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Everything posted by ama146

  1. wait, so if i leave a AGM battery on a battery tender (jr version that has the unit plug into the wall intself), it will overcharge it and fuck it up? its better to just let it sit?
  2. bump for a great trailer! i have the wood floor version and love it
  3. Ill carry a knife and throw it at the shooter haha
  4. I wouldn't even consider going to a school that allowed students to carry weapons. Don't know why some people are so upset when it shouldn't be allowed anyway.
  5. You can't tell me that if a cop walks into a gas station and you're in there, you don't change your behavior whatsoever. I am incredibly intimidated by cops and when I see a cop, I get intimidated and don't want to be there any more. I have never been arrested or even a ticket before and I am still like that. If you aren't like that, then good for you. But I guarantee ALOT of people feel the same as I do.
  6. We shouldn't be afraid of the people who are sworn to protect us. I know im not the only one who gets nervous when he sees a cop, whether im doing something wrong or not. That tells you something about cops these days.
  7. Point taken. But you can't argue that there is some corruption in our government.
  8. how much of a discount do you get on the trackday if you race the next day? 20%?
  9. ducati didnt have a "booth". it was the "northern ohio ducati" or whatever it was called. so it wasnt a factory booth, just a ducati dealership booth.
  10. i remember nelson being like $135 last year...
  11. Ill throw you the link tomorrow. Hopefully ill remember haha
  12. i have fastest actually. i can pm you the link if you want
  13. Damn man you've raced against nicky hayden?
  14. holy hell man you run 35's at mid-o "comfortably"?
  15. there is no way a set of Q2's will last anyone an ENTIRE season of trackdays/racing
  16. Sorry for being off topic but I just got done watching Drugs Inc. on ketamine and made me think your name is in reference to ketamine lol. Correct me if I'm wrong. P.s. I'm bored if you couldn't tell haha
  17. Ill post pics of the lever in a few minutes but the gauge is fine, just the speedo sometimes goes wacko. Id say 75% of the time its fine.
  18. man this is such a good deal... i am really thinking about this. im in akron so cbus is only 1.5 hours away.... ahhh
  19. added updated/better pics and a video now
  20. Yeah I knew it wasn't your bike. It just for some reason made me realize that I have seen you ride before. If I recall you were clearly the fastest one there that day by a good margin. Do you race above club racing at all (Sorry if that is a dumb question haha)? .
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