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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Butters, check out the agvsport veloce jacket. Its mesh and perforated leather. I bought one last summer and I love it, its like wearing a t shirt once you get moving. $120 at compacc.com We now return you to your for sale thread.
  2. Is he aware of this new stuff they just came out with called paint? It allows you to change the color of virtually anything!
  3. Did you go off your meds or something? Buy a plug kit, keep it with your bike Or...... Progressive motorcycle insurance has roadside assistance for next to nothin.
  4. My last ticket I was doing 75 in a 35 in Akron. It was on George Washington avenue which is 2 lanes each direction with very limited access...could easily be a 55 zone if not for a few driveways. I had my carry pistol on me and I started pulling over as soon as I saw the cop. I knew he didn't have time to run my plate before he got out of the car so I informed him of the .38 on my hip and told him I was getting my wallet, not the gun. He took my I.d. and insurance and said "dude, I HAVE to ticket you, I can't just let you skate on this". Comes back and hands me a citation for 54 in a 35, thanked me for being up-front about the pistol and sent me on my way. Since theniI've been yanked for speeding 3 other times, notified the officer or sheriff of my ccw license regardless of if I was carrying or not and was issued warnings each time. Once for ~60 in a 40, once for ~60 in a 45 and once for ~45 in a 25. I'm always respectful and cooperative and do things cops like during a stop like keep my hands on the wheel/bars, turn on dome light, remove helmet etc... I can't help but figure the chl, my diction and actions and being 100% legal with no prior trouble the last 12 or so years has a lot to do with getting so many warnings.
  5. Seriously tho, for a newb I'd try and find something old and fucked over, cb500, xs400 special2, xj600 seca2, kaw 400, cx500 custom, something cheap that works and isn't crazy fast, something you can learn on and won't get bored with for a few seasons. I happen to have an 84 magna 700 for sale right now for $1200. Low seat, easy to ride, reasonably powerful....pics and vid in my for sale thread.....and its not lbts or fucked over
  6. Hayabusa, let motorcycle Darwinism decide if you're supposed to ride.
  7. Video of it starting and running
  8. Still waiting on pics from my dad. He's retired and drinks all day so he probably forgot.
  9. One of the stock blinkers on the bandit was broken when I bought it so I yanked both off and fitted a set of flush mounts. I love the look but am concerned they don't stick out far enough for oncoming traffic to see them so I was considering mirrors with signals in them. Ideally the wires would be completely hidden. I've read reports of some being super low quality, the glass falling out after a few weeks etc. So who has some that they're happy with? I don't want to waste my money on cheap crap that breaks.
  10. How about a put back together TL? Super fun bike.
  11. If you were closer I'd take the job, I'm a professional mechanic and know my shit when it comes to old bikes, plenty of experience in the xs and xj motors.
  12. Avoid the bell vortex, I have one and its stupid loud....like louder than my icon alliance.
  13. Trade for TL1000s basket case? Whole bike, starts and runs, I have pretty much everything to put it back to stock except radiator and exhaust header. Its fucking wicked fast.
  14. Stats are kinda low for a tablet. If I were to buy another tablet (which I probably will not) it had better have an arm 11 quad core clocking at least 2 ghz and 4 meg of ram. Lag is my mortal enemy.
  15. That's some iron-butt shit right there! Of course it won't be too bad on a Connie.
  16. You broke bitches can't rustle up $1200? Jebus.....
  17. I thought about buying it myself but have no room till I either rehab the TL or sell it as a basket case.
  18. Idk, I'm sure its not as maneuverable as a bike but its gotta be somewhat capable. Buy this magna and ill let you know after I test drive my dads when he gets it.
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