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Everything posted by Jester_

  1. Jeff, if you want there is a track day at PIRC on the 31st with N2, which is the next thing I can get to. I am going to be away for that saturday and will miss the nelson track day.
  2. Its been a month since iv been on a track having some serious withdraw... 2 more weeks.
  3. I really regret not taking the day off.....
  4. http://www.motorsportreg.com/index.cfm/event/event.status/uidEvent/1D9C2A83-D02F-C5E2-8054D6CCB5011E1B?utm_medium=email&utm_source=motorsportreg&utm_campaign=EmailRegReceipt#.U_JyvsnD_qA
  5. You register through motosportsreg.com so there is a list you can see of who is registered for what group. I talked to them last week and they just said to register as soon as we could.
  6. We can haul 4 bikes, if we have room your welcome. I'm not sure who else my buddy has talked to so not sure how much room we have.
  7. Not making it. Trying to save some money for some trips this winter
  8. Sure thing, as long as we dont end up hauling 2 extra people down there.
  9. I looked at the videos some and I think that the track day is using the grand max straight layout. That would at least get rid of the last turn which looked pretty close to the wall.
  10. Myself and a friend just registered for October 25th and 26th at NCM, will see how it goes I suppose.
  11. If any of us were smart we would stop dumping money into this hobby.
  12. Will there be tire service there?
  13. It sure has changed, but been great. BTW I still have the busted up tail with the 3 on it hanging in my garage hahaha.
  14. Theres always room for more bikes!
  15. Looks amazing. This is something that my dad has always wanted to do and he is getting up in age where he wont be able to stuff like this anymore. Thinking of picking up an FJ and going up there then probably just sell it when I got back.
  16. Good to hear. You were a good friend being there with him yesterday Ron.
  17. Sounds great. I miss that sound so much
  18. I am trying to save up for some trips this fall so I think the only thing I am doing in august is PIRC with N2.
  19. I'm also guessing it will fill up fast.
  20. I would to see what it looks like when finished.
  21. Looks like there is some interest on AFJ as well.
  22. No just fluid and 1.0 springs. The rear shock is stock, I was going to do some work to it but the spring is good for my weight so I left it alone.
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