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Everything posted by Revelstoker

  1. Well, they are really called "crack"days as they are quite addictive. So, go ahead and buy some gear as your going to be back. Sportbiketracktime has a really good Novice program that I enjoyed. If you can get in, the have a RIDE RIGHT program to help indiviuals that have never been on a track ease into the sport. http://www.sttforum.com/showthread.php?t=7034 Mid-Ohio has a good Novice program as well and I would recommend you go with either of these orgs.
  2. bump up th $$ range a bit and pick up a brand new Honda NC700x. No cruiser or speeding bullet but it is a torquey commuter type bike, capable of doing longer distances and delivering 80MPG. Upright riding position, feet underneath and should be back friendly.
  3. Don't let them pesuade you away from cruisers. They are perfectly practical and just fine for long distances. Besides, you have to ride it and be happy with your choice. Don't discount the sport-tourers as the forward leaning weight bias and feet under you can go along way for a bad back. Adventure bikes are equally as good as sport tourers with less lean. Most of these guys are vertically challenged anyway and fit on what comes out of Japan. So they don't know what it is like to have an inseam greater than their height and how cramped a Japanese bike can be. My other advice is don't get a bike with forward controls, like an 8-Ball or nightster. Too much pressure on your butt and back. This can make for painful long distance riding (some may not mind). Sport Tourers (Kawi Concours, BMW R or K series, Triump Sprint, ...) are all examples of bikes that would fit your descpription. Used Harley Road Kings or Heritage Classics would work - though you might have to get a bit closer to $10k. Metric Cruisers (Honda Shadow, Vulcan, Roadstar) might work and should be in your price range. You won't know until you sit on them. Get to the bike show and see what is out there. Then, just find older used models of the bikes you like.
  4. That could shrink a bit if the condom challenges stick. Last time I heard or read a report, some 80% of all internet traffic was for porn.
  5. You have probably heard of this one but maybe not: Where the Buffalo Roam. Boy and his Dog Pharlap (kid friendly) Birdy Little Big Man I trump with this:
  6. Talladega GP or "little tally" as it is commonly referred to. Just down the road from the BIG Talladega nascar track. Little Tally is a fun course but IMO, it is only worth the drive if you are looking for an early spring or late fall event. ORRRR, if you want to get extra miles out of a set of tires and wear the LEFT side rubber down.
  7. Yes, I roasted down there doing a July 4th event a couple years back. I wanted to do April but couldn't swing it this year. CSBK school is there and I was tempted. Previously I said it was a 2-4-1 deal but that was their old early bird special. Just a bit cheaper. Its going to be a busy week as I am hoping to do MO on 6/22.
  8. Busted my tailbone or just smacked it really good sledding. But, I couldn't resist and took the bike out for a gingerly ride. Putted around for an hour and headed home. Enjoyable ride despite the pain.
  9. Wasn't is snowing last year? Last one there buys the Pizza. First one there buys the beer.
  10. Took a ride today and then got a present when I got home. Spots were still left. X-act Motorsports is running a trackday @ Barber on 6/29 and 6/30. Nothing earth shattering there. Here is the deal, the first 25 people that send in money via paypal, pay $150 a day. (2 days for the price of one, was their old deal from a few years ago.) So, I just got a full weekend at Barber for $300. Hurry, if your interested as only the first 25 get the deal.
  11. Sad in that we should never forget that both Iraq and Afghanistan were funded, supported, aided and were allies of America. Nothing against the service people but just a condemnation for poor foreign policy, greed and corruptive power on both sides.
  12. We need a good month of rain to wash off the salt.
  13. After reading this story, I have to post my # pet peave = LEARN TO SHIT! #1, flush as you go. Screw the damn water shortage as no one wants to smell your rank ass self. If your on an automatic kind, lean forward or do what ever but flush and flush ofter. I don't care if the tank takes time to fill or your ass gets wet, FLUSH as you GO!!!! #2, flush before your wipe No one, not even yourself wants to deal with crap overflowing onto the floor, bowl or plunger. So, get the shit gone first. #3, 3 wipes and flush again. repeat as often as needed. Yes, waiting for the tank to refill can be a bitch but that is not worth any clean up.
  14. OH REALLY? Yes, I know why you call it a "private" bank but it is about as private as government accounting is accounting. The Federal Reserve has a role to play, just as every other Central Bank in every other country and it plays it well. Getting rid of the Federal Reserve is a statement for attention seeking politicians, Fox News and the ignorant masses. Do you really know what Federal Reserve's day to day functions are? The primary motivation for creating the Federal Reserve System was to address banking panics.[3] Other purposes are stated in the Federal Reserve Act, such as "to furnish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes".[24] Before the founding of the Federal Reserve System, the United States underwent several financial crises. A particularly severe crisis in 1907 led Congress to enact the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Today the Federal Reserve System has responsibilities in addition to ensuring the stability of the financial system.[25] Current functions of the Federal Reserve System include:[12][25] To address the problem of banking panics To serve as the central bank for the United States To strike a balance between private interests of banks and the centralized responsibility of government To supervise and regulate banking institutions To protect the credit rights of consumers [*]To manage the nation's money supply through monetary policy to achieve the sometimes-conflicting goals of maximum employment stable prices, including prevention of either inflation or deflation[26] moderate long-term interest rates [*]To maintain the stability of the financial system and contain systemic risk in financial markets [*]To provide financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions, including playing a major role in operating the nation's payments system To facilitate the exchange of payments among regions To respond to local liquidity needs [*]To strengthen U.S. standing in the world economy Through FOMC, yes the Fed will buy and sell bonds as a mechanism for facilitating monetary policy. The Fed also lends money to member banks, holds reserves and audits banks for solvency. I still have a few buddies doing this last action if you want to talk with them. Yes, the Fed has bought a tremendous amount of bonds to provide liquidity to the banking system. The gutting of Glass-Steagal by a republican house and democratic President created a tremendous burden and responsibility for bailout that should never have happened. CitiGroup, too big to fail = MY ASS!! Reality, big enough to destroy the WW economy is what the legislation created. So, if you need a whipping boy, blame the Congressmen, President and Treasury secretary (Rubin) for ramming this one up the US public's ass. In short, the Fed insures financial stability of our banking system and keeps the wheels of government greased. Someone has to do it.
  15. There were plenty of other choices and I chose one of those. We have to remember that this country is by the people, for the people. The only "power" that the populace has is to vote. If we really want change, we have to vote it in. Simply flipping over the bread and looking at the fluffy stuff on either side is a waste of some really good crust.
  16. You will do better by selling your vehicles yourself. Car dealers will give you little or nothing for your rides as they will or want to make money on the flip. Generally, but not always, you vehicles will be headed to auction and that involves another middleman. Dealerships are not in business to be nice and they make little selling new cars. All the money is in used, parts and service. Cash talks and the more you have in your wallet, the better deal you are likely to get.
  17. Just like the media to take a condition out of context to support some personal political choice. Quick review of history clearly shows the rapid rise in debt during the Reagan years. A slower increase under Clinton (actually had a surplus) and then a rapid increase under W. Bush that continued under Obama. http://zfacts.com/p/318.html Clinton's tight monetary policy actually put the economy in a rather precarious position. W. tax cuts hurt revenue generation and then Bernanke needlessly raising interest rates put the final nail in the coffin on the economy. 3 wars under Bush(s) rule, media fed economic/financial collapse, decreased revenue and increased social spending have all managed to balloon the debt to levels not seen since WW2. Sad part, is that monetary policy is not going to solve this issue. Increase spending (shift on how it is spent now) combined with roll back on W. tax cuts are going to be needed to stimulate the economy. Corrective fiscal policy is something sorely missing in this whole discussion with no clear end in site. US is going to follow in the footsteps of Japan until some folks are willing to make the tough choices to fix the issues and create new opportunities. Time for the country to eat their veggies and take the medicine - no matter how bad it tastes.
  18. this site does a pretty good job of laying it out. http://www.justfacts.com/nationaldebt.asp When looking at the national debt it there are two thing really to focus on. Composition and rate of change (growth/decrease vs. rate of growth in GDP) Composition - the first thing to do is separate the total debt into Public vs Federal debt. Federal debt can largely be ignored as this is debt held by the Federal Reserve, Social Security and other govt. trust. In other words, this is debt held by us for us. Public debt is the portion not held by US. Gov. agencies. There are plenty of legitimate (insurance companies, banks, corporations, investors,...) holders of this debt and this also includes foreign holders. The size of the debt is troubling but the causes of the debt are far more serious and controllable.
  19. The debt issue is not as bad as everyone makes it out but it is not good either. Almost 50% of the debt is held by the US for US citizens. So, essentially we borrow to pay ourselves back. Social Security and Fed make up most of this. The other 50% isn't quite as heinous either as much of it is held by investors or banks. A portion is held by other countries and that is where we can get into trouble. Deficit spending is the real issue and the quicker we get any meaningful spending cuts, the better. Hear that Military!!!! T coin would not destroy the purchasing power of the dollar so long as the coin never makes it into circulation.
  20. Easy and NO cost, hmm. Not likely but I will subscribe to see what you turn up. My last 3 mortgages and 2 refis have been with Wells Fargo. After shopping around, I found them to be the most competitive on rates and cost. Staying with your current lender should be the first avenue but I would shop around first before talking with your lender. At least you will know what other options you have before striking a deal. I do know a local Dayton guy with a private mortgage company but the last time I talked with him, he wasn't taking on new mortgages due to the backlog they have to process. He may be looking to fill his 2013 funnel. I will update if I find anything positive.
  21. This whole political mess is an embarrassment. If Americans truly want change, we have to take back out government by voting out the current mindset. I didn't vote for a single incumbent and won't. Americans have to make a statement and vote these guys out of office. Why O' Why, did Ohioans have to vote Boner back into office. Such an embarrassment. If only he had been sent packing along with Cantor in VA (if he was up).
  22. Enjoy. You can still do the falls from the American side but it isn't as dramatic of a view.
  23. Yikes, I was hoping you wouldn't say that one. Town of Canadaigua isn't much to speak of and the rest of the lake is pretty rural. Not much in the way of activities or amenities. Wineries are probably closed or may have weekend hours. They are not that great when compared to Cali wine tours. Manichevitz is made in Naples at the bottom of the lake. Yippy, wine by the gallon. Rochester is not far away and it will be the best source of activities. Stop in Buffalo at the Anchor Bar for the birthplace of hot wings. Take passports and do Niagara Falls while you are there. Dinosaur BBQ in Rocha-cha-cha is worth a stop along with the Eastman House. Pontillo's Pizza in Bushnell's Basin is close and an old favorite for carry-out. Richardsons's Canal House is a nicer place to eat. If you have passports and are going that far, I would recommend canceling Canandaigua and going to Niagara on the Lake as a place to stay. Note, most of these places are summer retreats. Cayuga Lake is a bit better as you have Ithaca and the college. Palmyra is the birth place of Mormonism and you can visit J. Smith's house and walk up Hill Cumorah. http://www.bristolmountain.com is close by for skiing.
  24. Finger Lakes are ok. I lived in Rochester, NY for almost 3 years and went around most of them. Rode Watkins Glenn and that is one fun race track but sadly, no bikes and wrong time of the year. Which one are you going to? If you are closer to Ithaca, life will be good. The others can be lacking in amenities.
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