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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Love the third wheel perspective of the ride report
  2. Awesome, finally a ride I can do a last minute just walk in Hopefully IN
  3. @Scorpion-Ninja finally u might have a friend to ride down with. Welcome, I used to be that guy from Michigan coming to seo, hated every moment of the two years I spend up there
  4. Looks like great weather ahead. Have a fun trip long haulophilics
  5. Amazingly beautiful day, ride safe everyone, missed a chance to see you all before the end of season. Hopefully one more day next weekend we will get lucky
  6. I was expecting to see a ride pop up, wish I was free to join up and see some of you guys before season closes. Ride safe team. Hope every one jumps in on this and enjoy the blessing of warm October.
  7. Thx for all the input guys, what I was looking for and was sure to find were some personal experiences some of you/ many of you went through in the past regarding quiting and coming back. It's looks almost like a unanimous thing, that's it's gonna come back. Seems like who ever was really into riding, the pure passsion even if it went away or had to be suppressed or lost it during busy life, found it again or got hit again. I guess I will still keep riding as a borderline priority in the back burner just in case After all this discussion, I guess I should accept, and many who know me personally know that the most likely scenario is the first warm day on 2018 I be posting a ride hahaha Regarding the parallel discussion here I tried track once, like tpoppa said didn't work for me. I am not much into that break neck max speed or high velocity stuff, but love the acceleration part of motorcycling as in hitting and exiting corners hard. I guess that's why I love street more because of ever changing perspectives and challenges. But I am going to give it another go, this time having more friends on the scene might make things different. Like it was mentioned here trying to perfect that lap might seem interesting or safer than street for sure. And off roading attempt needs to happen at least once heheh Atleast just for experience. I mean I grew up riding back roads in rural India which is either a tier 1 or 2 off road here lol Regarding the other discussion of speed, except for few folks here most regular street riders here enjoy all types of ride touring/ sport touring/ but prefer one over the other little bit. Personally I was never trying to go fast for the sake of going fast. As miles and exp rake up, the comfort zone gets pushed higher and higher in the speed limit. For e.g: u never feel like ur pushing the limit when cruising freeways on a car at 85-90. U only realize the speed when u check the speedo. Same thing happens in riding, when I was riding good with no fear, many times only when u peek down to realize this. And many times it's just on corners ur really working it and then on straight u mostly going just cruising 15+ Ur never flustered shaken sweating panting to keep pushing. just enjoying the day. And some times u try to get into the zone and push a bit. I won't say it's safe but I won't say it's totally crazy either. I guess it's a grey zone we live in for anything in our life. But these days that comfort zone is starting to slowly crumble ending up in this discussion. I know for sure I will miss meeting new folks, taking pics, and making videos etc shooting the shyte at breaks etc. Many rides even if time doesn't allow I used to show up riding 3-4 hrs just to say hi to some old faces and leave without even able to join the ride. But all in all good talk lol
  8. NinjaDoc


    Happy birthriding days ahead guys
  9. Exactly kind of some personal experiences I was hoping to hear. thx for sharing guys. @what regarding track, I defenitly have that faint plan on my back burner, trying track and off road at least few times next year if the full on street ride bug is not back. And regarding post it's not about me choosing something over riding, I was wondering about the deep passion for riding does it come back once it leaves you. That's all. I thought there might be at least few peeps here who went through that one time or the other.
  10. Hahah I guess u completely missed what I was trying to say, in a round about way I was getting at I was least bothered about materialistic stuff and one of the only few priority I had in life was riding
  11. my biggest worry if taking some major life decision without taking riding into account and then being stuck in middle of flat lands like florida. For average joe, no snow warm weather blah blah florida beats ohio hands down, But from my old perspective i would choose ohio anyday because of good riding available after 1 hr slab for 6-7 months a year. Or vice versa like finding an opportunity near lets say gap area thinking about awesome riding choices but sacrificing some other priority only to loose that instinct to enjoy riding forever.
  12. u should watch the end of the clip above see who is making a cameo
  13. Not to stretch out the topic too much, will try to make it short. I was just wondering if the active crowd here had gone off the riding grid and then returned again. When i say active crowd i mean folks who were really into riding and this was almost your first passion. For last couple of years i been starting to wean down, mainly my brain was telling me to stop and be careful but heart kept pushing. I thought this was normal and just about every body who rides goes through this because its a dangerous sport. Literally one of the most dangerous hobby, way more dangerous than even skydiving etc. I tried quitting 3-4 times but as soon as i sell all bikes i am still on CT CL searching reading researching and then buying and be right back were i started, But in the last few months i feel even my heart has given up on it. May be for the good, its been two months since i scavenged the web for the next engine type / bike style to try which is a big deal for me lol . I tried to put together the fall ride thinking the excitement would trigger the passion again. But it was purely mechanical for me. Then there was a free weekend, no family no social commitment, i just didnt want to ride and just wasted a perfect weather day for first time. This Saturday was the first time in my memory i was forcing myself to ride. I was hoping few miles and things would start to get clear and i start to enjoy it. Dont get me wrong It was fun but not that blood boiling adrenaline rush nor cloud walking endorphin feels i used to get no matter what speed what type of ride i used to do. I know this is a silly post and no point in discussing, just wanted to put it out there. All these years in USA, every major decision i took if it had any bearing on riding, it was affected by it. Eg: there was much much better job prospects than my current ones but had to be in areas where there only flat boring roads around. I didnt even consider it at that time because riding was a priority. Trust me, once you live in places like michigan, Ohio and SEO feels like dragon mullholand etc . Now in another year my current contract and commitment will be over and in fact i can start looking for better options starting end of the year. I wonder how i would choose and whtr i would regret it later. there were so many active peeps who used to ride a lot on this forum. I always wondered what happened to those folks as out of the blue they just stopped riding and quit all together. I can understand transient hobby and fad, midlife crisis folks just passing by. But folks who been really into it and about quitting it seemed unfathomable until this point. Did you ever quit/quit and came back? quit it but now cant get back and miss it every day ? baaah leave it who cares i be seeling stuff and buying new bike by 2018 most likely ....daaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiittttt PS: i even know what bike i want ...prolly that why i am not searching.....daaaaaaayummmmm
  14. No way my man, I been following many folks and try to keep a close distance but never able to get this close. That takes some skills and balls and i guess lot of trust. Go pro fish eye views sort of enhances the distance we keep so much that a regular following distance of 1-2 bikes seems like a lot. You must have been following an arm length to get this view. Props to you and thx a lot for the video. I waited a long time to be on camera and this was the best. Learned a lot from it and in future will try to correct. Will do it again next time, hopefully i recovered enough psych wise, and more confident and get an even more full blast video.
  15. haha it just appears like that Brian. I actually am way paranoid and only set up full committed entry exit only if i can see out of the exit fully. after recent spill i am way more paranoid now even the discolored light asphalt makes me slow down considerably. I think Derek sensed my habit real quick to slow down correspondingly i was hoping to follow you and get you on camera yesterday since you deserve a cameo after all the hours of recording you end up doing. But some other day i guess.
  16. thx for sharing tonik, i hope me and my wife get to do trips like this in future (plus our son has a well set future so we dont have any concerns or regrets doing it)
  17. Glad you guys got to put down some miles. I am sorry i haven't replied openly in this thread, but i was in touch with all the interested guys through phone messages etc. Wish all our times were aligned for a good ride. In the end it was just me and skinny, went for a short loop around 350 miles. Great weather for an October. I have a feeling next weekend weather is going to be very nice and there will be a lot of interested parties riding. But i be working @durk I dont know what is with that 170, i personally had two experience in that road. One real bad one with truck trying to stop and when i passed swerving into me. Coincidentally we Came across another Truckhole our self yesterday in remote back roads close to 800. Initially i though i was being paranoid he is just really distracted, but he was literally driving in the opposite lane in every clean straights and open wide corners. He was going under speed limit and kept checking his rear view mirror. So I just stayed on the right rear end of his truck for couple miles and he kinda became less aggressive and the next chance i got i leaped and passed. He didnt react much. I was feeling bad for suspecting him. But then skinny confirmed he was a real truckhole, he again started doing the aggressive stunts of swerving to opposite end and climax is pulling right across the road and stopping and blocking him off. He proceed to do his victory sign language but with one finger and drove off into some side road. i guess all-swell that ends with no swelling.
  18. NinjaDoc

    Oct 7 Saturday

    Any one planning to ride this coming sat ?
  19. NinjaDoc


    That road was awesome, those switch backs were crazy. And jerry and me almost crashed when we ran out of road at the other end.
  20. Rip / this weekend I was kind of having a bad premonition about riding. To the point i even txted jacob to take it easy and ride safe. Ride safe every one, esp during this OR black cloud year.
  21. Dayum lucky punks. Enjoy and ride safe I be working. Hopefully somebody post up a ride for next week.
  22. NinjaDoc

    New bike

    Who else thought this was a post about cbr 600rr with abs or zx6r with Ktrc abs welcome sonic, ps: the above statement is just an inside joke
  23. Wish I could make it working. Beautiful day for a ride.
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