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Everything posted by NinjaDoc

  1. Can you wear your full leathers if weather is good i just hate to be that solo douchey guy in crispy white full set like them yuppie california hippies riding up and down mullholand. Good thing i dont like to stereotype and call names. But let me tell you this you dont even need to carry a calculator and hence no pockets on leathers is no problem.
  2. @jschaf good thing you have the set criteria which makes the search so much easier the choices you have is very minimal as mentioned above / But i also have a feeling your the kind of person who loves to get something/ live with it/ learn with it/ and likes to keep it for longer time. This brings in the important criteria of reliability into question. statistics or just stereotype/ when it comes to euro bikes you are always at risk to get one of the crappy set. S1kR: good smooth engine/ tested power plant/ reliable among the euros / good upright riding/ but minimal wind protection / bother some vibration from handle bars / the rake trail changes they did to lengthen the wheel base some how makes it handle funny. I cannot describe it well, but overall the few motorcycles i walked away just because it didnt feel right. big ktms: just about the only reason you should be going for it is for pure brute soul stirring feel. The bike has less rider friendly dynamics as in the power plant is too much for the chassis. GT seems better But the ergo was just so perfect, esp the GT. man that is one sweet bike for sure. If you take the chance on this one the risk vs benefit might just pay off. Bags, adjustable screen, single side swing arm, larger gas tank, lot of subtle hidden benefits on top of the usual bag of electronics which i think also has cornering ABS the top of the shelf. And a rider with your caliber will be able to tame the beast real easy Tuono: i think the most aggressive rider friendly bike among the euros, will be the best out the box suited for track days as well. the engine note itself will be eargasm and added boost to the riding. But despite all this the aggressive ride / the amount of scary stuff about reliability i personally read about makes me wonder if its actually worth the risk. This one you prolly be safe to stay away from Ducatis/ supersport might be better option overall / less info as i havent "insomnia" ed on them yet. Monster 1200 was a good choice for my style except some quirks but i dont think u want this for your style of riding and this brings us to the most logical choice / FZ10 : full fills all your criteria / vast dealer network/ better reliability / comfortable/ good enough wind protection/ CP engine is one of the sweetest I4 engine ever / subtle advantages like cruise control / good basic electronic package missing the inertia blah blah thingy,/ can support bags in long run/ 190 rear tire / easier bike for you to get right into and comfortable with since I4 like your current ride and similar engine character with better ergos and then the negatives are few so far - some issues with engine tick sound / short mileage for a "tourable" bike some other random choices are there, i wont describe it here since i want that market to remain cheap for me next year lol So to make it short if your going with you brain decision > Fz10 best bang for buck and safe investment / if ergos fit you and bike speaks to you its a good buy. if you make with your soul : superduke GT: lot of bang for lot of buck: / but if you luck out on getting a reliable unit and keep the bike a long time you get your money worth it. Remember all high end euro bikes are going to take a bigger hit on resale value. Most bikes in the 10K + region you will be hard pressed to find local buyers to buy it outright with cash and will have to eventually trade it in > this means more financial loss. But i guess life is short > you only indulge rarely / go for it and enjoy which ever bike you buy. personally i want you to get the grom so we can ride "together" more often.
  3. You two Forget tonik, he is joining the Cleveland fast bros now. After his test ride in valley yesterday he spent all night looking to upgrade to fz10. And he is going to change his name to sonic
  4. right edge of the left edge line of road
  5. at least he didn't swerve into you, had few of those, scary crap. After few of those i always try to pass all the way to the right edge of the lane and as fast as i can go so that the whole ordeal is faster than the guy can think and fathom and revenge plot etc.
  6. yea totally the fjr wheels can be changed easier than the striple. Still not as easy as the vfr. like few lug nuts thats it. You prolly could do it in 30 sec to 1 min if you take only 5 for connie.
  7. this is exactly what i miss most about single sided swing arms, not just the classy beauty. But also the ease of work on it
  8. Exactly, both of us sort of work as part of our visa clause, underserved locations where no others physicians in our speciality want to work. Gotta do this another 6 -7 yrs before we get green card and chance to pick and choose options ourselves.
  9. psst psst pauly....route has.... 536 *giggle giggle* girly excitement
  10. was just trying to smooth things out your good guy qman, just didnt want you to get a different antagonistic vibe from us all. Since i saw you mention in one post we hate harley and bmw hehehe thats not true. We just hate harleys. BMW we like most times except few exceptions and reasons. hope to see you at next ride. you almost looked like you wanted to go faster the last time i saw you. The july 22 ride might be a good fit for your style. check it out.
  11. in short, let me address the elephant in the room this doesnt need advanced psycho analysis You love you BMW/ great bike. But you are doing real good and feel real comfortable on it is not because the motorcycle is perfect. But the relationship/ ergonomics/ and overall the bike just clicked for you. Every body is different and as soon as they find the right fit of a bike things just become smooth fast fun safe and pure zen zone riding each and every time you kick you feet over one. some find it early some/ dont find it early on/ some dont want to try it /some unfortunately cannot afford to try it/ and most just adapt to the bike over many miles. No credit to our superior riding or to the advanced engineering of bike. Its just what it is. and its usual basic human psychology, as we are flawed in every way, when some one gushes about how good and how much you love something, others around want to bash it. . Esp if it even feels like or the "under current tone" is " falling into a mine vs yours" argument ever so slightly. And in OR its "brutal honest day" every day akin to 10 year old kids. They know what the one weakness (almost always true) you have and make fun of it every day all day and every one gets it and gives it here. A motorcycle based Utopian society in short the big wall of text above is saying " bmw sucks since you have one and to me its not worth that much money i would spent to own and maintain one " and then you gonna reply " BMW is absolutely awesome better bike since i love to ride it, best bike that suits me and dont mind the price to own one i love " / But these exact statements are never said but sort of "hinted" in every post and arguments we make in an appropriate topic made by totally innocent third person called " is VFR good for me"
  12. nah nah, you were riding real good. Very good BP and smooth. I was not criticizing your riding at all. Just saying the FJR sort of felt like it needed more dedicated rider input than the other bikes i owned. As in more counter steering or more BP thrown out. which ever you feel comfortable and safe. It made it more fun actually. Never had scrapping, but then again i am only 150lb on 700lb bike heheh I bet some folks carry load in bags and camping gear that weighs more than me.
  13. 90% Yes to absolutely yes / as of now my off weekend. Awesome route and ty for planning every thing out based on weather i will be wearing my ricky ricer full leathers to break it in before the next track day. And it will be funny to dress real flashy fast and likely going snail pace though some section of the route described, esp 255/ man that road was crappy as c diff. i might even just run down 800 and dont mind the slab to 536 to meet you guys there just to avoid that freaking 255 on my striple. Broken up pavement is throwing me off of the bike despite the front suspension at its lowest setting on every adjustments spring is too stiff.
  14. chance of foot peg scrapping goes up as the this equation gets skewed ( counter steer + body position ) - motorcycle lean angle = less chance of scraps and " oh crap" Almost all modern day sport /sport touring bikes have enough basic design to be better than us measly peasant riders riding on streets. ( no cruisers/choppers included in this classification) This guy is probably a constant scrapper/ not bikes fault
  15. U prolly changed every spec of nut and bolt on the viffer after all these years. and I couldn't mount the dayum rear tire on the striple. The dayum design of slipping in the rear rotor along with the tire into position and me only having two weakly stick hands not helping this
  16. U mean working stretches of 14 to 21 day straight/ avg 90-100 hrs a week/ on call and not sleeping every 3rd night / unable to switch job or complain/ trust me- u don't want this. For sure I will not let my son grow up to be like me
  17. just wait at the next intersection, he will meet us there. Believe it.
  18. You still in garage tonik ? Get some sleep, resume tomorrow lol
  19. Looks like you guys got it dialed spot on hahaha
  20. Rosso II it is then , when did you sleep last night? i have a strong feeling you be on this bike for next gap trip why am i this excited for you buying bike, why am i googling for aftermarket in ebay for fz6 , i guess this is who i am lol ... cant wait to see you on a sports bike. why i am in posting every where, why i am i giving opinion on every thing, why am i becoming more asshatty, i guess this is who i am when i dont get to ride. and i hate it, time to go on a forum sabbatical / will wait till your "guess" my new bike thread and its modding phase is done
  21. Rosso / on a spectrum would mark like this > Track tire <--------- X ---------------> Touring tire lot of reviews about center wearing out fast but very good grip for occasional track days S20 had little bit more to give but pretty much the same deal as rosso the other sport touring tires mentioned here would lie more towards the touring aspect that track to make things simpler on you, you choose the cheapest you can get for the fz6 as of now which as far as i see are two options for you, get rosso from mike since he is the only good guy in forum. Or get the s20 close out which looks like 30 bucks cheaper but a 2014 make. you have bucket list of track day planned, i say just go ahead with either of the above. And next set you can do more Rehirosearch and contemplatyoshing
  22. He sure looks ready for it after all these years.
  23. This might be very personal exp but to me new tires sort of made the suspension feel more supple as in you got better valving and stuff all of a sudden. As they starts to wear out the suspension feels like what it's components would do.
  24. That was a lame joke from me Derek tires are real good for the price RD selling
  25. my striple was on stock rosso, not happy with it, some silvery lines in the middle making the design look ugly. and the number get increasing the more i ride
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