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Everything posted by MIKE53ALI

  1. I'll keep an eye on the radar. if we have to postpone... I most likely won't make it.... just putting it out there....
  2. ..... lookin' at the radar.... this front seems to be sitting on us... I hope it moves on soon enough...... my alarm is set..... where do u guys check the weather?
  3. .... I dunno..... between a lil low on funds... and a lil high on the scale..... I think I'll wait til next year to hit the track and shop for leathers.......
  4. let me know when u wanna go. I'll go with you. I think they require FULL gear which I don't have.... nor a track bike.....
  5. .... and.... if u want doc, we can mount the cam on mine and get the doc on cam.....
  6. .... ok..... probs no two-up then.... I'll watch the radar.... I know the passengers been beggin' to ride.... so we'll see... I might show two-up.... but I can keep the pace up..... I'll ride sweeper.......
  7. what pace is this gonna be? I think this would be a good two-up ride....
  8. I'll throw hat in as well. I want a decent group out tho. so I think the doc will agree when I say I want a "check-in" by midnight tonight. if you "check-in" please "check-out" if u back out..... thanks... so here's mine..... CHECK-IN
  9. .... I'm still in ytown.... but I'm good.... just tired
  10. forecast and radar just took a dump..... we'll see whats up.... sounds like this would be a better ride on a later weekend anyways.... even if's just me and maybe two other guys.... I wouldn't mind goin' for the ride tommorow. just depends on the weather.
  11. ... does anybody else get all tingly watching these vids?..... THANKS NINJADOC.... YOU ARE THE MAN..... I really apriciate this filming!!!
  12. ok. maybe 800 to 556 then. we'll see
  13. After trying to redo this route on google and not being able to, I'm just gonna keep it as is on here but I do have a few small changes in mind. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=2612+Cleveland+Avenue+Northwest,+Canton,+OH&daddr=2098+N+Broadway+St,+Dover,+OH+44622+to:OH-416+S/OH-800+S/S+Broadway+St+to:fly,+oh+to:OH-7+N+to:OH-536+N+to:Cameron,+OH+to:Powhatan+Point,+OH+to:Armstrongs+Mills,+OH+to:St.+Clairsville,+OH+to:Kilgore,+OH+to:Steel+Trolley+Diner,+East+Lincoln+Way,+Lisbon,+OH&geocode=FaX7bgIdTicm-ylnDfaO99A2iDGyGl8MaOejyg%3BFZNxagIdOnAl-ymzE8W8iOM2iDEm19gmy7NKPQ%3BFWStaQIdxjIl-w%3BFf21WwIdx-gr-yl9ZOBQ0OZJiDEdyIQCCIdGzw%3BFaZFXQId3Aku-w%3BFWToXQIdE8As-w%3BFevLXgIdTOEs-ylNcmE5CgU2iDHuGeY-YaaqAg%3BFWs3YAId-Nou-ylbtl0dAOI1iDFBRV-Gz1ggJA%3BFSDzYAIdXggt-ymX7M3UVgw2iDFhygxRHQXsKg%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ%3BFWdvaQId4AIs-ykjyRHNE5A2iDG9jTF8ndDjHQ%3BFRAibgId9Jcv-yH05n6RmRy1xClh8lA34AI0iDEczvNJTPzVqw&abauth=df44fee5:riJEl6gCWAIAcPJziKkGSpMY4CA&hl=en&mra=pr&via=5&vps=25&ei=xsErTpb_FYPANcWbzeIK&jsv=357c&sll=40.495285,-81.707895&sspn=2.005036,4.77356&num=10 We will meet at the DQ in bolivar at 10am. this should give everyone coming from where ever to get there. I wanna be outta there just a short time after. I'm gonna be there a lil before 10am. my point is I just wanna get movin and not waiting or wasting daylight. there will be a lunchtime stop in powahatan point on the river. depending on timing... maybe a dinner or a snack stop at the doc's place std. now... this route is not perfect and I have never traveled it. I really just wanna explore it and lean into a few corners. I do welcome all that wanna ride it. it is gonna be a long one, but the season is gettin' shorter so I wanna just ride. the pace will be "brisky but not risky". I am a middle of the pack rider, but honestly will probably be just a tad slower due to not knowing this route or some of the road conditions. the speedsters can join, but they better know the route. I rather not lose people on the ride. of course... full gear... and please have your bikes in working order and batteries charged with that all said.... let's see who and how many we can get out with us and have a fun safe ride.......
  14. please let me see your route. I was just about to post
  15. let's settle on a route first. mine seems to have some closure or what not. lemme see speedy's or maybe I'll work one up. let's just say this.... let's ride to the river on saturday!!!!
  16. where's the one you posted?
  17. if we do this weekend it will have to be saturday for me.........
  18. hardy har har you guys..... anyways.... just the usual vtwin vibrating stuff loose... problem resolved.....
  19. I may have to reroute some of this then..... if you guys wanna do this... it would have to be saturday. any suggestions for the route?
  20. I will be posting the ride soon.... what day works best for most?
  21. bumpin' it to tell everyone that this maybe goin' to the "rides and events" soon after thinkin bout it through... just a heads up... I'm not gonna be flyin' through this route..... I welcome all who wants to ride, but never traveling these roads before is gonna keep the speeds somewhere between cruiser and insane. I would call the speed brisky but not risky...
  22. 2003 aprilia sl1000r falco with 25,000mi its the best way to describe it. when I drop her into 1st at a stop the shifter stays loose and hangs lower then it should until I get up to speed, then the shifter will come back up and the shifter will be firm in 1st. then coming off the highway, trying to down shift.... the shifter would kick down but it wouldn't downshift.... I have and USE the hydrolic clutch what could the issue be?
  23. damn.... at least I went to ytown and replaced the brackets...........
  24. ok.... maybe in the next weekends.....
  25. just a quick weak suggestion..... what if we extended the route to this? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=2612+Cleveland+Avenue+Northwest,+Canton,+OH&daddr=2098+N+Broadway+St,+Dover,+OH+44622+to:OH-416+S/OH-800+S/S+Broadway+St+to:fly,+oh+to:OH-7+N+to:OH-536+N+to:Cameron,+OH+to:Powhatan+Point,+OH+to:Armstrongs+Mills,+OH+to:St.+Clairsville,+OH+to:Kilgore,+OH+to:Steel+Trolley+Diner,+East+Lincoln+Way,+Lisbon,+OH&geocode=FaX7bgIdTicm-ylnDfaO99A2iDGyGl8MaOejyg%3BFZNxagIdOnAl-ymzE8W8iOM2iDEm19gmy7NKPQ%3BFWStaQIdxjIl-w%3BFf21WwIdx-gr-yl9ZOBQ0OZJiDEdyIQCCIdGzw%3BFaZFXQId3Aku-w%3BFWToXQIdE8As-w%3BFevLXgIdTOEs-ylNcmE5CgU2iDHuGeY-YaaqAg%3BFWs3YAId-Nou-ylbtl0dAOI1iDFBRV-Gz1ggJA%3BFSDzYAIdXggt-ymX7M3UVgw2iDFhygxRHQXsKg%3BFT2LYwIdR5Qt-ykP37l8wXA2iDGYNXjeNMRVLQ%3BFWdvaQId4AIs-ykjyRHNE5A2iDG9jTF8ndDjHQ%3BFRAibgId9Jcv-yH05n6RmRy1xClh8lA34AI0iDEczvNJTPzVqw&abauth=df44fee5:riJEl6gCWAIAcPJziKkGSpMY4CA&hl=en&mra=pr&via=5&vps=25&ei=xsErTpb_FYPANcWbzeIK&jsv=357c&sll=40.495285,-81.707895&sspn=2.005036,4.77356&num=10
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