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Everything posted by DreamNofR1

  1. Honestly, time doesn't matter. I have the whole day off and nothing to do. I really would like to go down towards Old Man's Cave. Not necessarily tear up the roads all day but maybe take in the scenery too...I have yet to get pictures of me on the bike down that way.
  2. Ya know, that's not a bad idea. That way, I would know what to do when I actually do my first track day. You driving or riding up there? And what time are you leaving in the morning?
  3. Yeah, one of my other buddies just posted that on Facebook for me....just don't have the cash right now. Really wish I could, trust me...
  4. I know it's an odd day to do it but being that I work Saturday and Sunday, I have Monday off and it's supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees. Anyone interested in riding at all? Doesn't matter where....East, South, wherever. I've been too busy and my bike has been sitting for over a week so I need to get out. If anyone's interested, LET'S RIDE!
  5. I think I'll try to join if I can get work off as well.
  6. DreamNofR1

    ride 8/26-27

    Okay, I just got word that we're heading to Trails. Go ahead and go without me cause I don't know what time I'm leaving my area. Maybe I'll just look around and meet you guys there.
  7. DreamNofR1

    ride 8/26-27

    Yeah, definitely. I have a buddy that races but he's not doing it this year. He took first place last year with a 1991 Talon - did the 1/4 mile in 8 seconds flat. We're just spectating this year though. I'm pretty sure he still wants to go but in case we don't, I'll try to meet up with you guys on Sunday, wherever you'll be.
  8. DreamNofR1

    ride 8/26-27

    You going for IFO?
  9. DreamNofR1

    ride 8/26-27

    Sunday is possible. Supposed to go to Trails that day but haven't heard anything from my buddies this week so I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen. If I don't go to Trails, I'm in.
  10. I went on a few Thursdays (can't go tonight cause of work) but there wasn't much happening. I'd say 10-15 bikes, if that. It's hard just to "start up" a bike night out of the blue.
  11. Gives new meaning to the term "brain bucket." HAHAHA, awesomeness. Can anyone actually post it up in this thread? It just won't work for me and I even tried shrinking it down too.
  12. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqejnhui2U1qe25ajo1_r1_500.jpg It won't let me put this picture up - claims it's 77kb too big (but yet the picture on my desktop says it's only a 55kb file).
  13. Hahaha, people are so dumb. Sure, winning feels good but I can't believe they don't think about how much the SPENT in the first place to get the tickets. How funny.
  14. Sorry to hear that man. Glad you're okay though. I had this happen a couple weeks ago. Some idiot on 270 in a truck was doing 65 so I get in the left lane, pass him, get in front of him doing 70-72 (which, I allowed myself plenty of room to get in front of him) and he speeds up. I start to get all the way over to the right to get in the exit lane for Gahanna and he follows me. I speed up to 75 and he literally gets so close to my ass that I bet if I reached one of my legs out behind me, I could have kicked his bumper. I take a left at the light and he takes a right and flicks me off as he's turning. Some people are so effing stupid around here.
  15. It just worked for me. Said the first subscription will be sent out within 8-12 weeks. Thanks for the good find!
  16. Well, like I said, I watched that DVD a couple years ago...and refused to pay any more attention to him after that, lol. I had no idea he was divorced now.
  17. A couple years ago, at Mid-Ohio, they were giving out some sort of DVD that he was in that was about racing. Or, I thought it would be. I watched about 3/4 of it and had to turn it off. He has got to be the biggest doucher I've ever seen. It was all about him...barely anything about racing. All about what he has and look at my hot wife and look at my big house...I can't stand him after I watched that.
  18. Dude, legal or not, it's stupid. Plain and simple.
  19. +1 But yes, still crazy as hell to imagine someone out there is stupid enough to do this.
  20. Yup, I'll be at QSL with TBone. Meeting at Circuit City first @ 7 pm.
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