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Everything posted by RHill

  1. Hope it is a little warmer than that, average looks like mid/low 60's. Haven't seen any info about the track surface....how it handles cold/wet conditions. Jealous of NOLA!
  2. Ever been to Road Atlanta in April?
  3. Fuck this weather, really need to move south. Came home to a house that is 50 degrees, apparently the heater stopped working....
  4. RHill


    Any word if Mid-O is going to run any winter discounts on gift certificates like they have perviously? Think I still have a couple left, but I'd be tempted to pick up a few more.
  5. RHill


    looking forward to seeing the schedule and figuring out how this summer will go
  6. Road Atlanta.......AND......VIR, how is there any other option?
  7. we will just have color eggs in the trailer and hide them around the paddock
  8. you know, I heard telemetry is most useful when you compare it to someone else's data.....think that means you should loan that fancy new toy to me for a session and we compare fast/slow sections.
  9. N2 is running a pretty sweet package deals for 6,12, 18 days, or their season pass. Packages >6 days include the elite membership; allows you to sign up/cancel last minute with no penalties Their calendar at http://www.n2td.org/calendar/ Will be a lot more traveling, but I think it will be worth it. Not trying to advertise for N2; just think it will be awesome to hit some new tracks with some familiar faces
  10. this makes me want to hit Jennings again: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q40PrakrvFQ#t=14
  11. Thats too bad John, let me know if anything changes.
  12. Get on it! From the pic you posted up, looks like you could ride it right now.
  13. Throwing it out there, a few of us are planning a trip to Road Atlanta for the 4/4-5 weekend to followed by Monday 4/6 at VIR on the way back. If anyone is interested post up!
  14. check the jennings site, but I think every weekend in March is a public track weekend.
  15. lookin good, any plans for paint?
  16. Can ya see how dirty it is here?
  17. If I had more disposable income I'd have one of the vests along with a new suit, newer bike, constant new tires, toy hauler, umbrella girl......
  18. Really wish I could. Don't want to drain the piggybank.
  19. N2 has a day at VIR following the RA weekend. It is 3 additional hours driving(total), but that isn't too bad for a day to try out a new distant track if you can swing an extra vacation day. Comeon Craig, you know you wanna...
  20. not to mention the tires....
  21. haha the pic didn't show up while I was at work; nice! Wish I had video from the last return to the store, when Tim left in advance and I ran him down....that is the one that bothers me, because it was too fun and I'd do it again.
  22. Think I did 16 as well; including Jennings and counting race days. Would have cleared 20 if it wasn't for a rainy day at Nelson.
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