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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. .... great video doc! we should devote a ride to gettin' those good shots you're always looking for. we'll go up and down the same stretch of road if we have to. any ideas on where this could close to northeast ohio?
  2. ahahaha...... we'll think of some kinda name lol...
  3. it was a good break-out ride for me and a good first ride for the rookie we had with us. thanks to the guys taking pics and vid! I look forward to seeing them! steel trolley diner is always a great treat after a ride. yep, good group, weather, and food, and no accidents, yep, thats a good ride......
  4. Me plus 1 will be there at 1130ish
  5. Aaarrrgggg....... Im probs not gonna make this one..... sorry......
  6. I should know by tonight if I can make it. any ideas on a route?
  7. I'm the other maybe. when and where are we meeting?
  8. its all good. I posted the song above. I'm guessing we could shoot at one of the lots in west akron (I think most people know where I'm talking about) I'll see if we can get a road closed off though. we're lookin for fast bikes and flashy cars. still ironing out details
  9. more like this http://soundcloud.com/ezswagg/ez-swagg-ft-deez-l-pedal-2-the
  10. .... not sure if I'm feelin' the sarcasm guys.....
  11. I have a crew who wants to put together a music video in the next couple of weeks and we're tryin' to get as many riders and fast car drivers in it! The shoot will most likely be in akron. so if you're interested let me know!!!
  12. there is a way! there's a "facebook bridge" option in the user cp!!!!!!!
  13. yes doc. I got a new number. I'll text you now
  14. you got a new bike? what is it? and what happend to the ninja?
  15. can I "connect with facebook" but still use my ohio riders account?
  16. .... as I got to my car at 930am... I knew I was gonna miss a good ride.... have fun and be SAFE.....
  17. .... sorry doc... you know you're my riding buddy, but I can't make this one.... be safe
  18. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44953925/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/?GT1=43001 we should hit this area south of I-70 hahahahahaha
  19. this would be at the bolivar meet spot right? I'll say I'm 40% in.... I'll be wearing 2 sets of cold gear..... trust me doc... these temps can get rough for us darker skinned folks.... but with a good ride, we won't feel it... as much.....
  20. .... except for the passenger seat thing... can get cramped...
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