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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. Just got body work and new paint, want to protect it from mayhem. Ebay is full full of different brands and types. So what does everyone roll with?
  2. Ok, well it will be sitting in the garage all summer, if you find an extra $75 is yours.
  3. You could form the pan from kydex, then its just a matter of cutting the foam and stretching a cover over it.
  4. You can always buy a k bike and put f pistons, heads and cams from cycle x. Or just punch out and cam the k motor like I'm doing.
  5. Thanks Chevy. I just bought a yosh slip on on Ebay used for $125. Will have a beat up v&h pipe cheapcheap if you want it. Probably goin to go with the bridgestones and go up to a 150 on the back. Can't wait to get her back on the road, its driving me crazy not being able to ride.
  6. There is no way you would find me on one of those ugly, bug-eyed fagmobiles
  7. Having an 18 inch rear wheel really limits what I can shop for.
  8. And how wide can I go in the back? I know a few guys on here ride fizzers, drop some knowledge on me.
  9. Should have put a bean bag through the window after 5 minutes, or better yet, a cs canister
  10. Maybe he wanted to look the part but was to big a pussy to clutch one up.
  11. Eh, cards aren't that bad. I recommend you join a Katana forum and see if they have a tech write up on how to clean, tune and sync carbs. If not, I'm not too far from millersburg (I think) and could help you out of you can get them or the bike to my place in massillon.
  12. What's the difference, they're both insanely fast bikes.
  13. +1 Refineries and speculators are choking this country. The volume they can ship from the middle east is what essentially sets the price for crude worldwide, the volume we can refine sets the price of gasoline in the us.
  14. Glws, I have 2500 cash I would give for it right now.
  15. Dude needs to learn how to pick his feet up. They should be in the pegs as soon as you get rolling.
  16. Atta girl trying to advocate concealed carry, figures they would edit it out, damn liberal media.
  17. Pretty sure bad guys are allergic to 20 ga. Shells too. That being said, both my hs shotguns are mossy 500's in 12 ga.
  18. Or find yourself a v65 saber. Talk about a kick in the ass! Only drawback on those v-4 motors is they were designed by demons and are a pain in the balls to work on.
  19. What the Fuck.my dad used to sit me on the tank and take me for rides all the time when I was a Lytle guy, I loved it! That cop needs kicked in the face.
  20. Wtf, non drivers? How do you not see the brake lights, cones etc and just ram headlong into a disabled car? fuckin morons.
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