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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Sorry couldn’t make it guys, next one for sure. If possible bring in to Akron area for us extreme east and some central folks can jump in as well may be. post up some pics
  2. They only selling around 500ish I think in States this year, I am hoping for it to sit on floors and loose value by 2021 I might get it. But it might not, the demand is there even though mild to fill up the allocated slots already. It will only sit in the floor if they start cranking it out more next year as well. It’s gotta be a once in life time experience to ride this thing. The thing actually leans well and good enough for an average street ride, and the grip will of course be better than a regular bike.
  3. signs the bill saying Yippee-ki-yay, mf ?
  4. Haha that’s area is where the aux light will mount and will be replaced in one job. Italian snobs don’t understand simple cheap jap guys mentality.
  5. The steed is coming along nicely for the 2019 trips the more warm days with rain in it means the time you spend in garage goes up. Dayum, I almost feel like a bike show kind of guy. No miles all styles First thing gone, giant pumpkin blinkers : Yamaha led blinker / tried eBay one first of course. Not bright at all to be unsafe lvl Short MRA screen : clean air > buffet or barn door evotech rad guard functional eBay CNc mirror : again smaller foot print size and reduced wind buffeting in the cockpit Chinese fake Powerbronze adv beak. Not fitted for GT, with some minor tweaking and adjusting it fit. Finally most expensive crap for the bike I spend, yoshimura full system. Guilt of wasting money melted away after a short rip around the local area. Now bike sounds like a tRRrRipple since weather is no where improving I thing I will continue to tweak and mod. So far haven’t touched any vital and important stuff of bike. Gonna keep all those oem intact like the suspension and stuff which is working wonderful for my puny weight. Going to rebadge that awful “goo” logo then put on crash protection and couple of aux lights and I am done gonna call him Garuda after a character from Indian mythology hehe (angry bird was more appropriate but don’t have a personalized name to it 😂)
  6. My chances of making it is marginal at best 😔, will try for sure. You guys Will know for sure when you see the empty chair.
  7. Looks like no escape,heading extreme south can Save you some rain and nice climate, but still will get soggy when leaving & coming back home. Weather in South east area like Washington and all looks nice, wonder if it’s worth to just trailer the bike there and explore the roads there this weekend and head back.
  8. didnt know where to post random riding related stuff, didnt want to make a thread for it each time i am sleepless and/or manic with some ideas. Anyways I really really reaaaaally wanted to ride this weekend. Was looking forward to that warmish weather and out of the blue they started saying rain. like 60-80% 😠 Any one know any vodoo magic to make it change. The front apparently is heading in starting thursday > moving to friday and saturday , this will bring in the warm weather but the rain as well. Now there is under 10% chance that the shift will be in a way the that the rain will start saturday evening only. Lets ride.. "the rain free window" @Jester_ 😆
  9. Hahaha I was gathering research material to convince myself to get sena instead of scala, BT communication was never a doubt. I still remember around 2009 thinking whtr it was worth it to get this So called BT dual pack, honestly it was the best motorcycle related purchase for me since the 2up riding is what I enjoy the most and this made it perfect. I was thinking if I didn’t buy it 10 yrs ago I would have missed some of the best motorcycle related riding and talks. So just trying to push max to Take the leap of faith.
  10. ability to attend call is a big plus, They don’t even realize you are in a bike. Max, if your really serious about wanting one. Get the sena 10 dual pack and be done with it. Or one step better 20s. Don’t wait for ever because you only get to use it for few thousand miles a year. Bike related stuff the more you procrastinate the lesser you use. Life is short, “biking life” is even shorter. I promise you once you ride two up with this you will feel like this was the best investment ever. ( depends on your marriage off course If your wife is your best friend ... just go to eBay and search for lowest twin pack price and buy it meow) The used prices I been watching never much came down and were so close to new ones. Didn’t make sense to get used.
  11. Will the fz6 be too much for issac? May be change sprocket or something to tone down initial pull etc / And you get this beauty ?
  12. Welcome, with a grom you will fit right in with the OR folks these days, but to actually ride in ohio you need a bigger bike for sure.
  13. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F113694813715 dont know if this year R6 fits/ suspension and brake upgrade in one? But this is a slippery slope of upgrade game
  14. I am really happy that I turned into a mini Jerry with ocd in cleaning, keeping tools arranged and packed and taking extra steps like cleaning out non accessible areas and anti rust spraying stuff when doing random job like installing exhaust. Double checking torque values, having a garage stool and sitting there reading actual instruction before doing stuff .....,,but this is not the same..... I feel sorry for you Paul, be like Paul don’t become Jim 🤣 .... ever
  15. Cleaned up so nice, wish I was there. Looks like a nice day for debut again.
  16. If your more into solo riding and weekend bash over long trips, and mainly sticking to back roads than crossing highways i would seriously consider the GT over the fJR. I haven’t had a proper ride in yet. Only short flings around. Will let you know by next weekend when I likely will be able to get a good run in.
  17. Basically it looks like everything is getting passed except what OP posted and wanted in this thread despite his unwaivering commitment to this cause and consistent hard work. Mean while shame on all the rest of us keeps using the ear plugs like jerks without getting fined. 😂 what a freaking long sentence.
  18. On a different note, no front plate and no fuel tax? Car guys will appreciate that
  19. one persons ducati is another person old "common" cbr600. Based on our financial state and "psycho-social" build we tend to preserve our stuff or neglect our stuff. Be it a car, bike toy what ever. rich guy garage queens a lambo and poor guys wash and wax and maintain a civic just the same way as long as they love their car the same way. IT doesnt matter how rare or how valuable it is. That means the average guy who loves their bike doesnt feel comfortable renting their bike. Statistically Bike is more of a personal attached asset/toy/ luxury in these parts compared to car which is considered by most as just a utility. Statistically there is higher chance of people messing up on a bike with lot more damage than the oppsie moment on a car. And basically human beings are flawed and by biological design is looking for self preservation/ asset preservation/ their own family preservation/ ... in short to be selfish. Just the level of it varies from time to time. Its not wrong to worry about imaginary accidents to your stuff/ imaginary illness to you family over imaginary injury to strangers. to summarize the big wall of text. , I do me, you do you and every one else do themselves. There is no right or wrong answer here. IF some one doesnt want to risk renting their bike for what ever reason they shouldnt. Some body else is comfortable renting it so be it.
  20. @2talltim @JustinNck1 @DerekClouser Have you guys rode with 3+ folks connected. As in let’s say rider A-B-C-D / 1) does it matter if the chain connection has to be in the proper order of riding? As is let’s say rider a-b is connected, b-c then c-d / if rider b decided to drop all the way back and possible out of range from Rider A , the whole chain gets broken up right? ( what a freaking confusing question to frame ) 2) does the multi connections get disconnected when gap increases or twisty roads etc and fall out of range , and then you have to sort of start over by fiddling with it?
  21. what i noticed about sena is the wide variability in user experience. The user exp ranged from people stuff dying after one ride in rain to others chugging along with no issues. Lot of people having some other issues and others having to go through hell and back to get adequate response from sena mothership. And still many whose sena has worked perfect with no hiccups. I kind of trust the user exp of folks here in OR who have been nothing but +ive regarding sena user exp and ended up ordering one myself. Will wait and see how lucky i am . I am thinking may be a batch issue or assembly location site issue dont know.
  22. @max power get it, if you been looking forward to riding two up, i am guessing you love the trips with wifey. Communication system makes such trip so much better. To the point i will never ever go back to non BT two up riding mode. So point number one> get it > its worth it get it second is the choice> Scala is a better unit no doubt just by being water proof itself. But as of now the safe bet for OR environment is getting Sena as literally every one has sena. Sena can talk to scala but confusing and questionable as multi member group. And one of these days when all of a sudden every one stops pretending to be ultra manly and wants to have some sort of communication for safety sake it will be worthy it. Again once you start using the comm system in group rides you will never go without it. No body keep chattering in there and talking as if at a bar counter. Only required stuff like warning, potholes, crap on road, clear to overtake etc itself is worth it. Safety profile taken a notch higher than doing stupid hand and leg signal dancing while riding. Third> which among sena > i think this will be a one time investment for quite a long time to come. Better bet right in the middle in Sena 20s / or 20s evo almost same. Better speakers and hardware, will do everything commonly needed. Still will have the first time struggle of getting connected with others and maintaining connection while in group ride. This is universal for most system till now. the game changer is the mesh network coming up > scala had it dialed down(plus water proof) and better at it with their new model > but unfortunately in this area u have no other scala guys to "mesh with " so no point getting that. The 30 k from sena is very questionable at best at this point. The online reviews and user experience has been so far lukewarm with ton more of complaints than the usual you expect from unhappy users. The prices are chopped down already for 30K> i am thinking they might come out with updated model within next few months. But go ahead and get a sena 20s evo > in ebay you can find new dual pack for 350ish > thats about 175 per unit which is a pretty good deal all things considered.
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