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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. The nighthawk may need a bit more input on the bars because of its weight but should have a tighter rake and trail than the vulcan, meaning it is capable of turning in faster depending on wheelbase. Many variables control how flickable a bike feels, tire width and diameter, rake, trail, fork compression, wheelbase, back tire width, tread style and tire composition, psi in tires, width and pullback of bars.....the honda is capable of some pretty amazing shit for a bike it's size and weight, provided it's got a confident and competent rider in the saddle. Get it road worthy and take it to the track. If by the end of a novice day you're not competent and confident on it, it's not the bike for you. You can track a cruiser I guess...when I had my 1100 shadow I used to flog it into the turns like a sport bike...hard to get good body position with forward controls but I pushed that heavy sled through some pretty good turns. Keep at it if you love it. If your doubts are such that it shakes your confidence and you're doing more worrying than smiling inside that helmet, it may be time for a new hobby.
  2. Mobile version has stupid tapatalk box always at top of page, no option to close.
  3. Yes but my dick is slightly above average...not too may places I couldn't wedge it. I'm talking about an elephant ring stretcher....something extreme porn shys away from...something the average Lbts street meat would charge quadruple for.
  4. My eyes are sore from crying....I didnt bawl this much when any of my 4 grandparents died. Aside from my good friend committing suicide and my sister being murdered this is the hardest shit I've ever gone through....and all I can think about is getting another dog so I can do it again in a decade or so. I don't like living in a house without a dog, I just think there should always be one there.
  5. It's an awesome bike on paper but I fear that on thr street it's going to be the equivalent of having a dick so huge you can't fit it in anyone.
  6. We're trying prednisone with pepcid so his stomach doesn't get hurt, and massive doses of vitamin c. It's a long shot but it has shown to fight cancer in some cases. He's not acting sick yet, his lymph nodes are swollen up tho, so it's a matter of time...just trying to extend the time in which he has a good quality of life.
  7. Tragic and avoidable. I suspect a perfect storm of alcohol, too large a group/too close together, lack of gear and riding ability.
  8. We're spoiling him. Chicken and rice for every meal, lots of treats, new toy every day, lots of walks...
  9. This is not a pity post. This is just me getting shit out. My dog tyton was diagnosed with lymphoma today. He'll be 7 next month if he makes it that long. I always knew this day would come but I also always thought it would come a lot later. We don't have kids so the dog is literally our baby. If you have a dog, hug him, give him a cheeseburger, let him up on the good furniture and just be thankful that you have him.
  10. Ha. I bought a 6875 Surge 5500 constant coleman genny for you guessed it.... $300 last weekend.
  11. Huh...I didnt know they were fans.. Pig Face - Fuck it up:
  12. So pay your bills. If I don't pay my electric bill, they shut it off. Yes the grace period is longer, but that's because my house is not mobile. When people are facing repo they get desperate. They'll hide the car any way they can to avoid it getting hooked. This is a handy way to end - run that. You know your car payment, you know when it's due...so pay it on time like it says in the document you signed.
  13. What made the original h2 so fast wasn't some crazy powerful motor. The 750 triple made 74 hp max, about the same as any other 750 of the tume, and was detuned after the first year. What made it so crazy fast is that it was like 100 lbs lighter than anything in its class at like 425 lbs.
  14. Eh... lots of reports of the iPhone just bending from being in the front pocket of tight jeans....not sure if that qualifies as mistreatment.
  15. A smart company learns from previous mistakes...Iphones cited in this article: 3 Samsung phones: 1
  16. http://www.dailydot.com/technology/iphone-6-plus-bendgate/?fb=dd Lolololol
  17. Gixxus Christ!


    Hoping we can say that daily until isis is a thing of the past.
  18. As previously stated due to the position of their vehicle in relationship to my house and the fact it was 2am and dark as fuck, there was no way for me to get a picture of the license plate without venturing into the middle of the street, which potentially puts me in a situation where I'm fighting the 3 of them, which potentially puts me in a situation where I have to USE the pistol. Again, it's easy for you to monday morning quarterback this situation because it didn't happen to you. Given enough time to think about it anyone could come up with a better idea than I came up with in the spur of the moment, but you weren't here, I was. If the 3 kids were up to anything legal I'm sure I would have had a cop knocking on my door within minutes of them speeding away. I didnt.
  19. I didn't approach. I was on my porch and I just showed it. Wasn't drawn or pointed, just had it in my hand in a holster. And wtf do you care? You just here to troll and argue to give yourself something to do? Don't presume to teach me because I didn't ask for your fucking lesson.
  20. Then why lie to me about why he was there and say he was picking up a friend? Why did his 2 buddies come hauling ass back to the truck when they heard me confront him? I see what you're doing but you're just wrong. You weren't there. These guys were thieves and that's all there is to it. You can monday morning quarterback me all you want and put up a hundred more scenarios of what these 3 dicks might have been up to but you'd still be wrong. My neighborhood has been hit with a rash of break ins recently. My garage has been burgled once and my vehicles multiple times. One of my neighbors had his entire garage man cave cleared out in a night.
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