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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. I had a rear chicken hawk warmer that wasent working so I sent it in for service. Turned out it was an older model and would need more work than it was worth,so they took it in on trade towards a new rear warmer. They gave me a 50$ credit, and they were really helpful when talking to them on the phone.
  2. I think another problem is that places like PIRC are just going to get more and more busy and be more difficult to secure enough dates to make a series out of it.
  3. Oh and thanks to Ryan and Ron for fixing my fork.
  4. I took it pretty easy all weekend after my second session incident. But race school is done now so yay, took it pretty easy on the mock starts as well As someone who has just done track days so far it will be hard to go to nelson again for just a track day when we have mid ohio and PIRC around. If I was racing with everyone sure it would be more enticing to stick around all weekend and race but im not sure its worth it for someone like myself who just wants to go have fun on a saturday. Thanks for following me a session Craig and giving me help on the carousel.
  5. Ryan, remember to pack an extra front tire. I will bring a q3 front just in case.
  6. Hanging out with you fags to much.
  7. booo... looks like il be eating sausage
  8. Do you guys have your tires stored away with all the temperature swings this time of year? Or leave them on the bike.
  9. Signed up for Race school, and generator is getting delivered today. Things are coming together.
  10. I need to flip my rear tire and put a new front on when I get there in the morning. I havent gotten any updates on my generator order either..... so idk where the f that is. Hoping I dont have to mooch off Ryan all day.
  11. My junk is as ready as it's going to be. Need to change the front tire before first session. Can't wait for the 70 degrees and blue skies on Saturday. Oh and I need to break in a new generator if it shows up in time. If not I'm mooching off Ryan.
  12. The forcast has me waiting to register.
  13. On my first track day I think we had 3 crashes/offs in novice, but they only included one bike per incident and were during the leapfrog sessions.
  14. I just hope that I can join Jeff and make it into the iron curtain this year.
  15. I will be in race school on Saturday.
  16. I did, but it sat on the tire for a few hours. I called dunlop and they said it should be thrown out. Not worth the risk for me, will take a day off and grab a new tire.
  17. I was thinking of going on tuesday but while bleeding my brakes I got some fluid on my front tire and have to use the $ to get a new front.
  18. It seems like the dunlop are cheaper but you get free shipping on the pirelli so that makes it a wash. I just ordered a new rear gp-a but also need a new front. Maybe Il order a front pirelli and run a rear gpa until it keels over. Or is that a bad idea?
  19. Just out of curiosity what makes you guys pick the pirelli over the dunlop?
  20. Looks like a blast. I enjoyed watching your updates on Facebook.
  21. I need my own anyways even if I don't use it for Saturday "if we go".
  22. I forgot that I don't have any brake lines on my bike so I'm going to put those on tomorrow. If you go on Saturday I will go Ryan. We can split a garage or I am also buying a generator tomorrow evening to have for the other tracks.
  23. There will be more grip than your last track day at least.
  24. Well this all but talked me out of going.
  25. I have never been to mid ohio and have always heard about how slick it is until it warms up in the afternoon. That's really the only reason I'm questioning going and saving the money for a better day later in the year.
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