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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. First season is on netflix, 2nd season is on fx tonight. First season was better IMO, 2nd season isn't as much of a mind fuck .
  2. What a load of shit. This isn't some great step for victims rights, its a jobs program for liquor control agents and another piece of nanny legislation. As stated above the law has been on the books for some time now. It isn't enforced very often. Bars, especially the hole in the wall gin joints that I frequent, don't cut people off for being drunk. If they did karaoke would vanish overnight. Bars cut people off if they're being obnoxious or falling down/falling asleep etc, and even then I've seen bartenders just let 'em sleep it off on the bar. I want the law to go after Ben and Jerry and Coca-Cola for giving me the Diabetus. They should also go after pork farmers of America. They served my grandma too much bacon and she died of heart disease. I'm a victim! I have rights! Better go after the guy that sold those drunk drivers all that gasoline.
  3. I'd be pissed if it were my dog. The cop/journalists claim of the dog being vicious is dubious at best. If I shot someone's dog my first defense would be that it was viciously attacking me. For this to happen because some cop couldn't let a couple kids in a neighborhood scuffle get away is idiotic.
  4. Lmao, you lucky guy. I gotta lug my own nuts around with me everywhere I go.
  5. Before I hit him I told him he owed me for a pair of jeans and he said, and I shit you not: 'im not responsible for what my dog does'.
  6. Def sounds like you need to either move the needle clip down or shim it.
  7. Uh huh.....does she open her purse and let you scratch your balls once a week too? Lol...
  8. A friend of mine was bitten in the face by a pit. He was at a friend's house, stood up to leave and the dog just attacked, bit him thru the nose and upper lip. He sued and got his bills paid plus $20k I was attacked by a bully breed mutt a month ago at this guy I knows house. he sat there and watched while I tried to defend myself from his animal and asked him repeatedly to get his dog off me. Drew blood in a few spots, bruised the shit out of me and ruined a pair of jeans. I don't usually punch people on their own property. After choking and punching his dog I felt it was appropriate and drilled him in the mouth. We don't hang out anymore. U.P. and big chief, just meet up somewhere, pull your dicks out and measure up.
  9. Someone's always gotta make it gay...
  10. Quick eBay search brought up tons of stuff. Clutches, brakes, cyl head, cases, forks etc...
  11. Must be sx, sorry about the typo. The bikes were built by aeramicchi and re-badged in the US ala penton. Idk how available the parts are. I know when he bought it it ran and pulled the front wheel up. Has compression and spark, I tried to work the carb issues out but I'm not familiar with delorto. There's a fair amount of patina on the chrome bits.
  12. Looks like I'm on the good side of the knife karma then.
  13. Oars, paint brushes, deeter's monkey.
  14. Unrelated and totally random thought: Since receiving my first pocket knife at age 7 I'll bet I've lost at least 15-20 knives in my lifetime. I have never just found a pocket knife somewhere. This ratio is bullshit and needs adjusted.
  15. Sorry no title. Owner will do a notarized bill of sale FWIW.
  16. Bike belongs to a friend, he offered it to me but I already have 2 projects going on.
  17. Whole bike, starts with carb cleaner, needs work. Would make a great restoration project. Pic soon.
  18. Think about dying every time I get on the bike. 'this could be my last ride' Keeps you sharp.
  19. Glad you're ok. I thought I needed something faster than my tl or needed up make my tl faster until I ate shit down on 313 and slid into a ditch. It was half me pushing my envelope as far as ability and half the condition of the road and my bald ass tires. At least you could rides ot home, I had to have the old lady and brolo come down with the truck. Full gear does its job, I got away with a few bruises too, would have been much worse otherwise. Enjoy your winter project.
  20. I keep clicking ok but no naked ninjachic....I haz a sad.
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