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Everything posted by RHill

  1. there are a few people on the N2 forum selling credits for a pretty good discount......they would be good for Road Atlanta and VIR.....
  2. First track pics of 2015....nice!!! The off looks like 13?
  3. Nice! Ron told me a little about the package deal...more like a steal. Rear shock has been sent off to Pro-Line suspension to be rebuilt; quickshifter if off to Annitori for warranty replacement/upgrade to their newer QS Pro. Riders Discount hooked it up quick....replacing seals in both bikes this weekend. Springs are for the street/B bike. Picked up a 16 tooth front sprocket for a little more top end for Atlanta.
  4. 2nd SV? It went on pretty damn well. Probably used 2/3 of the resin and half the glass in the repair kit...mainly because I broke the repairs up into 3 separate jobs...each with waste resin. I'm slightly concerned with adhesion....resin runs could be picked off with a fingernail, but those runs were over dirty painted areas. Areas that were prepped properly seem solid. The repaired areas seem to have a lot of rigidity compared to my previous repairs. Quick rundown of what I did: Sand down to the underlying glass if there is overspray/paint, blow off, wipe down with alcohol, tape off from the back(outside)if there are cracks or holes, cut the glass to fit the areas to be applied, mix the resin, apply a coat of resin to the areas to be glassed, stick on the glass and use brush pressure/pricking with light topcoats to saturate the glass...repeat. I applied 2-4 layers depending on the damage and stress the area will see in normal use.
  5. After too long of a winter break, it finally warmed up enough to start working on the bike. First, did some fiberglassing using this kit from 3m....seems to have worked well; at least better than 2 part epoxy thinned with denatured alcohol that I've used in the past. Comes with the resin, hardener and fiberglass mat. Need to sand more before finishing up the glass tomorrow....then on to filler, more sanding and paint. Made the mistake of letting this guy loose with a cutoff wheel...walk away for 2 minutes and the swing arm and exhaust were missing from the bike.... In reality he was hacking away at the frame trying to clean up a spot to weld on some new rearset mounting points. Turned out looking pretty good; have to drill and tap new holes then give them a load test. Thanks Brandon for all the help! During all the fun, found my forks and shocks are leaking....ordered some new seals/oil from RidersDiscount along with springs for the street bike. For the shock I'm going to make some calls tomorrow, if it can't get done, I may just clean it up for now and take a stock shock as a backup for Road Atlanta and VIR. Just for shits and giggles....guess I took this screenshot while on the oxy, because I don't remember taking it or posting it on picasa, but there it was.....yep, thats a wave goodbye to the bike on the right
  6. Interested in the 520ERV2.....what is the front sprocket for?
  7. Yeah they wrote back, part of the reason for taking the video clip. Not exactly sure what I'm supposed to replace the components with. Pretty sad, had plans on purchasing another one of these for my nephew. "Thank you very much for your recent message. Please try as follows: 1.Replace the receiver board; 2.Replacement frequency shift; 3.Replacement remote control to operate again. Please let us know the result and please note that the item also will be in full charger. "
  8. Still haven't started working on the bike......I like the pressure. and the garage is fucking cold.
  9. Unfortunately, yeah. Tempted to tear apart the transmitter apart and take a look at the solder joints, but I'll hold off till I hear back from gearbest. Damn tease....thing was fun while it lasted.
  10. Damnit, my radio seems to be broken. Literally boxed the thing up last night in the shipping package the same way it was delivered, took it to work to fly in a larger area, opened it back up, and now all the radio does is beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep constantly when it is turned on. Tried a few different batteries, starting it up with buttons pressed, verifying that none of them are stuck down...all to no avail, all the thing does is annoyingly scream at me.
  11. That's the high rates, right? Switched over to high pretty quick after trying out the camera. Wasn't all that impressed with the video quality, but that was in a dimly lit apartment. Looking forward to trying some forward flight in a bigger area tomorrow and maybe a little outdoor as well.
  12. Just got the syma in today...ordered on the 7th last month. Took awhile, but I didn't expect much when ordering. This thing is pretty damn maneuverable. Was hesitant to try a flip, but after the first I couldn't stop. Started messing around trying to chop the throttle at the right moment and got a couple doubles.....all in the single story living room. Started using my real charger with the batteries instead of the USB thing....any idea of the C rating to charge at? Normally I charge at lipos at 1c, but I'm hesitant with these little guys.
  13. My 2 cents... Stock suspension/springs? Start with springs, add a fork oil refresh while you are at it, make sure everything is in good mechanical shape (including your protective gear) and ride. You can do more if you want, just keep in mind the biggest variable on the bike is the rider and the only way to improve the rider is through experience and knowledge.
  14. and damn Dan....think you could fit another bike in there? Is that a new pit bike I spy?
  15. You got a link? We need to entice some more of these fuckers to join in.....
  16. Bumpity bump bump Need to get my ass in gear and start getting the bike ready
  17. Have wanted a quad for a long time...after watching a few videos, couldn't pass up the syma x5c-1. Seems to have range problems, but simple antenna mods seem to help with that.
  18. Wern't you just at NOLA Rusty?
  19. Read a couple more chapters last night; focused on keeping the eyes moving, looking ahead to slow things down and using peripheral vision to keep track of riders and other obstacles. Nothing "new", but still good info. Know I'm guilty of not looking ahead enough when approaching other riders.
  20. Bored by the superbowl so far, so I'm browsing around riding technique videos on youtube....figured posting a thread to see what others have found informative. Code's books...Twist of the Wrist volume 1 and 2 & Soft Science of Road Racing are all good reads. Just picked up Sport Riding Techniques by Nick Ienatsch. Barely started into it, but I'm hoping it takes more of a track oriented turn, because it has street based for the first two chapters. Nick is also one of the instructors for the Yamaha Champions School and has a few interesting videos up: Seahawks just scored seconds before the half, second half might be a little more entertaining.
  21. Sure we can find some room. N2 has prices listed with the schedule http://www.n2td.org/calendar/
  22. sounds like you should give us a tow
  23. 8/29 PIRC Full 8/30 PIRC Full 8/31 VIR North 9/1 VIR Full
  24. RHill


    http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/106618-road-atlanta-vir-4415-4615/?p=1428025 Think I'll be alright
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