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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. I know that they had figured out how many days they were going to run this year but aside from that I have no idea. I would assume it will be soon.
  2. I sure hope we can maintain this much interest when the day actually comes around "whenever that is"
  3. I live south of Youngstown and work in Pittsburgh. Considering I do IT work I cant make near the amount of $ I do around home than I can in a big city like Pittsburgh. I used to commute on my motorcycle but I have been commuting via regional bus lately. I have about a 25 minute drive to the bus, then an hour or so bus ride but I can sleep on the bus on my way to and from the stop so its not so bad. I also work from home twice a week so that helps. I would move closer to work but I like living out in the country, plus my wife makes more $ than I do and she has to live within her sales territory so theres that as well.
  4. Im the exact same way, I wont even try it. I dont want to hurt someone or wad up their bike because im listening to music. Unless its Brandons bike. I can wad that up and not even be listening to music.
  5. Marcel Irnie used to race motoamerica with them in. He still races WERA and other events while listening to music but idk... not for me.
  6. Correct, and normally listening to music on the track is frowned upon. You still need to be able to hear if there is someone getting ready to stuff you in a turn or listen for any other bikes around you.
  7. 126 more days until we leave!
  8. So much want... I havent destroyed my vr46 turtle yet or I would be sending you a message.
  9. I just use the cheap disposables. Ron uses some custom fit ear plugs and he loves them, they are designed for motorcycle riding so they still let some sound in. If you go to the motorcycle show they normally have a booth set up every year and they can make them right there.
  10. When you log into your account you will be able to see it there. They might not give you access to it until after Christmas as alot of them are given as gifts.
  11. Ya I would look for a track bike for sure. I know you hate GSXRs but there are some screaming deals on 600s with hooked up suspension out there.
  12. Just have to keep the R6 in the right gear and exits arent a problem. Also the newer 675 has more top end than the older one so its the best of both worlds.
  13. I got into cycling for a few weeks but I just cant get any enjoyment out of it.
  14. haha true. Im sure we will all want to take a spin on that thing atleast once. It was, but remember it kept sounding like he was hitting the rev limiter at like 6k rpm? So maybe the overheating issue is resolved and now this is a new thing.
  15. Ummm I didnt get any yet to be honest. N2 didnt really do anything down there however they had 150 stickers printed up from drippinwet. I need to contact Kappy to have him send them to me or something. I spoke with Ryans sister last week and she said that his mom wanted the $ that he paid for track days for next year to be used at a track somewhere instead of being returned to her. So they were looking into maybe getting some sort of plaque somewhere and/or buying a section of air fence at PIRC with his name and number on it they aren't sure yet.
  16. We could probably talk to Mark Junge and if there is enough interest get a group rate for those who dont have certs. Maybe include Ryan in it somehow.
  17. Sucks... electrical issues are the worst. And we wont have any B bikes laying around for you to ride this year
  18. I got my 12 days as well. Its not so bad, you just have to watch the little one so she can go what she wants to. Its a bit of a trade off. Or take the RV so the whole family can go.
  19. 08+ R6 is the way to go for a 600 IMO. I have ridden Brandon's 675, my 05 CBR and 06 GSXR and the bike that comes the closest is the 675. I liked the feel of the brakes on the R6 over the 675, comes with a slipper clutch as well and you can do a ton with the stock ECU. The 675 will have more torque but the top end of the R6 is very strong and if you keep it in the right gear you won't lose much on drive. The 675 I think turns in easier but the R6 isn't far behind in that category and it gives you more confidence in mid corner and exit. I haven't ridden a new zx6 but I hear they are very good as well. The GSXR and CBR I had aren't even worth mentioning in a comparison with one IMO. But those are just my experiences and I'm sure someone else would rather ride one of those or a new zx6 than an R6. They are for sale all over the place, but you also seem to pay a premium for them.
  20. Let me know when you are going, you can pit with me if want.
  21. I dont have any certs but you know im in! Need to make a post in the Daily Ride or something.
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