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Everything posted by rollnhot

  1. Lets see what kind of noises she makes after 1/2 dozen swigs of shine. I think that'll bring her out of her shell. Look what it did for Gump.
  2. Now it gets better, clambakes got a boyfriend. Poor fucker, bet he's got no eyebrows.
  3. I have six ladies that work for me, they say the ladies room is scary. Sometimes it looks like someone butchered a deer on the toilet seat. We have one heavy duty around 400lbs, that the girls refer to as the clambake. One of my girls came in hung over, had to use restroom after CB. Said she barfed in the sink cause it smelled like a month old litter box. Boogers on the wall, I'll take that any day over the clambake.
  4. Wouldn't miss this, I'm in.
  5. What the fuck has happened to our country, when bullshit and $$$ means more than the truth.
  6. Pass, already below freezing and snowing. Sound's like a good way to land my ass in the ditch. Wish I had a Harley, then I could just trailer it there.
  7. Hollywood douche bags, did someone tell them their opinion matters.
  8. Gets warm above 80, vents work ok when moving. Looking for something with better air flow for hot weather.
  9. AGV Teluride, knee and hip armor. Insulated and rain liners, vents on thighs. Got them at MotoSport.
  10. Don't look too good so far, more snow this weekend in forecast. I'll wait a couple days to decide. That's a long ride with possible snow or ice on road.:snowmanmelt:Keeping my fingers crossed.
  11. Couldnt find anything on that, but interested. ODNR has nothing on it, but not surprised.
  12. I'll take the non pc route, Merry Christmas y'all. Once again I'll prove Naughty pays better than Nice.
  13. Not reintroduced just highly adaptive, they've found a new home in the suburbs. I make a lot of trips to Indy for work and see road kill yotes often. Almost every one is within 1/4 mile of a newer housing development.
  14. At the Christmas party last night, didn't know. So happy Birthday Todd. Too bad you weren't there, it was the kind of big kid fun that you would enjoy.
  15. rollnhot

    I Want Snow

    Put my Jeep in 4WD twice last winter. That's too many.
  16. As long as the road is above freezing, mid 30s is no big deal. Salt and grit no thanks. Think warm thoughts and twist that throttle.
  17. rollnhot

    I Want Snow

    I could live with snow on Christmas Eve, but that shit needs to melt by 2:00 AM 12/26/12.
  18. Except the RD handled, the KH 500 cornered like it had an 100 lb. anvil for a front fender. My older brother has owned two RD 350s which was faster than the 400s, the EPA killed the 400s power. The Daytona 400 was a beauty.
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