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Everything posted by Furloaf

  1. Every government agency has it's own SWAT/tactical team now. Even Education.
  2. Every election is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION!!!!!!1!!!11!!!11!
  3. Because it is not worth that much. The whole idea is stupid. If he sold his Twitter then it is no longer HIS Twitter and no one would give a shit to follow it (which they shouldn't in the first place anyway, but people are retarded).
  4. Too bad the VP has very little real power.
  5. Romney sucks so much ass that I don't care anymore. I'm throwing my vote away voting third party. I'm sick of this 2-party bullshit that constantly gives mediocre-to-terrible candidates. Go Gary Johnson 2012.
  6. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3018/2394166161_dd2890a4c2_o.jpg
  7. Budget reasons I am guessing. Same reasons Darabont was fired. AMC does some retarded shit.
  8. 227. Really seems like to get a high score you need to luck out and not get headshot in the first 0.002 seconds
  9. http://www.knowledgeorb.com/2012/07/mars-science-lab-curiosity-worth-cost/ There are many other goverment programs that should be cut before NASA, in my opinion.
  10. Okay mostly harmless. Not likely to bite and if so the bite usually isn't that bad. You monster.
  11. I was trying to be funny but I think I might have das borgen'ed it
  12. I was going to say Wolf. Wolf spiders are harmless.
  13. Are there any that are very much not for kids?
  14. Obvious acting. Some fat people are comfortable making fun of their fatness/other fat people. That Francis guy on youtube is another.
  15. So Ohioans abroad are really as obnoxious as the Texans (everyw)here?
  16. http://www.amazon.com/Fitness-Quest-Edge-Programmable-Recumbent/dp/B000E64KT2/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
  17. It's cool, they can just print more.
  18. Edit: Or that ^ Run a web app created with Excel. You can hook up a BCL scanner to the PC terminal, and have drop-down selections for condition, maybe a free entry for notes or explanation of condition. Date and time will be automatic.
  19. These but in +P. I shot one into water jugs and the expanded bullet is terrifying. Edit: Didn't realize this was a for sale thread. HSTs are just as awesome.
  20. I would keep looking. The Integra won't be kid friendly and the Accord is just another shitbox itself.
  21. Furloaf

    Sig 226?

    Get it, you'll probably love it. The P226 is very smooth. I'd consider the .357sig conversion as well since it uses the same .40s&w magazines.
  22. Somethings just can't be explained.
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