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Everything posted by ama146

  1. i just bought one, didnt want to risk losing this great deal. And FYI they are selling 2-3 or more a DAY, so if you want one, buy it NOW!
  2. Now they're gonna sell out before I can get one haha
  3. Nevermind I found this, and it is in Medina (like 10 minutes away), so no shipping! Hell yeah! http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110840609138+&item=110840609138&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466
  4. Do you have a link? I can't find any for that cheap
  5. That is always an option but I don't want to have to worry about that constantly. I have enough to worry about, so if I can prevent adding this to a list of worries I will do it. I asked because I have heard of people doing it before with no problems
  6. I have a set of Suzuka dual temps and there is a really good deal locally on a used Honda 1000i for $350. Has anyone ran a single set of warmers on a 1000watt generator with any issues? I won't put anything else on it but the one set of warmers. If 1000 watts isn't enough, I will basically have to buy a cheaper 2000 watt generator which I am trying to avoid at all costs due to noise, reliability, etc.
  7. How do you just order a race license? Don't you need to pass the race school to buy a license?
  8. There are over 25 billion combinations. Its not possible to play every one of them.
  9. I will be there Saturday running intermediate
  10. ama146

    walking dead

    you are sadly mistaken, my friend.
  11. Yeah it was a non-thoughtful idea. Clearly not worth it at all haha
  12. Has anyone else done this before? I don't have a street bike anymore and I don't know if I can waste another precious day like today without riding! How bad of an idea do you guys think it would be to take the track bike out just for a little bit (30 mins maybe) and stay close to my house? I am ITCHING to take advantage of today!
  13. i went to mid-o and it rained early morning before i got there. first session was so bad that half the open group pulled off after the first lap. i kept going the whole session but it REALLY hurt my confidence. after sliding constantly the first session, it took me a few sessions on a dry track before i pushed it even the slightest. so id rather skip a slick session and keep my confidence
  14. i wired my bike the first time without safety wire pliers... huge pain in the ass. i ended up rubberbanding a pair of pliers shut on the wire and twisted it by hand. came out terrible, but in the end it DID work
  15. will this kid get the death penalty you think?
  16. jesus christ man relax with the pictures. the last 3-4 pages have been you and nobody else posting...
  17. Found this song about Rossi so I figured it'd be cool to make it a video. P.S. I am not a Rossi fanboi!!! I just made it because he has the most pictures and the song is about him haha.
  18. From my experience of trying to get help for physics online, I learned it is a lost cause for me. I NEED someone in front of me explaining the steps and me asking questions. Just seeing the problem worked out online does me no good at all.
  19. I thought of that but it doesn't make sense to me. If I use that formula on letter "B" for example, that comes out to be -122.4N. It is asking for scale weight, so how can scale weight be a negative number?
  20. This is probably trivial for most of you, but I am struggling with physics and this is a take-home quiz. I really don't know where to start on this so I thought maybe someone on here can point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help! P.S. I'm not looking for someone to do the problem for me, I just need someone to explain HOW to solve it and maybe the formulas needed, etc.
  21. So.... Beaverun changed their name or what? http://pittrace.com/index.html P.S. Wasn't it called Beave-Run and not Beaver Run before? I heard it both ways and always wondered how it was actually named.
  22. hunting with something that attracts the animal seems kind of cheap to me... "true" hunting should be done with a weapon and yourself, no scents, feeders, or any of that crap
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