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Posts posted by RHill

  1. it worked out well for this guy

    I dont know for sure, but I'd put money that there was a portion added into spike strip training after this event. "Park the car in the direction of the oncoming fleeing vehicle. The car acts as a barrier between the fleeing vehicle and your position when deploying spike strips."

  2. I think I'm going to need you to explain your position a bit further, because this to me reads like a word salad. You don't have to consider the hypothetical, the guy put himself in front of a car that was parallel parked on the side of a busy road in order to make it clear to the driver that no, leaving isn't the best idea right now. Yeah, he could have talked to the guy, but he was engaged in writing the ticket, and chose this method instead which for the vast majority of the population would be just as effective. If you've ever been to NYC (especially the area that I think this took place in, based on the cobblestone roads), you'd know that the chances of this guy peeling out and driving off at any speed faster than double digits (while doing no damage to his car) is absolutely impossible.

    Hey, if you want to be cynical, then be my guest. I have more than my fair share of cynicism when it comes to the police, but I also recognize a delayed pain response when I see one.

    When saying something like "his actions were necessary" you DO have to consider all hypothetical situations, because you are telling everyone listening to perform the same action in a similar situation.

    Standing in front of a car as a means to deter it from leaving may work for the mass majority of the population, but you don't plan for the mass majority, you plan for the 1 out of 1000 that will leave you laying crippled on the side of the road.

    Why are cops observant of driver and passenger actions when they are conducting a stop? If we planned for the mass majority, they should casually stroll up to the window. We plan of the freak occurrence where someone doesn't shift their car into park, is hiding something, is preparing to attack the officer, or anything else that is not "normal".

    We cheer on this cop because he took down an arrogant asshole in a Ferrari....big deal, he got his foot "run over" in the process and it could have been far worse.

  3. Adrenaline, man. Between the "eightball" and the "payday bitch", you really seem to like inserting random hypotheticals into a situation that doesn't call for them. I'm probably more distrusting of police than the next guy, but at least I can form a reasoned opinion based solely on the video that I'm given without having to toss in "well, what if's" to shore up my argument.

    Call it necessary to stand in front of a vehicle that is attempting to flee and you have to consider the hypothetical, because you are approving it to be done in every similar situation in the future. Also, it is not a random hypothetical, some day someone will really want to get away, and they will not give a shit about running a cop over.

    As for the "payday bitch" scenario, that wasn't a hypothetical, it was just an observation that the car bumped his foot and he had no reaction to the pain until he noticed a camera. Adrenaline could explain it, but the cars movement at the time the cop went from writing a ticket to punching the window seem to point in another direction.

  4. ^this

    I have been riding AGATT. Last Friday I had to go to get a starter for my car, and I was already dirty from climbing under the car to verify the solenoid was bad. So I didn't put on any gear besides gloves and helmet. Felt really uneasy and I only went about 4 miles total in a perfectly straight line.

  5. I do, its hard to fault people acting in the moment, but I don't agree with calling it necessary. Say that and someone else will do the same thing, but they may not be so lucky. My opinion probably comes from my job dealing with safety.

    I still think he is an idiot for trying to use his foot as a wheel chock after the driver bumped into him and kept advancing.

  6. being a cop doesn't entail being a speedbump, call this stupid shit necessary and that is what will happen

    The cop doesnt know if the driver has an eightball tucked between the seats and will do something crazy to avoid interaction with the cop and the possibility of going to jail. Putting himself in the path of the vehicle is fucking retarded. Being a Ferrari, the driver may not be so stupid....but the video just goes to show how stupid someone in a Ferrari can be.

  7. He's joking. GSXR riders tend to be the most common which means, they have the most squids in the % of riders out there also.

    I raced several years with GSXRs and can tell you it has nothing to do with what he stated. But, it is also a bit true as many are squids and unfortunately, they tend to ride GSXRs due to the popularity of the brand.

    There are plenty of examples of squids on other brands. Trust me...

    I was just fucking around...maybe the over use of smiley's made me come of serious. But I do agree, there are squids on all brands, and the popularity makes GSXR's stand out.

    IMO the highway is not much different than everywhere else, you have to pay attention to all the drivers around you and be prepared to counter any mistake they make. Dont stay beside cars/trucks/tractor trailers if you can. Avoid blind spots like the plague. When you are passing do it quickly. Watch out for on/offramps because thats where the idiots like to show themselves. Dont tailgate; pass. Always check your own blindspots when changing lanes/merging. Basically, practice good driving etiquette and be prepared for those who don't.

  8. You are giving a parking ticket, a person gets in the car and starts to drive away.....do you feel it necessary to stand in front of the car and risk your own well being over a ticket? Would you place your foot in front of the wheel of a car, and try to explain to the driver that he was about to run over your foot?

    It doesnt matter if the dumbass was driving a Ferrari or a pinto, the cops actions were unnecessary and put himself in harms way because he "had" to give a ticket. Attempting to punch out the guys window just put the icing on the "overly aggressive" cake.

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