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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. Posts like that make me glad I live where I do. 25 minutes from PIRC, 45 from nelsons, 2 hours from mid ohio.
  2. I'm going to get schooled in advanced this time around. You can play with Jeff!
  3. I ran a 1:06.4 or something last time out, hoping for a 1:05 this weekend. And to take part in the OR train until everyone passes me.....
  4. I would think it would be better during a twilight session. You can pull in, he can make a change and you can go right back out again.
  5. Wont be there until Saturday morning. I hope that I can get some kart action in that evening but im not sure what time we are leaving for myrtle.
  6. Nice, will be trying that out for sure. Maybe work my way up to staying wide open the whole time but I don't see that happening. It's just a track day.
  7. So I am watching some videos and trying to see where I can improve at PRC. I need to carry more speed into turn 1 which will allow me to be quicker through 2-3-4 as well as eliminate a shift, and I need to get on the gas earlier for 7. But when does everyone let out for turn 9?
  8. I have Tims 636 in the garage when I get the itch to ride on the street. Ryan blames this all on you actually. You went and did a track day which made Ryan want to go do one and then he convinced me. I think we were in Florida this winter at Jennings, he looks at me and says, "You know this is all Nivins fault right?"
  9. Will be there for the track day, leaving for myrtle on the 29th. Will be my first time running advanced with motoseries..... be gentle.
  10. Would love to ride with you again Doc, my sister is in town but il see if I can get away for a day. Probably wont be able to make it though.
  11. Beautiful bike, would love to have one but cant justify it.
  12. Since I took a hit of the track pipe I have ridden on the street 2 or 3 times in 10 months. I think I need rehab. Ehh.... I know I need rehab but dont give a F. 17 days until PIRC!!!!
  13. Was my first time at mid ohio and will be going back for sure, there is so much that you can learn at that track. I ran some pretty crappy times, but at the end of the day the bike and I were in one piece and it sure beats spending a day at the office. I got there late so my first session I went out on my GPAs with no warmers, that mixed with a cold mid o track made for some fun times. I think I was more worried about keeping the bike up than I was to sighting the track. Next session felt better on warm tires and got the lay of the track. The third session "and last one of the day" it was sprinkling but the track was dry so I took it fairly easy. But any day you can get home and you and the bike are in the same condition they were when you left in the morning is a good day.
  14. The morning was ok but track was to wet after that.
  15. Makes sense I suppose. Weather seems to have turned a bit for Tuesday
  16. Its 2.5 hours for me and I need to change a rear tire. When does tire service open?
  17. Thanks for the offer, I'm about 3 hours north east of Columbus though.
  18. Truck is in the shop now, so unless I can get a lift I am probably out. Have some that I can borrow but I hate doing that.
  19. Signing up for tuesday.
  20. I will miss this weekend. But I can stop by on Friday if there is work to do. My riding mower is broke but can bring my string trimmer up.
  21. Here are a handful of pictures. I have a more but the wife didnt get many because she forgot her big sd card, didnt even bother editing any.
  22. I am waiting to see when the weather will be nicest and going that day.
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