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Everything posted by jester3681

  1. My first two bikes were a 1981 Honda GL500 and a 2003 Suzuki GS500. I'm glad I started small - loved the Honda so much I bought two more in the course of my riding, and would gladly buy another. A newer 250 is an excellent choice. She'll outgrow it within a year or two, which is fine, but in my opinion it's much better to learn the fundamentals on something that's a little less powerful. On a side note - I remember being at Alum Creek practicing for the endorsement I never got and saw another guy there practicing too. He was riding a Ninja 750 or some nonsense and was clearly a newer rider like me. He almost dumped it several times, and couldn't come close to running the course. It may not be a bad idea to get her endorsement on a light, easy to maneuver bike like the Ninja 250. I still kick myself for not getting mine when I had the GS500. That was about the easiest bike to ride I ever owned.
  2. Didn't read any of that except your tweet. Even out of context, I give you an A+, sir.
  3. Well, you're about 45 minutes from Willard - there's a huge CSX terminal there - with your experience, you'd be a shoe in for the car department, loco shop, or even signals department. Rock star benefits, pretty good pay and a better schedule than I have. Just a thought.
  4. I know some of you out there did this at one point - heck, some still do it now!
  5. I went past it last night on a train... saw all the semis at the arena. Looked like a good time.
  6. Anyone go yet today? Looking for a range that isn't teeming with crazies...
  7. Son, you may be too young to remember the Motorcycle Macarena of '94, or the Flashmob Motofest of '09. I'm sure you heard about last years Gagnam Style fiasco. These things just shouldn't be done. People get hurt, relationships are destroyed. It's ugly. Read a book, stay off YouTube. Crap'll get you killed one day.
  8. Is it possible to mount the damper backwards so the piston faces the bike?
  9. When I type a number in to my phone, I can talk to the person at that number. I can text, too.
  10. This will be well bought - I had $230 in my wife's 16gb Nexus and case for Christmas and she hasn't put it down since.
  11. Just a touch rich for my blood. GLWS though!
  12. Yeah, I may be interested but a price would be nice.
  13. Just use your credit card at the dealership - most take them now. It they don't, I agree with the "just wait" contention.
  14. jester3681

    IMG 1276

    Just saw this pic, Ben. I think I would probably put my tallywacker in the tailpipe. Nice Cafe!
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