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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. No errors here, but have noticed videos aren't streaming/downloading for shit today and yesterday. Everything else works fine.
  2. Shhh... Guys, we're supposed to be fixated on the CIA affair scandal.
  3. Furloaf


    What an idiot. Guy's going to be suffering from glock leg syndrome soon enough. Hopefully before he kills an innocent person.
  4. I like how this thread developed into CR Stoner Confessions/Secrets
  5. Furloaf

    gun control

    I might consider selling a few of mine depending on demand and how prices spike.
  6. Thinking of a 550 series? My first thought when I held one was "heavy" and not much else came to mind after.
  7. Ha, cheaperthandirt wrote an article that could cause firearm and firearm accessory sales to skyrocket. Shocking.
  8. Isn't that just a Sig-Sauer AR15?
  9. You don't have an extra bolt, you found an unnecessary bolt. Congratulations, you've outsmarted the engineers that designed that part. Stupid engineers think they're so smart...
  10. Furloaf

    Walking Dead

    Yeah.. that was good but not as much as hyped. The problem being: I didn't care about Lori so that lacked emotional depth. I also didn't care about t-dog but he went out with a resurgence. Didn't care about t-dog because he was a non-character. Give the guy some lines or he's just a redshirt when he goes. Though they did try the last episode and this one, but it was too late. Lori I was just waiting for to go out like in the comics, but thinking now that is probably too brutal for television. Also I really don't think that will be the last we'll see of her, and won't be back as a zombie nor as a living person.
  11. Has to be a rifle. There's a saying about a pistol's purpose being to get you to a rifle. Shotguns are good in pinch but a few factors keep them from being an all-around gun: effective range, ammo capacity and size, reloading time. I'd have to say M1A. Funny enough it's the only rifle I own so far. I'd feel confident enough facing any animal in North America with it. But for a post-apoc type situation I'd give an advantage to M4/AR15 for the ease of capability to scavenge 5.56/.223. I imagine you could find that almost anywhere. Retail stores, police stations, military, abandoned homes-if the owners didn't take off with it already.
  12. Just a cash grab by Apple from the people that must buy everything with the Apple logo on it.
  13. Thankfully the worst I've seen is some guy adjusting his scope (after every single shot) on an AR15, not taking his finger out of the trigger guard. Fortunately it was pointing downrange when he ND'ed while making an adjustment. He later shot the target hanger cable and quit for the day. I also notice that most people using laser sights are lucky to even hit the paper.
  14. What is crazy is all that went to George Lucas. Approximately half of the $4 billion in cash and the rest in Disney stock. And he stays on at Lucasfilm as lead creative director*. *creative consultant... might be a difference
  15. ...she should have shown off her boobs. Voted Pocahontas. Women's Halloween costumes are all about slutting it up.
  16. Interesting, I had thought that carrying a pocket knife was legal in Ohio, but apparently it is a misdemeanor. However... From: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.12 I think (D)(2) could clear anyone of the misdemeanor charge, as long as they were doing nothing else unlawful. My personal opinion is that I am always at risk of a criminal attack. That was for Ohio (state) law. Youngstown probably has a city ordinance or something. Again my opinion is that the city ordinance should be preempted by HB347.
  17. Funny. However, I'm sure you could find Romney supporters that would do the same thing. That aside, I'd rather kill myself than listen to that blonde on the left speak for more than 10 seconds. She has about the most irritatingly smugful voice I've ever heard.
  18. I've had two Sapphire AMDs for current and previous computers. They run quite cool while delivering high performance. Why is your current overheating? Assume you didn't OC it?
  19. The questions/topics should have been better. That first one was a complete waste of time. Really though, Anderson and Goode are a bit looney. I was actually impressed with Stein as she is good at reasoning her arguments, though I generally disagree with her stances. Johnson did so to a lesser degree, but I agreed with him more than any of the others. Johnson was a little too enthusiastic and strayed out of scope or even off-topic, but his closing statement was inspiring.
  20. Get a fence and a gate. Have big aggressive dogs in the yard. (P.S. the more bitey the dogs, the better)
  21. I'd put money down that Tom Dickson dies of lung cancer, or some form of cancer.
  22. They probably had a bunch of CCDs and stuff left, so rebranded the H1 and H2 as H3 editions under the new flagship Black with it's new CCD/Image sensor.
  23. ^ Look for a large amount of memory and base storage then. That seems to be what limits the OS upgrade potential.
  24. That, and the thing is retarded because it ignores the fact that phonetics in English depend on the surrounding letters.
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