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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Time to check on few more folks and keep the buzz up @Shoop coming with the FJR?
  2. One thing for sure, suspension setting to be kept very soft. All the heat cold thaw cycling has brutalized the roads here in NEO. Wonder how southern end roads are like, whtr they getting these beat up. @JustinNck1 @thompsonian
  3. I understand dani but u were absolutely right, so hard to turn off the machine once the gears are rolling within you lol. I didn’t post my full blown imaginary ride report and google pics yet as I am pretty sure OR will tag me crazy haha i am hoping Merry gets to set sail all over SA seas beyond the grand line border this year. Collect as many precious memory stones my old nick name was Sherlock 🕵️‍♀️ lol And not because of crime solving nature haha
  4. i was waiting for this reply from you haha
  5. see you at 164 march 31 😄 i am really fighting the urge not to get out. Too messy for my ocd post cleaning, not enough fun vs work // risk vs benefit For you guys its almost a different state down south ohio. triple needs to come out if you plan to have meaningful ride in ohio, this aint Deals gap where even the commute to "funner" road is fun
  6. You know what they say, Candle burns brightest right before it ends. This week its been real bright, cold and snowy. Is this the end of winter. May be next week it starts warming up, then rain starts washing roads clean. Warm enough to start prepping bikes and by end of march first season opener ride ? March 30-31 sounds like a good day for SEO loop
  7. as i am vicariously living through my own dreams of some good rides, i am going to keep posting it here so it can materialize over time and may be keep the hopes of warm riding days open in fellow ohio riding folks The august 33 ride might look like this, if i can start early i will likely do it in one day, if not stay overnight in harrisonburg and second day plan another route back These are the kind of roads i am looking forward to ride narrow fun twisty and avoid high speed rashness of course the usual stuff as well
  8. nice to hear from you Dave, hope you can join some rides down in ohio i even logged in RSB forum to see and hear about some motorcycle activity and saw pretty much nothing. i guess no activity there
  9. NinjaDoc

    Acf 50

    I am thinking with all these quick changing weather pattern we seeing there is a high chance we gonna run across some rain more freq than past years. Might as well get an extra layer of protection.
  10. Yea, it almost looks like any good day you get which you are free be prepared to put some miles the only planned one I am thinking is the gap trip. Everything else just going to wing it last minute.
  11. Hopefully I can make it as well. Looks like I might be able to ride in 🤣
  12. NinjaDoc

    Acf 50

    Anti rust spray the brits seems to love when they keep riding through rain and snow and slush all the time. I keep mine clean as new all the time ( habit I picked up from jerry) still like the idea of extra layer of protection with newer bikes not built like they used to be. Just trying to make some bike related conversation lol
  13. Since we are expecting a snow bomb next week, since 2018 majority weekends were rainy , just wanted to post something up. Positive reinforcements to seal up good riding season ahead. I always believed in majority mass positive vibe phenomenon. If all believe it will happen for sure, it’s gonna happen for sure OptiMystic prediction: so this is the plan for 2019, all are welcome to join / plan to ride at least one weekend a month April : yes April itself, season opener / short SEO loop May: not so Epic ride June: Gap trip July: Ohio Pa WV loop Aug: Route 33 Harrisonburg Va trip sep: WV Route 16 to Marion Va Trip Oct: SEO loop unfortunately I won’t be able to dedicate many days to riding. This is max I might be able to do, if I can pull off half on the list I will be happy. Any one welcome to join , post your own plans may be I can join those. Of course this is Ohio and all riding plans subject to change. But once you put it down in writing and burn the image into your mind it’s going to happen. Just another month before we start real rides again. Of course couple of you guys going to post up about riding in 30 degree days in between. Good for you. But the season will open April for sure . Right ... right
  14. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Awesome, @Blitz will be nice to see you there. Looks like more than 75% of the active OR folks will be there. Hope to run across familiar faces at every corner literally. The online booking thing doesn’t work?
  15. Seems like a very common jump made by ex fjr owners. Lots of ex or current fjr owners having fj09 or tracer GT. @drc32-0 u also right? Still got the fj?
  16. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Hahaha my Xanax is twisty miles, I need a very high dose. Seriously just thinking about this is keeping the winter madness off. Wait till you see me post up imaginary rides of imaginary warm days coming up.
  17. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    You have no idea, if I don’t get a clean warm weather day in March I am going real crazy. I am expecting a 60 degree weekend happening in March. See you on street that day
  18. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    So far looking back in the thread this is what I gather. Any names omitted or added is accidental lol updated list @max power @2talltim @MidgetTodd @marlboro man @what @jacobhawkins @kbrok @B-Mac @Tonik @Pauly @theroamr @Howabusa @NinjaDoc @SherBear2bliss @Gump Maybe @durk @Tpoppa @Uncle Punk @Steve Butters @JustinNck1 @DerekClouser @ScubaCinci maaaay beeee @Helmutt @snot @flashesbuck
  19. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Awesome haven’t seen him in a long time It will be here What’s the lodge room number Ur staying at? 🤣 i am hoping more folks will be coming out as it gets closer to date when they see magnificent glorious weather for the weekend but to be honest I tagged literally every one who is regular so far.
  20. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    So far looking back in the thread this is what I gather. Any names omitted or added is accidental lol @max power @2talltim @MidgetTodd @marlboro man @what @jacobhawkins @kbrok @B-Mac @DerekClouser @Tonik @Pauly @theroamr @Howabusa @NinjaDoc @SherBear2bliss Maybe @durk @Tpoppa @Nebbors @Danimal @Uncle Punk
  21. Does this mean there is a chance for street ride this season? May be even a gap trip 😃
  22. Good to hear this J, if the 4 wheel back road option still something you would consider I will keep texting you that as well
  23. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    June 789 I guess.
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