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Everything posted by Limitedslip7

  1. Miller Dynasty 200DX... Wait, how much do you want to spend?
  2. Yessssss weather is clearing up for Monday! I might go ahead and sign up early for this one instead of the usual walk on...
  3. Naw, I don't dick around with them too much. I just want it to work properly without a bunch of Verizon BS.
  4. Which one has the least amount of bloatware and other crap? I'm about to upgrade from my old Galaxy Nexus...
  5. I don't want money or to sue, I just want to threaten him into giving me the damn house for the weekend so my plans aren't fucked.
  6. No, it does not mention anything about landlord cancellations. It only details the guest cancellation policy.
  7. I did a double Upper Gualey trip in October several years ago. We went in one of the bigger rafts and it was okay. Wasn't nearly as crazy as I thought it would be. I would recommend going in the smaller 4-5 person rafts; they looked quite a bit more fun. I didn't fall out of the raft though...
  8. So some buddies and I are going up to Cleveland next weekend for a bachelor party type thing and rented a vacation house for the weekend. I found a place that worked for the 6-7 of us, booked it five weeks in advance, and paid in full for the weekend. Signed a short term lease agreement stating all of the legal terms, dates, rules, damages, no refunds, etc. This morning, 7 days out from the the trip, the owner sends me an email saying we can't stay there because of another "long term lease agreement conflict" and offered a small 1-bedroom apartment instead. I already had everything planned out and now my options besides this place for housing are pretty much nil unless I want to pay out the ass for several hotel rooms on short notice. I told him that we are coming up and staying on the agreed upon lease dates, and that he needs to figure something out. He agreed to call around and try to find us something. What are my options here? Can he just screw me like this at the last minute? I thought the whole point of the lease agreement was to protect both parties from this kind of BS...
  9. I'm hoping to do the trackday on Monday. I'm going to be in Cleveland all weekend doing the stripper/booze/jetski/bar thing so it's going to depend on how I'm feeling and the weather.
  10. You're going to need to go thicker than that if you want to stop a 5.56 or 7.62 round, especially at nearly point blank range inside a house. Likely 1/2" thick at minimum, maybe even thicker. At that point you are going to have to take the structural loads into consideration. Is it on a concrete slab? Above a basement? At 1/2" thick, that's 650lb per 4x8' sheet.
  11. Maybe not... looks like you dipped out there at the end.
  12. Here is a vid from the session after lunch I think... My first few laps suuucked. I think we were running fairly close most of the day.
  13. Yes, other than the heat it was a great track day! The last session getting canceled kinda sucked too; anyone know if that guy sustained any serious injuries? It was nice meeting a couple of you guys and putting a face to the screen name. To the guy on the blue/white bike, you gotta post that vid! Looked gnarly from what I could see in my peripheral...
  14. http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m187/limitedslip7/urupa6eb_zps5d2c6489.jpg
  15. Sweeeet. I'll be in for Intermediate! I shouldn't have done Novice the last track day, my skeealz didn't atrophy over the winter as much as I thought they would...
  16. 30% chance of rain for the 23rd... this shit needs to go! I gotta test out my new GPS lap timer!
  17. He doesn't want an R, too damn ugly!
  18. Not me specifically, but a buddy of mine is. Anyone know of any for sale around Ohio?
  19. I can do it if you want to drive to Marion. $160 if the prep work is mostly done.
  20. I suck at driving, my best was 25.5 on the 3rd lap. If I just had another lap or two! However, that Fiesta did surprise me. Heading into the first hard corner riding with the pro driver I was thinking "WTF? This guy is going to understeer right through this corner" but it pulled right through!
  21. I'm planning on being there the 23rd if the weather holds up.
  22. Alternatively, has anyone used a high frequency GPS receiver with their phone instead of a traditional lap timer? I can put together a setup for around $100 from the looks of it.
  23. Anyone have a cheap used lap timer for sale? I'd like to get one before the next track day at mid-ohio on the 23rd.
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