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Everything posted by snot

  1. Hey, I am trying to earn extra passes out of the kitchen... If that means I am nice in a thread then so be it.
  2. @Hellmutt no more goat paths please... ...But I will follow you anywhere, as long as we are together and having fun that is all that matters.
  3. I have a pass no kitchen required... Just sweeping.
  4. I will sweep once we start the main route...in my balls shirt.
  5. snot

    ? LBTS GLWS ?

    Where is rocket these days?
  6. I just saw this thread. Tim I hope you heal fast and heal stronger. You're lucky to have a great wife to help you.
  7. I have both of Hellmutt's a third would be cool.... But what do you do with 3?
  8. This is a shame... I will buy a shirt to support you and your efforts. I don't understand the fuss, last year we had hidden boobs (not your fault but very funny), this year is balls. It was only fair to do balls this time....I like the design and the catch phrase. I think you do a great job and I appreciate your hard work. So, thank you for doing all of this. For those who don't like the shirt, you don't have to buy one to join the ride.
  9. Men where pink too... As a female I have no issues wearing the shirt. It's just a metaphor and those who need to under stand it will... Can't make everyone happy.
  10. Forgive me... But why do you want your balls removed? Side note: So, do people who play billiards have shirts for 16 balls? ...oh wait it is 2 balls at a time.
  11. Another way to look at it is, since I have no balls I have nothing to loose.
  12. At the rate I am going it will be a fall meet. To much going on lately...
  13. @o-no-moto Don't you officially now have 2 New toys to ride?
  14. @Tonik @Isaac's Papa IP have you ever been to one of my "OR meets"? I know I am past due to have one this year, but if I do IP must come join us.
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