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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. I just wash it with a sponge like I would the rest of the truck.
  2. Thanks Jeff. Nope I just peeled it off of the tires, all I did was put a bag over the brakes.
  3. I did my wheels a month ago and they are holding up well so far. I used 5 coats.
  4. I saw you were selling the 848 rusty. What did you pick up?
  5. They said they allow trackers. That means track bikes right?
  6. What is the rental/entry fee? Race day Hill, are you going to be able to ride a 3hp bike by this point? I would go in on this.
  7. I bet that fun. My first laps at mid ohio were earlier this year. I got to the track late so didnt get time to put my warmers on went out on cold 211 GPAs, and it was spitting rain off and on. I think my best lap that session was a 1:58 or something hahaha, was scared to do anything.
  8. It would make me look for other opportunities for track days, like motoseries at PIRC on the 13th, however if it was the only option I would be out there.
  9. The idea of mid ohio in late September scares me a bit.
  10. I would like to, but the added cost of racing sucks. It's also alot easier for me to get away from home for a day rather than a weekend.
  11. Out, only day I can do anything is on Sunday so hitting up the N2 track day at PIRC.
  12. My biggest issue is that I need to sell mine, which is up for sale just need to lower the price I guess.
  13. Was looking for something a little newer, might need to run it past the boss.
  14. Figured I would start a normal thread for the weekend, there are currently two of us signed up for the weekend and a few others interested. Here is the track layout that is contracted for that date, but it could change if there is any safety concerns with run off. Here is a list of current registered riders, but im not sure how that correlates to each group, I would imagine it wont be too long until Intermediate is filled. http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.status/uidEvent/1D9C2A83-D02F-C5E2-8054D6CCB5011E1B?utm_medium=email&utm_source=motorsportreg&utm_campaign=EmailRegReceipt#.U_JyvsnD_qA We are planning on leaving sometime in the morning on the 25th. I don't have any details on camping yet.
  15. Intermediate. I am signed up for it both days. They are like N2 in that you can't sign up in A if you haven't been bumped unless you hold a race license with a different org.
  16. Sounds good Ron. I am looking at getting there the morning of the 31st.
  17. Thanks Ryan, I have mine but of others go with warmers it might be easier to use one as I dont think I could run 2 sets off my 2000.
  18. I emailed the org putting on the track day about the availability/cost of camping, also the availability of electricity. This was their reply. "I am working on your question regarding camping and should have an answer for you shortly. Given parts of the facility will still be going up when we are there electricity might not be installed yet so I would plan on bringing a Generator. Maybe we will be supposed and it will be installed." I also brought up the concerns of the run off in certain parts of the track. I had read that this org has its own air fence and figured that it would be in use. This is what I got in reply to that question. "That is a concern shared by more than you. We are going out to the track for testing in September to see what will be needed at the track. Every motorcycle group that is renting the track in 2014 and 2015 will be out there the same weekend. Once that is complete we will be giving members information on safety barriers that's we will need. But in short there will be Airfence, hay bails and or soft barriers deployed. At the moment the question will be how much. Thanks "
  19. Very nice Jerry. I keep thinking about picking up a FJR.
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