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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Copper jacketing was developed because high velocity pistol rounds using smokeless powder and lead slugs were fouling barrels due to the lead melting in the barrel due to friction. This comes straight from a spokesperson at hornady. Also polygonal rifling (like in a Glock barrel) will also mangle an un-jacketed round.
  2. This has got to be the fifth time I have voted in this exact poll in at least a year.
  3. I hate shaving, wish the only hair that grew on my whole head was my goatee.
  4. All 688 of them...in less than a month.
  5. Omg I jumped ship at like page 3. Exarch, stfu, this is not your therapist's office.
  6. Hmmmm. Chances are of the chain is still in one piece you're ok, unless it skipped enough teeth to grenade the motor, then you're boned. Take the timing covert off and see if you can rotate the engine worth a wrench.
  7. I have to prep for a Colonoscopy the 6th....think I'm gonna stay home for that.
  8. Any chance of changing this to a weekend? I work afternoons and can't make it to qsl bike nights.
  9. Any chance of changing this to a weekend? I
  10. Forcast went to shit for Sunday, high of 46, cloudy with 20% chance of rain....
  11. +1, kid went from newb to senior member in like, a week. I understand you have a lot of time at work, so do I. You don't need to spend it constantly posting on OR, go to the men's room and rub one out or something.
  12. Wow, I leave for lunch and this thread explodes. I lived in the hood for a few years (mason park area, akron, roselawn ave) had all black neighbors, some of which sold crack, and I managed to get along with everyone....how did. I do it? Minded my own business, always put extra chicken on the bbq and cleaned my sks on the front porch every Sunday...i also owned a 7 ft red tail boa at the time, and would hang out with her wrapped around my shoulders. Nobody messes with the crazy skinheaded snake handling white boy, idgaf what neighborhood it is.
  13. Just don't get caught jackin it in sandiego
  14. This also has a lot to do with the media, which is run by white people....its kind of paternal racism, when black kids shoot eachother the media pretty much ignores it because they expect that behavior from them, its nothing new, happens all the time. When a white guy shoots a black kid, the media immediately makes a big deal out of it and tries to sort of say "hey, that's not how white people should act". if the while trayvon thing went down exactly as zimmerman said it did (he was looking.g for him, couldn't find him and was attacked from behind while heading to his truck, was getting his head slammed into the concrete, trayvon saw his gun and went for it so he pulled it and shot him) then he will most likely be aquitted. What that means for us, well there just might be some riots and some hate crimes against whites. Funny, white people.didn't riot when oj was aquitted.
  15. It's those Damn spotted aliens that smell like sour milk...(obscure as fuck tv/movie reference) Exarch, you are definitely racist. You're trying really hard not to look like you are, and I get it. It's ok. We understand that you don't hate black people because of the color of their skin, but because they are uneducated, poor, violent ignorant people.....let that sink in.
  16. This isn't the first backlash, two black kids set a white boy ON FIRE in his front yard just for being white. A buddy of mine at work who is black tried to argue with me about the trayvon case. I asked him why there wasn't a big media frenzy when a black guy murders a white guy and he started to say something, realized it was racist and walked away.
  17. Ok I'm stupid, how do I make it show up in my signature? Tried copying and paying the target URL but it just shows up as a URL.
  18. Also, anheuser Busch is an evil evil predatory corporation and needs to be stopped.
  19. Nah, makes sense that it isn't. Not everyone is a football fan, but everyone loves fireworks and bbq.
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