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Posts posted by RHill

  1. thought no surprises once i saw the first pic, but then the third guy rolls in from the right side...

    Gotta imagine at those speeds you should've had time to brake rather than "roll it over to keep from crashing"...

    I'm wondering how the guy in the tank top crossed the line, the third guy probably target fixated and locked up the brakes.

  2. I have to go to Pa tomorrow. Throwing on new tires on both sets of rims and a bunch of other little stuff.

    Any chance to get out sunday? I'll be rushed as all hell, but I could get back saturday and mount up some wheels, change my oil and be ready early sunday morning.

  3. thx for posting, good one ryan. pretty good capture for such an overcast "antigopro" weather

    you need to get a bag of mounts from amazon for cheap to fix that mount issue of yours or else its gonna shake and make the noise all the time i guess.

    I actually got a few low profile mounts in the mail from gopro a day or two ago.

    I really like the helmet mount to the rear, because the tail was in frame most of the time, but from the front its kind of disorienting since none of the bike is in frame.

    Jester, next time we are riding remind me and I'll get some closer shots if you want. I really wish the camera didnt go dead when it did, missed some good portions of the ride and missed a ton later in the day when I was riding a little more aggressive.

  4. (hypothetically, of course) if you were growing your own, strictly for your own consumption (and perhaps a friend or two when they came to visit), then Yes, it's harmless.

    the story referred to a somewhat large-scale operation - which could easily include bodily harm to the people involved in the operation as, for instance, debts go unpaid, turf wars evolve, etc.

    mebbe that's why 5-0 got involved?

    no, growing your own is not harmless, because you can still be utterly fucked by the legal system. In fact cultivation can bring about more repercussions than purchasing on the street, especially when cop math becomes involved.

    all the negatives you associate with large-scale operations are byproducts of the legality of the substance and in reality have nothing to do with the drug itself

    who is profiting/benfiting from the illegality of certain drugs? The cops? Doubt it. They have to hire and pay personnel to fight "the war on drugs". this is a real (not arguing) question, as i can't see who profits.

    IF the gub'ment legalized "soft" drugs like marijuana and taxed the crap outta them like they do to alcohol and smokes, would they not reap a windfall? Collect money (positive cash flow) from taxes instead of spending money (negative cash flow) on police actions such as this one? Seems to my simple mind that in this day and age of soaring budget deficits at all levels it would make sense.

    I was born in the USA and am old enough - maybe I'll run for POTUS... :wtf:

    a better question is who doesnt profit from the illegality of drugs?

    cops get paid to enforce laws....they profit from the illegality

    judges get paid to sit on cases...they profit

    prisons get paid to house inmates....they profit

    drug dealers get paid to sell the drugs....they profit, until they are caught, at which time they are fucked

    the only people who dont profit are the people who foot the bill, and they are too happy go lucky thinking they are being "protected" by all the drug busts in the newspaper to give a shit

  5. I'm interested in general info and requirements.

    I've got a title for my bike, but never got it transferred over yet.

    Any noise requirements? Its a yz 250 2 stroke, kind of loud.

    Where is this P3 area?

    Looks like I might have to get some camping gear, would be too much for a single day trip.

  6. Yep, I encourage kids shooting smack.....right along with munching on rat poison and washing it down with bleach.

    The legality of the substance has nothing to do with it being good or bad(as a substance), but when a substance is deemed illegal it inherently brings about negative repercussions along with negative connotations(the bad).

    rhetorical question or not, there is your answer

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  7. not really (but kinda) arguing, but are there any other laws that should not be enforced?

    what if it were cocaine being sold? or ecstasy? heroin is bad, right?

    until marijuana is completely legal, shouldn't operations such as this (just a bit larger than one friend selling to another) be shut down?

    just wondering.

    drug's are not illegal because they are bad, they are bad because they are illegal

  8. So I just purchased a go pro hero hd2 a few weeks ago....probably used it all of 3 times before one of the tabs broke on the low profile mount. It is still usable, but not exactly the most sturdy looking thing. Anyway, I sent an email to Go Pro's customer service to tell them about my trouble and ask if they sold the mount separately so I could get a replacement and a spare. They asked for a receipt+serial number, told me they would see what they could do and pointed me to the grab bag on their website($20).

    Skip to today


    Thanks GoPro!

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