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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. So many important Revolutionary War battles fought in that state, too. It's kind of sad.
  2. That's what I imagine a Prius made by Cadillac would look like.
  3. The new emblem looks horrible. Too similar to the Firebird's.
  4. How about a handful of little less insane theories: News media wants to interview a parent. After badgering the parents all grieving too much to want to do, or incapable of doing an interview, news media hires a crisis actor to pose as a parent. Crisis actor flubs it up with a not totally convincing performance. Same could be said for that creepy, seemingly unprofessional medical examiner. The old guy that talks about sheltering the 6 or so children comes off more as a lonely, possibly mentally challenged or disturbed person, simply liking the attention of giving the interview. The contradictory and confusing, and changing "facts" of the case that were reported are due to the chaotic dispersal of information as it happened, and the news media's eagerness to get that information out there as fast as possible- before doing a fact check or questioning if the information is credible, feasible. A quick PS/HTML edit made for the conspiracy theory video can explain the websites existing before the event. Did you actually see them before, or first learn of it through this video?
  5. Furloaf


    Really, I reason the perceived problem of arming teachers/staff is perceived as being bad only because of the gradual pussification of society over the last few decades.
  6. I hate how it looks in pictures. It's like a new Camaro rammed an F12berlinetta and they fused together. I'd like to see it in person, though. Fortunately I can't afford one anyway so I don't care all that much.
  7. Or do the opposite to doom the country... I've thought of making a low-life 1-stop super center. Check cashing and paycheck advance, pawnshop, bail/bonds, liquor store, rapid refund tax service, Hi-Point firearms vendor, quickmart and convenience items, automobile towing and repossession, etc., the institutions that thrive on people making poor decisions. Say a dumbass gets his car towed and doesn't have cash to get it out - hey, the pay check advance place is right next door. Dumbass can get his POS out of the lot and still have money to swing by the liquor store next door. Can also get junkfood and scratch-off tickets at the convenience store. The idea is that the separate businesses in close proximity act together as a force multiplier.
  8. Just started reading No Easy Day and right at the beginning in the author's note it outlines a major problem I had with this movie:
  9. Yeah restaurants are usually a pretty saturated market.
  10. Personally, a fabrication/machine shop probably but I have a few other ideas also. The premise is to find what market is lacking and capitalize on that gap.
  11. Spend some, save some, invest some, start a business with the rest.
  12. Thought it was mediocre. It took about 70 minutes to really pick up and be interesting. The raid was so casually presented that it lacked suspense or thrill - obviously I get the intent isn't to be an Hollywood action film but I still thought the pace was too somber. The somber pace goes for the whole movie, really. I think the movie needed to branch out and be decentralized off that main character. Take the whole perspective from 80's Afghanistan and follow the many efforts to track him down over the years. I mean shit, the tagline for the movie was "The Greatest Manhunt in History" and the film presents it as just a sole, nearly rogue at times agent doing all the work and barely trying to convince her superiors about her leads and reason to conduct the raid, etc.
  13. That was great. Piers was about to lose his shit several times.
  14. Haha I was really liking The Town until the end with the guy running around with a Tec-9. I mean, come-on, those guys knew what they were doing and had a superb arsenal until that scene.
  15. Of what I've actually shot: every Glock. Shooting is fun but I don't have fun shooting Glocks. I feel in a constant fight to align the sights from where my hands and arms naturally want to point. The triggers are gritty, uneven, and heavy also.
  16. Why are the magazines orange?
  17. ^ That doesn't count because he was trying to get elected then.
  18. Might want a NSFW/life tag on that. Some very graphic images of gaping wounds including head shots in there. Definitely has constant buzzing but I could tune it out.
  19. Before broadband internet was widespread and before online console gaming, this was a viable business. Now, not so much. The only place I could see it working would be in student union at a large university campus, and I still think that is a big risk.
  20. I was forced to use IE because the custom JavaScript interface for the database only ran full-featured in IE. That "program" was the biggest piece of shit also. Fucking JavaScript has no business at all in an enterprise function. Really that was a strong determining factor of why I quit that job.
  21. Never had it. Hate ABS already so I would likely hate TC even more.
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