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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. no pictures. even tho we should have taken some. the trees are lookin good. and my buddy's bike was havin electical issues and had to be trailered home
  2. ..... it was an ok ride.... a few issues but nobody went down thank God. just glad to be outside. home, basically.....
  3. .... could somebody print a couple copies of this and bring it please http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Bolivar,+OH+44612&daddr=E+Carrollton+St+to:OH-542+S/Lodge+Rd+SW+to:Leesville+Rd+to:OH-151+W/Patterson+Rd+to:US-250+W+to:OH-800+S/Johnson+Ave+to:OH-800+S/Freeport+Tippecanoe+Rd+to:US-22+E/Cadiz-Piedmont+Rd+to:Wheeling+St+to:OH-9+N/Cadiz-Jewett+Rd+to:Jewett+Scio+Rd+to:OH-646+E+to:N+Walnut+St+to:OH-43+N/Steubenville+Rd+SE+to:Lincoln+Ave&hl=en&ll=40.510667,-81.394958&spn=0.911483,2.113495&sll=40.773018,-80.780518&sspn=0.014186,0.033023&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ;FcBJbAIdn3on-w;FcotagIdpgQo-w;FZ7iaAIdfiEp-w;FSxQaAId3Aoo-w;FbCZaAIdGqUn-w;FdBCaAId8k4n-w;FTfUZQIdu0Uo-w;FT6qZQIdKpcq-w;FYwsZQIdzRks-w;FWzxZwId-6kr-w;FTZeaAIdVcUq-w;FfKdaAId6Ecv-w;FaT3aAIdGoMv-w;FaCVaQIdsDIt-w;FVQibgIdrH4v-w&vpsrc=6&mra=mi&mrsp=15&sz=16&t=m&z=10
  4. I think we're gonna do the second route buddy. just meet us in bolivar. you won't regret it. just get a couple hours rest first
  5. me and another buddy of mine will be there. we'll be meeting in bolivar at 10am so.... lemme see if and when we'll millersburg.
  6. ok.... so I know this thread seemed to have died a bit. Let's meet in bolivar at 10am tomorrow morning. Please "check-in" if you plan on makin' it. "CHECK-IN"
  7. title says it all. I'm in akron. the helmet has a clear visor and I would be hoping for a clear visor on what you have to offer. thanks
  8. either way. I think a 10am meet-up. 1015am rideout time is fair and good. bolivar. usual marathon/dq spot
  9. these both look promising..... lets vote OPTION 1 http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Bolivar%2c+OH&daddr=Millersburg%2c+OH+to:Nashville%2c+OH+to:Glenmont%2c+OH+to:Blissfield%2c+OH+to:Tunnel+Hill%2c+OH+to:Kimbolton%2c+OH+to:Birmingham%2c+OH+to:Jewett%2c+OH+to:40.383669%2c-80..968977+to:Lisbon%2c+OH&hl=en&ll=40.743095%2c-80.776978&spn=2.338924%2c3.532104&sll=40.495526%2c-82.030106&sspn=0.293456%2c0.441513&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ%3bFQvQagIdIAge-ymjPgCzqm03iDHHmEZsCKOuVQ%3bFc1yawIdnxEb-yk9xp_XEGQ3iDH21mEHc_bW7Q%3bFYBJagIdIUsb-yknSi-LLns3iDF5Ez5Kz-kBDA%3bFa1zaAIdlU4d-ylBRN_QZnY3iDHRZI40gfRJZQ%3bFeM1ZgIdtw0c-ymlvTftzoQ3iDGsc5v2U6oklw%3bFRGvZAIdH08j-ymdCUgrbrI3iDF6et9X2K2OJg%3bFc75ZAIdQFkl-ylzl1vcGVI2iDHTyXnCUEsXKA%3bFeT2ZwIdw_Qr-ykV4RViTI82iDFM6wTQ8T06wg%3bFbU0aAId74Is-ymD9hRZk4U2iDGMKKvNOdTcEA%3bFaQhbgIdepMv-ymZuUO-4gI0iDEaI2Pczv5lFg&vpsrc=6&mra=ls&via=9&t=m&z=8 or OPTION 2 http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Bolivar,+OH+44612&daddr=E+Carrollton+St+to:OH-542+S/Lodge+Rd+SW+to:Leesville+Rd+to:OH-151+W/Patterson+Rd+to:US-250+W+to:OH-800+S/Johnson+Ave+to:OH-800+S/Freeport+Tippecanoe+Rd+to:US-22+E/Cadiz-Piedmont+Rd+to:Wheeling+St+to:OH-9+N/Cadiz-Jewett+Rd+to:Jewett+Scio+Rd+to:OH-646+E+to:N+Walnut+St+to:OH-43+N/Steubenville+Rd+SE+to:Lincoln+Ave&hl=en&ll=40.510667,-81.394958&spn=0.911483,2.113495&sll=40.773018,-80.780518&sspn=0.014186,0.033023&geocode=FU1FbAId4yMl-ymfn2p4I942iDFpVhMOKGgwiQ;FcBJbAIdn3on-w;FcotagIdpgQo-w;FZ7iaAIdfiEp-w;FSxQaAId3Aoo-w;FbCZaAIdGqUn-w;FdBCaAId8k4n-w;FTfUZQIdu0Uo-w;FT6qZQIdKpcq-w;FYwsZQIdzRks-w;FWzxZwId-6kr-w;FTZeaAIdVcUq-w;FfKdaAId6Ecv-w;FaT3aAIdGoMv-w;FaCVaQIdsDIt-w;FVQibgIdrH4v-w&vpsrc=6&mra=mi&mrsp=15&sz=16&t=m&z=10
  10. we're looking for a twisty ride. we'll probs meet in bolivar at 10am if the route is 200 miles. 9am if the route is 300 miles. maybe end up in lisbon for an std burger. really open to what ever. 1.we're looking for a fun but sane pace 2. wanna ride from 10am to 3or4pm. 3. we wanna ride for like 3 to 5 hrs. 4. I'd like to be back in akron by 5.
  11. ... aaarrrggg..... I know guys.... gimme a minute been busy.... lemme see what I can throw together.
  12. I'd say learn on a 600 but I'll agree that the ninja 250 is a pleasant surprise.
  13. .... lookin' at that route and depending on the temp... and whats goin in.... MAYBE I'll dip south of I-70. I do wanna push my pace a lil bit but I dunno.... a few of you guys have ridden with me so you may know my pace by now.... I hate feelin' like I'm slowin people down.....
  14. curious as to what you've got, especially if you're familiar with the road conditions.
  15. how many takers would there be? and for what day? this route would probably include oh-9 and oh-164 and stay north of i-70, unless a good number wants to go further south.
  16. .... again... I'll vouch for the xj600... mine was my first, loved her.... the katana is a good start too... leave the cbr's alone... they are not as comfortable and therefore not as easy to learn on. if you only spend $2,000 on a bike you're gonna end up wanting more in the very short future....
  17. ......... dang it doc... I said take a break from the forum.... not become the top poster...........
  18. .... lay off the forum doc and get some rest........
  19. ..... good video overall..... ... I just hope my doc doesn't mix up his 3's for 6's.....
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