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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Follow me. I'll show you where to go...hahaha.
  2. Found a nice loop on 60 and some county roads near Coshocton and Warsaw. Great roads in great condition for the most part. Meet at KFC at 10:30 and should be back to Newark by 2:00pm. Post up if you're in.
  3. Tuesday morning, I'm in.
  4. No, not yet. Went to the fair when I got home. I'll see what I can do.
  5. No man, you were fine. I didn't feel like you slowed me down at all....and I'd rather have you along than not. Good ride. After the roads finally dried it was real nice. Route was a lot of fun too. I like that 60-22-19 loop, minus the off-road surfing. I had a blast for a Thursday morning!
  6. What's been done to it to give it that much horsepower? I have a friend that is extremely knowledgeable on the 998s (and all Ducs for that matter), and he seems skeptical that it's actually pushing 144hp.
  7. Haha, good chance if you're behind me.....you'll catch me in the corners. Unfortunately. I've gotten a lot better since the first time I rode with Hutch though. That's for sure.
  8. Hahaha.....yeah I remember. You weren't around very long though. Think you only made it out to 541, maybe.
  9. Yep....would be nice to actually get to ride with him. I've got to see these legendary skillz.
  10. Blitz

    Wednesday 31st.

    For real. What a mess. I took the car to work today and I rarely do that.
  11. Hutch asked me to put up a thread for our ride on Thursday morning. Meet at KFC at 10am, sharp. We'll be riding in the Coshocton area and plan to be done by 1:30ish. Looks like there are 3 of us at the moment, but if anyone wants to join up...it should be a good time.
  12. Blitz

    Wednesday 31st.

    That's what I meant. 520 has a bridge out so you can't get across to 514 without taking a detour around the best part of 520. I don't know if it's still out or not.....but that detour sucks. It's not worth riding. Shitty roads.
  13. Blitz

    Wednesday 31st.

    Hell yeah, and 60 being open is nice. I wonder if 514 is open yet.....that bridge being out really makes it impossible to hit the best part of 514/520. Maybe I can show you the detour roads on the route back or something. Should be fun.
  14. Blitz

    Wednesday 31st.

    I'll be there, though Todd coming along almost made me want to stay home.
  15. Blitz

    Wednesday 31st.

    Dude, Tuesdays and Thursdays!
  16. Nobody even slightly interested? I also have a black Teknic leather perforated jacket in a size 46 (I think), that's in great condition. Make an offer folks.
  17. Pmd you my phone number. Give me a ring.
  18. Hey 8rider6, you're coming from Columbus right?
  19. http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/102220-sunday-to-the-rver-and-back-redux/ Join us.
  20. Yep. It's right off of the exit ramp at 70 and 13 which is about 10 miles or so South of Newark. If you're headed east on 70, get off at the state route 13 exit and it's within 100 yards just south of the exit ramp. Be glad to have you along. Here's an address and picture for you: BP 10638 Jacksontown Rd I-70 exit 132 Thornville, OH 43076 Phone: (740) 323-2077 http://www.ohiogasprices.com/BP_Gas_Stations/Thornville/122204/index.aspx
  21. I should be able to do one or both days. Count me for one day for sure and possibly the other, as I have my girlfriends family reunion but I'm not sure which day. Icon vests look pretty cool. Not that it even slightly affects my decision to help (I've got too many friends and family affected by cancer as my motivation), but do we keep the vests?
  22. Cool. I think another couple of guys are riding too....but they need to meet at noon. So push it back to meet at noon.
  23. I don't want you along anyways.
  24. Meet at the BP at 70 & 13 at 11am. The route is about 250 miles round trip. Leave by 11:15 should be back by 4. I haven't ridden a lot of these roads, but have heard they're some of the best in the state. Pace will be quick, as it's a longer ride. Plan to stop at a gas station with a McDonalds or Subway for lunch. Yum! The weather is supposed to be amazing. You're never going to get weather like this again in July, at least until the liberals decide global warming is actually global cooling......cause anything can happen then. Post up if you're in! Route: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/2730797
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