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Everything posted by ama146

  1. that's not true at all. i've heard of many tires being directional based on how the rubber is laid. some can start to peel apart if they are mounted the wrong direction... and they are moto2 tires not motogp. motogp would be insane lol. i wonder how much a set would cost?
  2. he's just bluffing, hes jealous and wants the tires for himself!
  3. i have the older XT and it broke from just being in my spare parts box...
  4. so this calendar doesnt work... does anyone have an updated 2012 calednar?
  5. im not planning on going man, sorry. as bad as i want to race, getting there for the trackday and everything without taking a day off work is gonna be impossible.
  6. how do you know how full the groups are? ive always wished i could see this info...
  7. How do I check this? I remember putting the front wheel back on with new tires and the fork where the axle goes through wasn't flush with the spacer. Like the fork leg was slightly twisted to the right.
  8. I was planning on sending it to 35 Motosports where it will be $140 for the pair but I need to ship them and it is just a hassle. I would MUCH prefer being able to drop it off somewhere local. Does anyone know any place that will do fork seals on inverted forks for about that same price ($140)? I live in Bath (halfway between Akron and Cleveland), so the closer the better obviously. Thanks for any help.
  9. What kind of times do you typically run at nelson?
  10. I can call Bridgestone and place an order directly using contingencies?
  11. whats the point if it takes a few months? nobody will even be able to use them the same season then pretty much
  12. Does anyone know how long it takes approximately for contingency checks to come in the mail? I have been waiting about 3 weeks so far with no signs of any yet.
  13. i am REALLY tempted to go to this... just not sure for some reason...
  14. good racing, had an awesome time out there!
  15. hell if someone can pull off a 4 second lap time, even i will suck em off!
  16. i would like to go to mid ohio again this year but for $215 its a long shot. and with no org doing races there it just seems kind of pointless especially with it being so expensive.
  17. i was a bit nervous moving up to advanced but it is so much better. less traffic and more predictable and faster riders. you wont get any faster riding with slower riders. when i was in intermediate i had a hard time getting more than 1 or 2 fast laps without being slowed down. in advanced, you dont have to worry about it. you get to do the entire session as full pace. trust me, as a fellow that was in your same shoes at the beginning of this season, you will love it in advanced
  18. wish i could have been there. sounded like an awesome time
  19. Doug Duane at MPH in Peninsula can check frames for alignment as well as straighten bent frames. Good guy, but it might be a bit expensive (worth it though because you know he will do it right) http://mphohio.com/
  20. yep you and me were solo together in novice for my first trackday ever last year haha. you were an awesome coach obviously! and hollywood, i have been wearing earplugs all season so far but never did a side by side test with them and without them to see the differnece and i never thought it would be so drastic. and i will be running sbk1 and sbk2 novice at beaverun (weather permitting!). thankfully todd being the great guy he is is giving me credit for last weekends races since i crashed out saturday.
  21. I ran ONE mid 14 which was the lap right before i crashed lol. i'd say im somewhat consistently in the mid 15's. But it isn't looking like ill have the bike back together by monday. a bunch of parts haven't come in yet (unless they come in today which would be awesome) and you want to hear something very interesting to me at least was i actually forgot to wear earplugs the whole day and was running a consistent mid 15. after lunch i decided to put my earplugs in finally and my first lap out there i ran the mid 14. so in my opinion, the earplugs alone cut a second off my times just like that. i found that very interesting.
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