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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. NinjaDoc

    Saturday 4-6

    Wish I could looks like really good day
  2. Fortunately got to get out for few hours today. Back to my old bad habits or sacrificing sleep to finish work early and getting on a bike. Need to be better. Still fun to get out finally for proper ride. Kind of afraid of corners as if new rider will take a long time to get back to the old groove I guess.
  3. I am there for sure as long as I am not working In 2 years we would have 10th anniversary of this ride hehe the first year video, lot of effort but the quality was crappy in capture and edit those days. Over the years it looks like may be a handful of people are constant in OR most of these folks are not active in forums these days Always wanted to meet everyone and capture them for video or pic
  4. The coming weekend looks like 70, of course I won’t be able to ride 😡 enjoy who ever is free to ride
  5. Of course next week is going to be awesome since I can’t ride 😑
  6. I just can’t imagine this, I know it’s happening. But still can’t believe it
  7. NinjaDoc

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Aweeeeessssommmmeeeee the trip coming along very nicely
  8. No hijack at all dan, useful info plus this is random ride related thread. I literally just picked up mesh jacket pant from pony for a song. Plan is to get a goretex pack lite jacket pant (slightly bigger size) which can be wind Cheater as well to wear on top of this when needed. Will get non moto brand to keep cost low as well as to use when off the bike.
  9. Great pauly, I have one too. Rode with it through a down pour once and eventually got soaked. Prolly I made mistake of not covering up collar well I think.
  10. Think investing in decent rain gear and planning to ride through some scattered shower might be a worth while option if 2019 is going to be 2018. Most weekends with freaking rain. 😡
  11. NinjaDoc

    Goodbye OR

    See you in April
  12. Hope is the word, not expect plus global warming ... taking away most good riding days from us with crappy rain, might as well barter and give us some back for winter days.
  13. Aaaaahaaaa .... I was wondering why weather became crappy all of a sudden from 60+ sunny for whole week to Rain and sleet the weekend . 🤣
  14. Saturday from noon onwards small chance rain might stoP......then it will start snowing 😡
  15. Sorry couldn’t make it guys, next one for sure. If possible bring in to Akron area for us extreme east and some central folks can jump in as well may be. post up some pics
  16. They only selling around 500ish I think in States this year, I am hoping for it to sit on floors and loose value by 2021 I might get it. But it might not, the demand is there even though mild to fill up the allocated slots already. It will only sit in the floor if they start cranking it out more next year as well. It’s gotta be a once in life time experience to ride this thing. The thing actually leans well and good enough for an average street ride, and the grip will of course be better than a regular bike.
  17. signs the bill saying Yippee-ki-yay, mf ?
  18. Haha that’s area is where the aux light will mount and will be replaced in one job. Italian snobs don’t understand simple cheap jap guys mentality.
  19. The steed is coming along nicely for the 2019 trips the more warm days with rain in it means the time you spend in garage goes up. Dayum, I almost feel like a bike show kind of guy. No miles all styles First thing gone, giant pumpkin blinkers : Yamaha led blinker / tried eBay one first of course. Not bright at all to be unsafe lvl Short MRA screen : clean air > buffet or barn door evotech rad guard functional eBay CNc mirror : again smaller foot print size and reduced wind buffeting in the cockpit Chinese fake Powerbronze adv beak. Not fitted for GT, with some minor tweaking and adjusting it fit. Finally most expensive crap for the bike I spend, yoshimura full system. Guilt of wasting money melted away after a short rip around the local area. Now bike sounds like a tRRrRipple since weather is no where improving I thing I will continue to tweak and mod. So far haven’t touched any vital and important stuff of bike. Gonna keep all those oem intact like the suspension and stuff which is working wonderful for my puny weight. Going to rebadge that awful “goo” logo then put on crash protection and couple of aux lights and I am done gonna call him Garuda after a character from Indian mythology hehe (angry bird was more appropriate but don’t have a personalized name to it 😂)
  20. My chances of making it is marginal at best 😔, will try for sure. You guys Will know for sure when you see the empty chair.
  21. Looks like no escape,heading extreme south can Save you some rain and nice climate, but still will get soggy when leaving & coming back home. Weather in South east area like Washington and all looks nice, wonder if it’s worth to just trailer the bike there and explore the roads there this weekend and head back.
  22. didnt know where to post random riding related stuff, didnt want to make a thread for it each time i am sleepless and/or manic with some ideas. Anyways I really really reaaaaally wanted to ride this weekend. Was looking forward to that warmish weather and out of the blue they started saying rain. like 60-80% 😠 Any one know any vodoo magic to make it change. The front apparently is heading in starting thursday > moving to friday and saturday , this will bring in the warm weather but the rain as well. Now there is under 10% chance that the shift will be in a way the that the rain will start saturday evening only. Lets ride.. "the rain free window" @Jester_ 😆
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