammich?
  11. Usually not many at all from OhioRiders other than the wife and I, but there's always a ton of people and bikes of all kinds
  12. Happy BDay mang! He's into fitness alright......fittin' this **** in his *****
  13. Hmmmm, methinks that means 2 things
  14. WHOA, Whoa, whoa.....you'd better be ready to stab my wife's purse full of holes if you plan to slit my sack fella! And THAT'LL piss her little ass off something fierce....she loves that purse
  15. I was planning to roll back north from 19, some backtracking planned but wasn't sure about 180 or 348. Both looked good on arial view and thought we may have ridden 180 last year, but I wasn't leading so I've no clue of our exact route. We did run Blood Mtn though. Both of those routes look like keepers Jim n Tim.
  16. Not trying to shorten it, but add Blood Mtn to the mix and then pick the route back up. Wife and I are good for 500ish miles a day as long as we get off the bikes every 1-2 hours
  17. Did you happen to run 348 or 180 at all? Just wonder if we shouldn't take 28 to Franklin, to 64, jump 175/75 down to 180 and 19?
  18. Valid point. Better to give the higher elevations time to warm up and dry out a bit. We'd like to try and hit GA19 @ Blood Mtn, but it's all weather pending of course. If it rains much there can be quite a bit of sediment washing over the roads off the mountain = treacherous.
  19. Welcome to the forum. Good choice on a first bike. It's cheap to insure, maintain, and repair. You're going about things the right way from the start
  20. Since we're getting close to Gap time, figured I'd revive this to put some good route options back up top. Would like to run UPs route above to the end, then take 28 all the way back to Fontana Village by dinner time. Looks like a good ride
  21. According to google search, the spark gap should be between .028" to .031" Here's the coil resistance how-to... http://www.svrider.com/forum/showthread.php#/forumsite/20707/topics/105989?page=1
  22. The Tiger is a fairly competant adv tourer from what I've heard. Would definitely open your options should you choose to get dirty in some trails. I've enjoyed having a couple types of bikes in the garage for times I dont need longer distance comfort, and more flick/trail capability. My supermoto and my sport tourer seem to have filled all voids in my motorcycling needs, and likely be my mainstay combo for many years to come.
  23. I love the 1050, awesome all arounder and still gets 50ish mpg. It is a different animal since it's not a powerhouse like liter inlines, and not as torquey as liter twins, but exudes the best of both engine configs. As for constant powerwheelies on a Speed, I cant say that's the case since my GT is too heavy to power wheelie once out of 1st gear, but the power is docile for being in the liter class, and definitely NOT a race oriented engine. Now, I'm not a naked bike fan since it lacks wind/weather protection to the rider, but the Speed/Street 3s have quite a following for a reason. Good bikes to do most anything on. If I ever bought one, it would be an R spec with the better suspension/brakes.
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