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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. Most my weekend was spent working on some things and wasent really worrying about hitting a good lap time. Ended up with a best of a 1:56 for the weekend, but I was happy with that considering I was concentrating on other things rather than overall lap times. Thanks to everyone who came out to ride on the track, seemed like everyone had been to the track before but it had been awhile. N2 is back at PIRC for the last time this year on Sept 17th and 18th. Our next days we have planned are Sept 24th and 25th at NC Bike then on the way home we will stop at summit point main on the 26th. Ending the year with Barber on the 26th and 27th of November.
  2. There are more 675s around than anything at this point. Or at least that's how it was this weekend.
  3. Copeland, I have my 600 for sale if your interested
  4. I will be leaving in a few minutes. Be there a little after 7, just crawling out of bed.
  5. What time are you looking to get there?
  6. White 11 GMC 2500 with an 18ft enclosed, bunch of weird stickers on it. Not my trailer but I let a buddy keep it at my place and then I use it whenever. I am packed and can be there in a half hour but will probably wait until Ryan gets there so I can pit by everyone. I normally leave after un hooking since I live so close.
  7. I will be there around 6ish, maybe 7ish. We normally pit on the side closest to the track and sorta by pit out.
  8. There is still plenty of room for activities
  9. They should be open 24 hours. If there is an event going on Friday they wont let anyone in until 6 or something like that.
  10. I need to sand off my brake rotors, and wash the truck and maybe trailer between tonight and tomorrow afternoon. I will probably be at the track around 6ish, will setup and head back home. If anyone else needs a place to sleep there is room in the trailer for 2 people pretty comfortably.
  11. Yea it was a rough one. However the second crash was technically a side effect of the first one.
  12. I recently developed a bad track record with Triumphs so I'm out on that.
  13. Doesnt matter to me , just dont want you to forget about them.
  14. Speaking of takeoffs I still have 2 off yours in the trailer.
  15. Enough peer pressure might get you back out there one last time
  16. Bruh... you could take like You coulda sacked up and rode it
  17. Your telling me you dont have one day to go take the bike on a track?
  18. N2 took over their operations a couple years ago.
  19. If you rode with NESBA they probably have your info.
  20. There should be atleast three of us there with extra room for anyone to pit. Not sure if Brandon will have his RV there or not, if so he as to be in a specific spot for power.
  21. I will be there in the evening. Dont count on food for Friday night, however there is a food vendor there for the weekend, and there is also a dinner/auction saturday night.
  22. I am going to try to drop off the trailer (Ryans Hotel) on Friday night, which is when most everyone will show up. I only live 30 or so minutes from the track so I go back and forth at night for the most part.
  23. They do allow walk ins as long as they arent sold out.
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