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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Ok, my little android tv dongle came in the mail yesterday, so I've had some time to play with it and also my new router. I'm impressed, its very capable. My only complaint is that it lags while downloading via ttorrent app. Otherwise it does fine, plays hd video, YouTube, music etc. Havent downloaded any games yet but I'm sure they would run fine. Here's the cool part, my new router. Its got a usb port on the back. I plug in my external hard drive and after downloading xbmc onto any device and teaching it the ip address of my router, I can stream any content off that drive, basically turning my router into a wireless media server. How you like that?
  2. I don't have science channel its in the next package up and I'd have to pay like $12 / month more for a bunch of other shit channels I don't want. Reality tv is scripted bullshit. You can't learn anything from the learning channel any more, you can't discover new things on discovery and history is ignored in the history channel. There's no music on mtv and they're showing shows with real people in them on cartoon network. Anarchy.
  3. I don't pray but I'll hope for you. My mom beat it 12 yrs ago, even got to keep both tits.
  4. Keep in mind if you get a kitten that its going to turn into a cat. Also know that after a certain age, kittens can fly and secretly worship Satan.
  5. K&n will breathe better than stock and probably cause a lean condition. Stock headpipes will provide the right back pressure but more air in = need more gas = remap.
  6. My buddy raised one like this, used an eye dropper. If you ween it too early it will nurse on blankets or whatever it finds for the rest of its life. . Our calico nurses from the dog and she's 3 yrs old, was weaned too soon when we got her. Good luck, I hope little kitty pulls thru.
  7. Upload to YouTube, copy embed link, past to forum.
  8. Ouch. At least it was his bike that went under the oncoming car and not his cossack ass.
  9. Nick, do you feel that this forum is under-moderated, or just that there aren't enough active mods?
  10. Get money, smoke weed and fuck bitches.
  11. Yeah....motorcycle time is not dress-up and play pretend time....that time is reserved for when the wifey gets good and drunk.
  12. I was thinking of dropping the crazy off of my name, good to know which knob to polish.
  13. Gotta love a Jesse Ventura quote, ill finish it for ya. This stuff here will make you a real sexual tyrannosaurus, just like me.
  14. Well so far the mods that have read or contributed to this thread haven't seen fit to reign us in.
  15. Maybe you should follow paulys advice and not use your bike as a guinea pig...
  16. She either fucked off or has better shit to do on a weekend than surf a web forum.
  17. This. Unloaded in a backpack with ammo and unloaded magazines separate, preferably in a different compartment with a master lock through the zippers.
  18. And the lord said 'add rep to mine brethren who seeketh the tits wherever they be, and bless them with nipples. And so verily it was done, and the lord did grin and the people feasted upon breakfast cereals, and it was good.' Thread derailment 70% complete.....
  19. Rep for Derek even tho he lives 15 min away and NEVER rides with me. If she's offended ill gladly take it back and help her mend her crushed self esteem from a fat, bald, 35 yr old stranger on the internet making a comment about her appearance...and if she's butthurt, well maybe I can kiss it better. Anyone that knows me knows ill say pretty much anything to someone in person, but the likelihood of this particular situation being played out IRL would require either her wearing a t-shirt with that pic printed on it or a third party with some dodgeballs.
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