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Gixxus Christ!

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Everything posted by Gixxus Christ!

  1. yeah, I learned what proper body position is here. I really learned a lot about riding from people on this forum, I joined shortly after buying my first sport bike.
  2. i gotta blow the winter cobwebs out of my brain before i do anything. i've been on 2 decent hour-long rides so far this spring, both on roads I know pretty well, moderate sweepers with a few good sharp turns and one 270* high banked turn i call the corkscrew. hoping to put a lot more miles in this year than i did last year too. maybe even appear at a group ride. i assume that by cross threaded you mean the bike leans left and you lean right at the hips to keep your body somewhat upright? i rode like that for years and had no idea i was doing it wrong.
  3. i have a lot of trouble with taking the weight off my hands. something i try to work on when i'm riding but i find it hard to concentrate on that while i'm also using up a lot of system resources to control the bike and interpret road feel and make control adjustments. maybe i should just get a cruiser
  4. my TL1000S had the perfect ergos for this. the tank cuts were just right and the pegs were in just the right place that all i had to do was push down with my toes a little to raise my knee and my leg would lock right in. I really miss that bike.
  5. not enough apple pie in the world to get me to buy that slug.
  6. almost all tire manufacturers phased out release agents. the only one that still uses it that i'm aware of is michilen. the smooth, shiny appearance on new tires is due entirely to the surface of the mold cavity being polished to a very smooth surface finish.
  7. these are just standardized markings. not traffic laws. in ohio if a vehicle is traveling at half the posted limit or less, it is legal to pass them on a double yellow. period. not sure about texas.
  8. Know why the British drink their beer warm? Lucas makes refrigerators too.
  9. It was only on fire very briefly. It's also a unicorn motorcycle that doesn't actually exist.
  10. oh boy.... so much wrong with this ad.....and this bike.... https://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/6028262710.html
  11. picked up grains and hops today to brew the IPA for this event. should be about 7% alcohol and have a nice citrus/floral aroma and flavor with a good malt backbone. yes i'm a beer geek.
  12. depends. if the used one is in working order and came off a bike that was completely stock, ie, wiring not altered in any way and the price difference is substantial (double tells us nothing. could be $10 vs $20 or it could be $150 vs $300) then it would be worth the savings to spend an hour going over all the box connections looking for scorched plastic/corroded contacts. If the cost difference is not that substantial, get new AS LONG AS it's an actual OEM part. buying a brand new china knock off harness will probably net you a result worse than a 20 year old one.
  13. heat builds in tires because of 2 factors: one is external friction with the road surface. the other is internal friction from the constantly moving contact patch continually flexing the rubber.
  14. What time is this going down? Playing hooky today, was thinking of taking 43 from North Canton to Kent, check out a few shops etc.
  15. Try bringing the water to a boil, then removing from heat and adding the coffee.. Also try differentiating between teaspoons and tablespoons. Definitely try cold steeping.
  16. Not my bike, first customer of the year in the garage. 76 cb550, trailered in running on 2 cylinders. After pulling the carbs off I'm astounded that it was even running on 2, but Honda makes (or used to make) some fucking stubborn bikes that refuse to run, even when critically damaged. #1 carb, bowl full of green liquid no longer classified as gasoline. Float almost inoperable. Jets completely sealed with denatured gas. #2-4 carbs, in slightly better shape, but jets all plugged, float valves full of debris. Quoted customer $250 for full rebuild including parts. Bike has 20k miles on it so engine is still tight as a teenager. Will have it purring like a kitten by next weekend.
  17. Boiling coffee extracts tannins which make it bitter. Best coffee is half and half Sumatra and Italian roasted arabica cold steeped or made with a French press. I prefer cold steeping as it doesn't extract tannins or bitter oils, also because I like ridiculously strong iced coffee.
  18. All are welcome. Bring a fresh change of underwear, if you're into that, and an open mind.
  19. Do it. At the rate I'm going the garage will be a fucking disaster, none of my bikes will run and we will be eating cold ramen. It'll still be a good time tho.
  20. I would start the clock on those at the purchase date, assuming the bike wasn't test-rode several times while it was on the showroom floor. yes, tires start to gas out as soon as they leave the mold, but if they were stored properly from 2011 to 2012, that will be minimal. from 2012 to 2014 they were presumably inside a temperature controlled showroom where they were likely not bombarded with UV rays from the sun, and unless it was rode a lot during its stay on the showroom floor, they probably weren't heat cycled which also hardens up rubber compounds. but if you like to err on the side of caution, swap em out.
  21. what's the best kind of motor oil to use? chain lube?
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