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Everything posted by DreamNofR1

  1. I installed my Power Commander V a couple months ago on my R1 and it was super easy. I am no mechanic either. The hardest part for me was splicing into the ECU harness. Since there's literally no slack in those wires, it was a PITA and I ended up having to rig up an extension of that wire just to splice into it. Good enough for gub'ment work I guess.
  2. I have an iPhone and I use Magellan Roadmate. I have the Midland BT2 bluetooth installed in my Shoei helmet and if I ever go somewhere that I don't know, the Magellan app is perfect. I can listen to music while getting turn by turn directions via bluetooth.
  3. DreamNofR1

    4th ride?

    Too bad I have things going on in the afternoon...should have made the start time 1 pm, lol
  4. DreamNofR1

    4th ride?

    Yeah it put a damper on things but hey, I still got to ride. I haven't been out since the last time I went with you guys a few weeks ago.
  5. DreamNofR1

    4th ride?

    Cool. See y'all at 10.
  6. DreamNofR1

    4th ride?

    Is it raining out that way at all? I've got about a 45 minute ride to meet you guys out there so I just wanted to check.
  7. DreamNofR1

    4th ride?

    I'd be down to get out for a little bit. There's some stuff going on in the late afternoon so I could only be out for a few hours.
  8. That was me, about 8 months ago. The absolute toughest decision I've ever made. I know how you feel. Sorry for your loss - there's no words to describe the pain.
  9. The old one directly across the street from QSL on Polaris. Next to Mimi's Cafe.
  10. I'm stuck at work until then or I would go with you on a ride. I'll just plan on meeting you (Beastie - and anyone else) that wants to be at CC at 7 pm.
  11. I guess...not sure if anyone else is going or not. The usual 7pm?
  12. I can make a ride but I'd be more than happy to meet up at bike night.
  13. ^^ Nope, the Jonas Brothers are in town.
  14. Kinda on the same boat with ya. Hell, I can't even believe the rest of the Jackass cast is still alive. They have to realize that even though they do some of the most heinous things, they aren't invincible.
  15. If this was the last thing on earth to eat, I'd rather die.
  16. Thanks dude, much appreciated. Yes, we'll have to ride soon again. Looks like the weather is going to be crappy, yet again, for another week or so.
  17. I'll probably be there Saturday and Sunday. I'm up for meeting somewhere and riding up.
  18. Gotcha. Oh and I totally forgot that you were with us, Hutch. My bad.
  19. No, we did a couple others. 60...and one other one but I forget.
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